Katrina Trinko’s 8 Questions for PayPal post on the Daily Signal is well worth the read.
Trinko’s article points out the problems and flawed logic that follow PayPal’s decision to not expand in North Carolina because of the company’s opposition to HB 2.
For those of you who haven’t read PayPal’s statement, find it here. Part of it reads:
This decision reflects PayPal’s deepest values and our strong belief that every person has the right to be treated equally, and with dignity and respect. These principles of fairness, inclusion and equality are at the heart of everything we seek to achieve and stand for as a company. And they compel us to take action to oppose discrimination.
Highminded language. I wonder, are those deep values and strong beliefs — that every person has the right to be treated equally and with dignity and respect — also at the root of the company’s decision to expand into Cuba, a country with one of the worst human rights records in history?
Are those deep values and strong beliefs — that every person has the right to be treated equally and with dignity and respect — also what influenced PayPal’s decision to make Singapore the company’s International headquarters?
In case you didn’t know, Singapore prohibits relations between same-sex adult men and does not recognize relationships of same sex couples in any form. The country also prohibits same sex couples from adopting or from even participating in any childrearing arrangements.
Does Singapore protect LGBT persons from discrimination? Not according to Wikipedia
No laws exist specifically protecting LGBT Singaporeans from discrimination in the workplace, housing or any other relevant areas. Previous attempts claim damages for alleged discriminatory conduct in such fields have been dismissed in Singaporean courts.[10]
I guess PayPal is only concerned about those deep values and strong beliefs in certain parts of the world.
Don’t believe me? Do your own search or read about Singapore and its LGBT policies here.
Dan Schulman, your PayPal statement rings hallow and rings with hypocrisy.
Pinto says
Yep. That’s why I’m closing my account with the fascists at PayPal, or rather RapePal or HatePal as I think it should now be called.
By the way, fool believers in tranny delusions, the next level of insanity among the inmates running the asylum has arrived:
I suppose now you lunatics are going to start demanding special privileges for dudes with delusions of being androgynous dragons?
George says
NCCIVITAS – It was only a matter of time before lunatics took over your comments page. You reap what you sow!
Larry says
Yeah George,
Like you and Loony Lonnie.
Pinto says
Hey, George, feel free to join your beloved hypocritical crybullies at RapePal and all the other Lawless Godless Bathroom Trolls in some high-tax Commie hellhole like California, or Illinois, or Vermont:
Lonnie says
Spelling critical of the damage HB2 is going to do to the UNC system.
“Spellings Says Controversial LGBT Law ‘Sends a Chill’ Throughout U. of North Carolina”
Lonnie says
The Daily Show is pokes fun at Conservative Authoritarianism
Lonnie says
“Fallout over HB2 is accelerating, with news that the law is threatening at least 500 jobs in Buncombe County. The following quote from Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce president Kit Cramer was e-mailed to chamber members.”
“”We’re also monitoring reaction to HB2 and its impact on business and will share those results with our own delegation as well as legislators around the state.
“In fact, I’ll share one reaction right now. We’ve been working on a project that would bring 500 good-paying technology jobs to Buncombe County. The site selector called us yesterday to say that while they loved Asheville, they loved our team, and loved their last visit here, the company’s CEO has said that not another dime would be spent on expansion in North Carolina until HB2 is addressed. Charlotte lost 400 jobs with Pay Pal’s announcement. We’re talking about another 100 jobs on top of that. And we are nowhere near the size of Charlotte. That’s a loss that would be incredibly hard to swallow.”
“So just in case I haven’t been clear enough: We are against discrimination in any form and want to see it eradicated from the law.”
Lonnie says
Extreme Conservative Jim Crow era ideology and theocracy is proving to be very bad for business.
“According to a reliable source, four conventions have officially canceled their dates in Charlotte, citing House Bill 2. Officials say that translates to 1,137 room nights gone for hotels in Charlotte.
On top of the four canceled conventions, nine other conventions who were looking at Charlotte are saying they will no longer be looking at the city to be the host. That’s considered a “lost opportunity” and translates into a potential 12,231 room nights not used.
WBTV also learned that 29 other groups have now said they are “hesitant” about bringing their convention to Charlotte. If all these groups pulled out, that’s 89,723 room nights that will be lost.”
Pinto says
Want to improve your state? Pass more laws that freedom-and-privacy-hating bigots like Lonnie hate:
“Since no one is actually going to experience discrimination, there really is no fear of citizen’s civil rights being violated. However, with the promised exodus of liberals it provides an opportunity to fill elected seats with rational people not swayed by propaganda. Liberals threatening to leave only opens up room for those who wish to take a more reasonable approach to local and statewide government. This is true as well if the federal government chooses to withhold funding. States rely too much on federal funding as it is. This gives the federal government too much influence. If the state can stand on its own, generate its own revenue and build its own economy the federal government has less to manipulate.
The truth is the only people wishing to impose their beliefs on others are leftists. While a Christian business may choose to deny services for an event, they have no interest in denying service to an individual. Transgender people have been using public restrooms without issue since the 1960s and there is no reason anyone should expect their personal sense of gender to override the natural inclinations of others to use the correct bathroom in public. Transgender people are simply not going to be discriminated against and those who feel they will be fall under the ‘no shoes, no service’ concept of appropriate social behavior and expectations. No one involved on the right has even proposed criminalizing or limiting transgender freedoms or liberty and certainly no one cares if a gay person buys from their shop. People simply do not want to be bullied into participating in events or concepts they deeply oppose and no one wants their daughter in the same bathroom with a man who believes wearing a dress and a wig makes him a woman.
Could the state fail? Absolutely. We all rely too much on others to keep us afloat at the state level these days. But is this a good opportunity to stretch our collective independent muscles? Very possibly. Perhaps once the citizens experience a slight separation from the federal government they will want more. We don’t need huge corporations to fund us or give us jobs and the less space they take up the more you and I can fill with our own industry. The progressive snobs can feel superior and righteous for boycotting what they obviously don’t understand but feel passionate about anyway and the citizens of the state can be free from their overbearing presence. It’s a win-win. Ironically the businesses in question are engaging in the exact kind of protest the laws they are protesting protect, but regardless it is their choice.
Businesses have the right to boycott and pull out. Individuals have the right to refuse to spend their money for any reason they feel is important. A state does not need to pay for travel to other states. Protest is perfectly acceptable even if it is over something utterly nonsensical. The point is to enjoy freedom; not convenience. If the people of North Carolina, Mississippi and hopefully Georgia can appreciate that, they will be better off.”
Pinto says
Suprise, surprise! Crony “capitalists” [Commies] don’t like property rights:
Pinto says
“That’s what a corporate bully looks like, folks. Conform to the demands of radical cultural militants or pay the price.
“It is corporate blackmail,” Lt. Gov. Dan Forest told me.
But PayPal is not just a big business bully – they are also hypocrites.
“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including five where the penalty is death,” NC Rep. Robert Pittenger wrote on Facebook. “Yet, they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men into the women’s bathroom?”
Yes, they do, congressman.
“Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position,” he suggested.
I asked PayPal to explain why they were doing business in countries that slaughter gay people – but they did not return my calls or emails.
“This bill was purely to protect women and children in the bathroom from people who are really bad actors,” Forest told me. “This had nothing to do with the transgender movement. Nobody has ever said that it’s the transgender community that’s going to be causing those problems. Other bad actors will.””
Pinto says
South Park was already mocking trannies’ delusions years ago:
Pinto says
And yeah, in case you missed this one the first time around, trannies really are as deranged and delusional as South Park portrayed them:
Pinto says
“Just think about it. They are willing to allow a girl to possibly be raped or molested just so a handful of men can pee in the ladies’ restroom. That’s not a civil right. That’s sick.”
Pinto says
Here again is the profile of the sex offender who wrote Charlotte’s sex-offender-enabling ordinance:
Remember, people: Lonnie and George support this pervert’s efforts all the way!
Lonnie says
How about we that this story and label ALL Conservatives like the “Good People” at Civitas Institute are doing with the LBGT community? How about we apply the same journalistic standard that Civitas Institute has applied, which is none ? Joseph Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry during the Nazi era didn’t bother with facts as he demonized, dehumanized with his false narratives for greater political power in the 1930s. Civitas Institute and ALEC are dangerous to a free society.
“One of the victims, identified in court documents as “Individual D,” told prosecutors that Hastert “put a ‘Lazyboy’-type chair in direct view of the shower stalls in the locker room where he sat while the boys showered.”
Larry says
A pervert like Hastert is your type of pervert,Lonnie.Why are you down on him,he was just doing what you want everybody doing.
Larry says
Spellings says this sends a chill through UNC.It sends a chill through me that my tax money is taken to pay her unbelievable salary.That school is as biased as any in the country.It sickens me that colleges have become propaganda machines for Islam,Socialism,and every kind of pervert.
Lonnie says
Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was elected as a “Good Conservative ” ,”Family Values” Republican.
When are you going to wake up?
Civitas and other conservatives propaganda sites don’t care about you, children’s safety, saving taxpayer’s money, the future, the environment, clean rivers or clean air. Their mission is to keep voters like you angry, misinformed with false narratives, bigotry and fear mongering so a few very greedy, wealthy individuals control government for their personal benefit.
Lonnie says
Spelling was hand picked by lobbyist of the for profit education industry to move taxpayer money from public schools into the pockets for profit education.
Larry says
Back on incoherent,Lonnie.
Lonnie says
Why do you find it necessary to be so uncivil in your comments?
Larry says
What’s so uncivil about incoherent.I could not understand what you were saying.But I lost some good friends in Vietnam and I have hated Socialists or Communists ever since.Bernie is the top of the list of what I hate.
Lonnie says
Educate yourself, Democratic Socalism is not Communism. Canada, Germany, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands are all Democratic Socialist countries with more personal freedom than we have in the USA. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Coast Guard, ports, bridges, public schools, FEMA, FDA, and fire departments are Democratic Socalism. The Vietnam War as was the Iraq war were unnecessary war, your friends and mine died because of bad conservative foreign public policy. Current Conservative presidential candidates want military action as their first option, not diplomacy. President Obama’s diplomacy deal with Iran is a major step in preventing a war, increasing trade and giving greater voice to the moderates there. Electing conservative will likely result in more Vietnam and Iraq unnecessary wars that the children of plutrocrats will not participate.
Larry says
What would be your plan after 911?To do nothing.Nobody likes war but if you are not ready for one you are going to get one whether you like it or not.What Ostupid has done to our military is criminal.The truth on that Iran deal will be coming out soon.People like you don’t look at history.When we cut back on our military you get Pearl Harbor and Iran testing missiles which we were told by lying John Kerry was not allowed.You wonder why I call you stupid,when you tell me we can have diplomacy with people that flat out tell you they are going to kill us?Do you think these maniacs are kidding?Moderates in Iran?You are out of your mind.People like you are going to get us all killed.All those countries you list are going broke just like us with spending money they don’t have.If you nuts get your way,why would anyone work?That’s why you don’t hear anything about 51% of young Black men being out of work.Ocommie is giving them everything they need,why would they work?Why friends died because of Jane Fonda idiots like you.By the way,LBJ was not a conservative.I love how you libs try to change history.
Lonnie says
Iran is ruled by Theocratic religous zealots like Ted Cruz and Franklin Graham but Iran is a modern country, with highly educated society who like most Americans think. The Authorterians in power in Iran use fear of the West and religion to suppress personal freedom like the “good people ” at Civitas.
Larry says
That’s a new low for you,Lonnie.Has Ted Cruz or Franklin Graham said they wanted to kill you like those Iranians have.As much as I dislike Bernie,I would never compare him to those demonic POS.You are one despicable person,Lonnie.All that crap about you were raised to show kindness,justice,and all that was just empty words.Where are these wonderful Muslims that you know and that most Americans think are so nice.Do you ever hear one of them in this country talk about their violent brothers.Did you hear any of them repudiate the violence.If you have its because they believe it’s fine to lie to infidels.
Larry says
Hey you low life,why don’t we send you over to Iran to use diplomacy.Soon as they find out you want men in women’s bathroom they would chop your head off in about 2 seconds.
Larry says
“All Of A Sudden….Seven Short Years Have Passed!”
Before Obama there was virtually no outlandish presence of Islam in America.
• All of a sudden, Islam is taught in schools. Christianity and the bible are banned in schools.
• All of a sudden we must allow prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.
• All of a sudden we must stop serving pork in prisons.
• All of a sudden we are inundated with law suits by Muslims who are offended by American culture.
• All of a sudden we must allow burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.
• All of a sudden Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if they personally deem it conflicts with Sharia Law.
• All of a sudden the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech”.
• All of a sudden, Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like ‘workplace violence.”
• All of a sudden, it becomes Policy that Secular Middle East dictators that were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
• All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
• All of a sudden America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.
• All of a sudden half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama rendering the Atlantic unguarded, NONE are in the Middle East.
• All of a sudden Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Jihadists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states. He demands to close the facility.
• All of a sudden America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.
• All of a sudden there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama’s “Syrian refugee” resettlement programs.
• All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is disarm American Citizens.
* All of a sudden, the President of the United States can not attend the Christian Funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (seemingly unimportant) commitments.
All of a sudden, I am sick to my stomach.
