It’s too expensive, doesn’t attract enough young healthy people to make it viable, offers customers fewer and fewer real choices in the insurance marketplace and is requiring a 24 percent premium increase by one insurer just to survive. What am I talking about? Obamacare. The many shortcomings of the massive – and inappropriately named – government program, are evident to all who must navigate the current healthcare mess. To everyone that is but our editor friends at the News & Observer who this morning demonstrated an amazing ability to see these crippling problems and STILL conclude, Despite the hikes, ACA still works. More proof yet that our friends on the other side never let facts get in the way. Remember: the great programs of the liberal welfare state must be evaluated – not on their impacts — but their intentions.
Time to move on to a single payer system!
Remember: it doesn’t matter if great programs work if you can argue they unconstitutional and/or obstruct them.