Lt. Col. Allen West spoke at lunch today at CLC. He recalled “Braveheart,” with the victorious Scots bickering about who is to be the new king. “It’s time to fight the real enemy,” he said.
He suggested conservatives are today going to battle with weapons loaded with blanks.
Liberals know what they want: for everything to be run from Washington. “You didn’t build that” is, he said, “an automatic disqualification for running this great nation.”
Conservatives have failed to follow the ethos he learned in the Army: “We haven’t been tough, we haven’t been disciplined, we haven’t been paratroopers.”
“You gotta ‘ruck up,'” he told CLC.
Why has the nation allowed the black communities he knew as boy suffer so much decline? he asked.
He called up a boy named Jack to the stage.
“Freedom’s battleground is allowing Jack to grow up in the world’s greatest nation,” he said.
“What will your legacy be?” he asked. He recalled the battle of Thermopylae.
He rolled up his sleeves to show a tattoo of a motto fromw hat the besieged Spartans, defending their heritage, told the Persians: “molon labe,” “Come and take it.” Today’s Americans must show the same fire and determination in defending their heritage.
There’s a dash between your birth year and death year on your tombstone, West said. “What will you do with your dash?”
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