Pinto says
Guess it’s time to publish another list of those “isolated” incidents that lyin’ Lonnie the molester-enabler wants us to pretend have never happened so that the sex offender who wrote this bill can make sure they happen here:
Pinto says
Also, let us recall how South Park more than a decade ago demonstrated that guys who have sex change operations are just delusional freaks with mutilated genitals:
The best part about this? Despite Mr. Garrison’s acknowledgement that his vagina is a fake and he only looks like a woman, the off-screen change to his birth certificate that typically follows these “sex change” operations means that if he were a real person, Mr. Garrison could legally walk into any ladies’ room in North Carolina right now under H2B, be just as creepy and obnoxious to all the real women as he was in that episode, and no one could stop him; it’s not as if he sexually harassed those women or anything. Yet the bigoted bathroom bandits warring on women’s privacy and security claim that we’re the discriminating and intolerant ones!
Lonnie says
Your comments above are sad that you actually believe such false propaganda distributed by hate groups.
Islam has been in America from our founding with large wave of immigrants from 1878-1924.
“Between 1878 and 1924, Muslim immigrants from the Middle East, particularly from Syria and Lebanon, arrived in large numbers, with many settling in Ohio, Michigan, Iowa and even the Dakotas. Like most other migrants they were seeking greater economic opportunity than in their homeland and often worked as manual laborers. One of the first big employers of Muslims and blacks was the Ford Company—these were often the only people willing to work in the hot, difficult conditions of the factories.”
Islam is protected by the USConstitution just like Christanity in the First amendment and believers of Islam have equal citizenship rights to Christians.
The invasion of Iraq benefited the volient Islamic cults like ISSL and made it easier for them to recruit as did the torture policy of the Bush Admin.
I remind you the Cole attack, the first World Trade Center attack and 911 happened before President Obama was elected.
Lonnie says
This is a good history lesson on what is modivating Democrats and Republicans this election cycle.
Larry says
You are a total moron and a liar.There has never been a large amount of Muslims until you morons elected one.Ostupid wants to bring in 200,000 a year.The Democrats say don’t worry,we will take a year or more to vet them.Another lie,they are being brought in as we speak.I guess you idiots have never heard of the Trojan Horse.I can understand why Ostupid wants them here because he is one.But why do you queer lovers want them here is beyond me.Do you not see what’s going on in Europe?The left wing corrupt press doesn’t tell you about what is going on that’s why you are so ignorant.
Larry says
Proof you are a liar.
green cards issued muslim
The U.S. issued 680,000 green cards to migrants from Muslim-majority countries in the five-year period encompassing 2009 through 2013, according to Department of Homeland Security data.
This Islamic “invasion,” as some are calling it, occurred on the Obama administration’s watch, with plans for 10,000 Syrian Muslims grabbing much of the headlines. But the actual number is many times higher with a refugee program that is rooted in the 1980s and has the support of both parties.
The U.S. has brought in more than 1.5 million Muslims through the refugee program since the passage of the Refugee Act of 1980. They have been coming from Islamic states with active jihadist movements such as Somalia, Bangladesh, Burma, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Bosnia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
To put this five-year tally – 680,000 – in context, it surpasses the total population of Washington, D.C., which is 660,000.
Yet, the Gang of Eight immigration “reform” bill co-sponsored by GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio would have tripled the number of green cards being issued.
image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/06/jeff-sessions.jpg
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.
Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.
The data was released by Sen. Jeff Session, R-Ala., who serves on four Senate committees: Armed Services, Budget, Environment and Public Works, and Judiciary, where he is chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.
What do YOU think? How many Muslim ‘refugees’ are too many? Sound off in today’s WND poll
Among those receiving green cards are foreign nationals admitted to the United States as refugees. Within one year, they must apply for lawful permanent resident status, also referred to as a green card, and are placed on a fast track to full citizenship, which is obtainable within five years.
Refugees, which are hand-picked by the United Nations for resettlement in more than 180 U.S. cities and towns, have instant access to federal welfare and entitlements, along with local benefits and education services. These costs are not offset.
The 680,000 number is not an estimate of total migration, as it does not include temporary migrants who return home, nor is it an estimate of population change, as it does not include births or deaths, among other considerations.
There is no official tally of the Muslim population in America because the Census does not track religious affiliation. The estimates range from 2.8 million by Pew Research based on a 2011 study and 7 million as estimated by the Council for American-Islamic Relations.
“Whatever the exact level, it can hardly be considered surprising that as the Muslim population in the country has expanded, so has the incidence of radicalism,” wrote Ian Tuttle in an article for National Review titled “The Troubling Math of Muslim Immigration.”
In fact, many of the recent terrorist attacks on U.S. soil have been carried out by Muslim immigrants, including the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 and the Chattanooga shooting earlier this year.
