In 1788 Thomas Jefferson wrote that “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” It’s a dilemma that has plagued governments long before our own. The concentration of power inevitably leads to corruption and tyranny. Just a quick glance at our federal debt clock exposes the catastrophic mess that has been made out of our national government.
But if there is one advantage of a broken federal government it can highlight the fact that reform is taking place at the state level. We’ve seen some of that in North Carolina and other states. Of course, welfare reform and scores of other innovative reforms were championed by states. While the federal government is boxed in by a mammoth bureaucracy and crippling debt, the onus is on the states and its citizenry to expand freedom.
Here are a few things we can do (and continue to do) in North Carolina to expand freedom now:
1) Lower the tax cap:
Voters have an opportunity in November to approve a state constitutional amendment to cap the income tax at 7 percent. This is lower than the current 10 percent cap. Unfortunately, state lawmakers did not approve the originally proposed cap of 5.5 that passed the state Senate. Still, 7 percent is better than 10. While lowering the cap doesn’t reduce any taxes now it obviously shields citizens from higher rates like the 8 percent that some experienced during the tenures of governors Mike Easley and Bev Perdue.
North Carolinians should continue to demand low taxes. Lower taxes not only stimulate economic growth and prosperity but its the morally right thing to do to allow people the fruits of their labor. North Carolinians should never tire in petitioning their representatives for lower taxes.
2) Reform Occupational Licensure Laws: