A bill that allows students to choose between the current or traditional math curricula passed the Senate Education Committee today. Senator Jerry Tillman (R- Moore) and Senator Chad Barefoot (R-Wake) the proposals main advocates said the plan is an attempt to forge a compromise between those opposed to last week’s plan to scuttle altogether the new math standards — called Math 1, 2 and 3 — and parents, teachers and students frustrated with the current math standards who want a return to the pre-Common Core math standards sequence (Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra II).
The bill offers opponents of the current standards a way around them. On the downside, the bill also keeps in place the current Common Core math standards while the State Board of Education studies the issue regarding sequencing of topics and assessment.
Had the Academic Standards Review Commission done their job, this would not have happened, but that’s another story. The legislation reflects is an attempt to resolve a difficult practical problem; a problem that many on the right believe cannot be resolved through compromise. Full story be told, the legislation also attests to the power of the Department of Public Instruction and its PR machine which I’m told was in overdrive asking teachers to share their views on the bill.
Where this all goes is yet to be seen. The bill still needs to be voted on by the full Senate and the House.
George says
*Most math teachers support the Common Core standards….
*Wow …let parents and students water down their education! Gotta love choice…! Let’s make Johnny look smarter than he really is!
*The Academic Review Standards Commission did their job…Civitas just didn’t like the product.
Now you know the rest of the story.
George says
Of course Civitas dismissed this survey. Only their surveys are worthy of credibility!
“Out of more than 850 standards covered by the survey, over 450 standards (more than half) were endorsed by at least 90 percent of responding educators, meaning fewer than 10 percent of respondents felt revisions were needed. Approximately 775 standards (around 87.5 percent) were endorsed by at least 80 percent of responding educators, meaning fewer than 20 percent felt revisions were needed. There was not a single standard for which a majority of responding educators felt revisions were needed. . . .”
Larry says
Old news and incorrect,George.Do a google search of what percent of teachers nationwide support common core.
Pinto says
You know, George’s fallacious statistical “arguments” for Communist Core remind me of the fallacious statistical “arguments” these same Commies used trying to prove that they had solid majorities clamoring for government-run health care. As Darrell Huff says in How To Lie With Statistics, “If you can’t prove what you’re trying to prove, prove something else and pretend it’s the same thing.” That’s basically what George is doing with his flim-flammery about the “standards” of Communist Core.
Government-run healthcare and Communist Core were and are staggeringly unpopular in survey after survey. How do you “prove” that government programs almost nobody likes are popular? Simple: just survey people about what the politicians touting them are promising the programs will do instead of what the programs actually do.
Want somebody else to pay for all your health care? Of course you do! Want high educational standards for your kid’s school? Naturally. Would you like a free ride? Who wouldn’t?
Now, do you want to be the “somebody else” who pays for everyone’s health care? Oh no, of course you wouldn’t vote for that. Would you like the “high educational standards” at your kid’s school to be defined and enforced by distant unelected bureaucrats to suit their own far-left anti-American political agendas and give a huge payout to their cronies in teachers’ unions to the detriment of your kid’s education? Whoa, that’s not what you wanted. Want to pay for everyone else to have a free ride? Hey, that’s not what “free” is supposed to mean!
See, almost nobody but those distant unelected bureaucrats and their cronies actually wants Communist Core implemented in our schools, but almost everybody wants the high educational standards for their kids’ schools that those liars and their media lapdogs are pretending will be a part of it. So… the way to pretend Communist Core is really popular is to survey people about those promises rather than about what’s actually in the program.
What politicians promise to do is the exact same thing as what they actually end up doing, right? So if you’re against what the politicians actually end up doing, you must be opposed to what they promised to do, right? Since Communist Core’s promises poll so high in survey after survey, Communist Core itself must be staggeringly popular. Never mind what you peons actually think of Communist Core itself.
Nancy says
I am helping to raise two grandbabies, as most grandparents are doing today. Me trying to help them with math using the common core is almost
in possible. I think most grandparents feel the same way. Even some of the parents I have talked to don’t like it. We would all need to go back to school to learn how to do it. I am a senior citizen with health problems and there is no way I could go back. Do all of us a favor and take core math out of the schools and teach them the old fashion way. You still come up with the same answer!