Free college tuition proposals are a silly response to a serious problem. Last week I added my voice to the discussion. Find it here. For those who like more, Andrew Kelly of the American Enterprise Institute contributes his clear-headed thinking to the debate here.
Lonnie Webster says
Just imagine what would happen to American society , if we had free university and trade school tuition. We would be over run with engineers, chemist, architects, doctors, and skilled craftsman. That kind of society of high paying jobs would ruin the for profit prison industry, the fast food industry, payday loans industry and Goodwill industries billionaires owners would no longer have a customer base. What would we do with all of those near empty prisons? A better educated America would be bad news for mega churches, TV miniseries and hate radio. The security and alarm industry would also see a decline in their products and services. Paint sales would decline, as fewer gangs would be tagging buildings . On the bright side insurance companies profit would increase as auto theft and gang violence would decline.
David Regnery says
It is asinine to believe that providing free college would transform America. If anything, it would devalue a college education – I’ve never seen or received anything for free worth having. Not to mention that it really would not be free, it would be subsidized by the taxpayer. If academics want to work for free then they should take a vow of poverty, teach for free, accepting room and board for their services, passing the savings along to the kids.
Perhaps politicians should encourage parents to be responsible and establish college savings accounts for their children, like I did when both of mine were born. My kids will graduate from college debt free.
Lonnie says
You forgot people like the Walton Family and Art Pope don’t pay their employees even half enough to live on. Taxpayers have to make up the difference for these free loading billionaire’s low pay to employees. How are low wage families going to save money for their children’s education. Damn you people are so out of touch with the realty of low wage families!
Larry says
Hey Lonnie,Your hero is paying his interns 12 dollars an hour while he is telling businesses to pay 15 dollars an hour.You and old Bernie are both full of what makes the grass grow.You always said Conservatives were just old men.Well,those two idiot Democrats are both older than anybody running for the Republicans.Why doesn’t old Bernie pay a living wage?
Lonnie Webster says
Actually, Bernie is paying $10.10 per hour, the amount President Obama is trying to get the Republican congress to raise the minimum wage to. Bernie is the only candidate paying interns anything.
Larry says
Lonnie,why do you want to lie.Bernie is not the only one to pay their interns.It took me about a minute to find out that was a lie.205 of house and Senate members who are pushing for a 15 dollar min. wage are not paying anything.Guess what party most of them belong to?I went in a fast food restaurant in Florida recently and you put your order into a computer.No kid taking your order.Thats what happens when you commies want to dictate to the market what the pay will be.The loss of jobs will be more than we have lost under that moron we have now.The national debt clock shows 94 million people of working age don’t have a job.That will increase by millions under a another commie.
Lonnie says
“According to an op-ed in The Washington Post , of all the Democratic and Republican candidates, Bernie Sanders is the only one who’s giving his interns an hourly wage.”
Larry says
Candidates yes.Trump is not in office so he doesn’t have interns.Kasich is a governor so he doesn’t have any.Hillary is not in office so she doesn’t have any.Several more of the Republicans are in private life so they don’t have interns.The point is Bernie runs his mouth every day about 15 dollar per hour for kids,but he pays them less.This from an old lay about that never had a real job until he was 39 years old.He has been in politics since.I would say that’s not much of a job either.Honey mooned in Russia,I think that tells you a lot.
Lonnie Webster says
I don’t think you understand each presidential political campaign has huge numbers of interns working on their campaign.
Larry says
They are talking about Senate interns,Lonnie.
Lonnie says
Larry says
Then why doesn’t he shut up about 15 dollars an hour if he is not paying it.Put up or shut up.
Lonnie Webster says
If we had tuition free public universities and trade schools we would be over run with engineers, chemist, architects, doctors, and skilled craftsman. That kind of society of high paying jobs would ruin the for profit prison industry, the fast food industry and payday loans industry. What would we do with all of those near empty prisons? Paint sales would decline, as fewer gangs would be tagging buildings .
Larry says
You are retarded.But that’s not PC is it.
Lonnie webster says
Looks like you are out of arguments and now have decided on random insults. That was bound to happen when you argue against education and the common good.
Larry says
Where do you get I have an argument with education?I have an argument with a system of government that has failed everywhere it has been tried.When people get more information on Bernie he will go down just like the Democrats did in the last elections.People will tire of old 60’s hippies like you and Bernie.
Lonnie Webster says
Did your education teach you about Canada, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, and Germany’s standards of living and personal freedom?
Civitas Institute lobby’s for a government controlled by oligarchs using police to enforce an autheorterian government to oppress wage earning workers and superess voting rights as well as free speech rights.
Larry says
Think what you want loser.
Lonnie Webster says
Be nice, we’re debating pubic policy, it’s not my fault facts are not on your side. There’s no need for you to make juvenile insults.
Larry says
According to CNN Money,Denmark has the highest taxes in the world.If you make over 55,000 you pay 60.2 percent in personal tax and 25 per cent Value added tax or sales tax.All these countries that Bernie and Lonnie Webster tout as heaven on earth have similar tax rates.Is this what the American people want? When old Bernie gets on the stage in a debate and admits that will happen here,that will be the end of the Socialists.
Lonnie Webster says
First, I have not mentioned Denmark but never mind that. What are we to learn from the 55% tax rate you mention? Canada has a tax rate of 29% using the Norway and the USA have a rate of 39%.
Larry says
I didn’t mention a 55 per cent tax.It is 60.2 per cent.You need to read more.Canada has a a top rate of 33 per cent and on top of that a capital gains tax of up to 21 per cent and on top of that a province tax.I understand why you are a Socialist now,you are a headline reader.You have to read the whole article to get the full picture.Denmark is the poster child for Democratic Socialists.Like you and Bernie they wanted free everything and Lo and behold just like us they didn’t have enough people like Trump to pay for it.Bernie’s tax will come all the way down to Lonnie’s tax bracket.
Lonnie says
Larry, what is the tax tax rate for a middle class worker making $118,000 adding social security, Medicare, state sales tax, Federal & State income tax combined, property tax? What does the taxpayer get in return? Conservatives are screwing wage earning workers!
Larry says
That is a question that can’t be answered.All states are different.If you are self employed the tax will be a lot higher than the tax on an employee making the same 118,000.How are conservatives screwing any taxpayer when the Socialist are always screaming for higher taxes?