Sessions’ immigration subcommittee has documented 72 cases of Muslim suspects carrying out attacks or attempted attacks over the past year. He believes all of them are either foreign-born Muslim immigrants or their offspring and has asked the Obama administration to clarify their immigration histories, but the administration has ignored the request.
Rubio’s stance on Muslim immigration
Rubio told Fox News host Sean Hannity earlier this week that he would not use Congress’ power of the purse to shut off funding for the refugee program.
image: http://www.wnd.com/files/2015/04/marco_rubio.jpg
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla.
Rubio said he’d prefer Speaker Paul Ryan’s plan, which would allow the Obama administration to continue on its resettlement binge – bringing in 85,000 refugees this year, up from 70,000 annually in recent years.
Obama wants to increase the number of refugees coming to the U.S. to 100,000 in 2017. More than half of these refugees will come from Muslim-dominated countries with active jihadist movements.
Policy is bigger than just Obama administration
Assuming no change in visa policy, the U.S. can expect to give green cards to another 680,000 migrants from these countries over the next five years. A green card entitles recipients to access federal benefits, lifetime residency, work authorization and a direct route to becoming a U.S. citizen.
SECRET WEAPON REVEALED: See WND’s blockbuster story from one year ago that explains the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to change American society from within, through stealth jihad.
The numbers could be higher still: Census Bureau data shows migration from the Middle East to be one of the fastest-growing categories. If left in place, Obama’s refugee plan would substantially boost the annual number of migrants from this region admitted to the U.S. who, in turn, would be able to petition for their overseas relatives to join them in America. Refugees and asylees from Iraq, Somalia and Iran alone accounted for 124,000 Muslim immigrants from 2009 through 2013.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the foreign-born population in the United States is at a record 41.3 million. One-quarter of the U.S. population is now either foreign-born or has foreign-born parents.
The Census Bureau projects the percentage of the population born outside the country will soon pass the highest percentage ever recorded and continue rising to new all-time records never before witnessed – unless Congress passes a law to reduce green card allotments.
“Without such changes, the Census Bureau projects that, for each coming year the total number of immigrants in the United States will increase, the annual rate of immigrant admissions will increase, and the foreign-born share of the population will increase,” according to a statement from Sessions office.
“Pew polling data shows that 83 percent of the public (across all parties) opposes this growth baseline and believes the level of immigration should either be frozen or reduced,” Sessions’ statement said. “By a nearly 10-1 margin, Americans of all backgrounds are united in their shared belief that companies with positions to fill should raise wages instead of bringing in new lower-wage labor from abroad. And yet, despite this, the Senate’s Gang of Eight bill would have tripled the issuance of green cards over the next decade, and this year’s I-Squared bill would substantially increase both low-wage guest-worker admissions and green card allotments – all on top of the existing record-breaking and unprecedented growth in future immigration.”
Larry says
Muslims are usually peacefull until they have about 5% of the population before they start demanding rights which idiots like you are more than happy to give them.Educate yourself,how do you think there got to be 1.6Billion.By killing anybody that wouldn’t become one.A lot of Muslim countries that used to be something else have been taken over by the sword.Polls show 25% of American Muslims are for ISIS.You idiot Democrats pushed for no religion in schools,but you have no problem with Islam in the schools.If you think Christians are tough on queers wait until the Muslims take over.
Lonnie says
I remind you Oklahoma City was not Muslim, Charleston SC was not Muslim, Virginia Tech was not Muslim, Newtown was not Muslim.
I’m not afraid of my fellow Muslim American citizens, the serve in our military, police and hospitals.
The only way ISSL will be defeated is with Muslim fighters.
Larry says
I remind you half-wit that the ones that were Muslim would not fit on this page.Bad news for you and Socialists,the lastest polls say 83 per cent don’t want them coming in here.You are in the 17 per cent of the super stupid.I’am not afraid of them either,if they start here what they started in France and Brussels,most of them will be dead in a week.Unless we don’t have a way to defend ourselves.You morons have been trying to take the guns away for years.That is about as popular as Muslims and bathroom perverts.You are on the other side of everything that the majority of normal people are for.
Pinto says
To get back to the topic at hand, here’s twenty-three minutes of trannies (and guys who claim to be trannies) committing sex crimes with considerable aid and abetting from molestation-enabling laws like Lonnie’s beloved Charlotte ordinance:
Larry says
You and I probably should not be bad mouthing such outstanding freaks such as this.Amazing that Lonnie and all these big companies are shills for these pieces of garbage.I’am sure Lonnie will be coming on line with how we racists are just fearmongering these wonderful people.
Pinto says
Yep. He crapped out his obligatory “Jim Crow” false analogy today.