Currituck County commissioners this week denied a permit for a third solar farm for the county. Most notable from the article is how the snake oil salesman “project development manager” for the crony solar company was nearly laughed out of the commissioner’s meeting.
Opponents of the project, which would have been the county’s third solar farm, nearly filled the commissioner’s meeting room Monday night.
At one point, they had to be gently chided by Chairman David Griggs for chuckling during a presentation by Nathan Rogers, project development manager for the solar energy company.
As part of a Powerpoint presentation detailing the economic benefits to the county, Rogers mentioned $300,000 spent locally in equipment rentals. Commissioner Paul Beaumont put Rogers on the spot by asking him which local equipment companies were in Currituck County, to the bemusement of the audience, as there are none.
Rogers then went a little further, mentioning $400,000 in local room and board, food, water and beer, which locals found even more amusing, considering lower Currituck’s lack of hotels.
Cronyism, government privilege, distortion of facts and outright lies are the stock and trade of the “greed energy” industry.
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