The Associated Press is running a wire story that references a letter State Controller Linda Combs sent to the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) earlier this week as part of a response to determine if the organization qualifies for dues checkoff. Combs believes NCAE members who are state employees meet the 2,000 member threshold. As such — according to Combs — NCAE members who are state employees can continue to have their membership dues deducted.
The article also said Combs is still “unresolved” whether dues checkoff for NCAE members for local school districts will continue.
Unresolved? Really? What additional facts need to come forward? We’ve written extensively on this issue and how NCAE continues to flaunt the law . See here, here, and here.
According to state statute, the State Auditor was required to certify that NCAE has 40,000 members to quality for dues check off. Last December, the State Auditor said NCAE would not cooperate with the audit. As such, the certification couldn’t be made. Since NCAE is not in compliance with the law, how can the organization or its members possibly be eligible for dues check off?
The only thing unresolved is whether the law will be followed.
Actually the word is flout (the law)…
Here’s a thought- how about we repeal the Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) and be done with labor unions of ALL kinds? There was a time (1930s) when they were a good thing. But now they are just a scourge upon society- especially PUBLIC unions which are in bed with Democrats AND The Mob. Whatta sick setup!