The good news: North Carolina state government is better financially prepared for the coming economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic than previous economic crises. The most ... Keep Reading
Entrepreneurs find success in heirloom grains
By Branson Inscore John McEntire is not your average farmer. He grows corn that only produces one ear per stalk, and he prefers to do it this way. McEntire’s crop is known ... Keep Reading
Coronavirus scare underscores importance of rainy day fund
The state has nearly $3 billion in available funds to fight the virus and respond to the economic aftermath If Gov. Roy Cooper had his way, however, the state would be ... Keep Reading
New Study: Medicaid Expansion does not create jobs or boost hospital finances
A February study released by the Foundation for Government Accountability (FGA) lays waste to the claims by Medicaid expansion advocates that expansion would translate into an ... Keep Reading
Don’t buy what the anti-capitalists are selling
By Doug McCullough of Lone Star Policy Institute and Brooke Medina of Civitas Institute The [American] Dream is not dead, and we shouldn’t let a populist scream convince us ... Keep Reading
Difference between current continuation spending plan and Cooper’s own budget proposal are not large
The continuation spending budget plan spends 96.9 percent of what Gov. Roy Cooper himself proposed, and it would be even closer if Cooper didn’t veto teacher pay raises The ... Keep Reading
How Gov. Cooper can put an end to cronyism – if he wants to
For a guy claiming to be against “tax giveaways” to corporations, Gov. Roy Cooper sure seems to be fond of doling out taxpayer dollars to corporations. Indeed, in his remarks ... Keep Reading
Newspaper: Judicial activism continues to plague North Carolina
Judicial activism continues to threaten the principles of self-government in North Carolina. However, despite a desperate ruling in an attempt to stop voter ID from being ... Keep Reading
Gov. Cooper’s bad faith budget negotiations
Governor Roy Cooper always had a strategy that was destined to fail. He wants to expand Medicaid. He knows Republicans who controlled the General Assembly are vehemently opposed to ... Keep Reading
Corporate cronyism a losing issue for Republicans and Democrats alike
The holiday season may be upon us, but there is no shortage of political happenings in North Carolina. Besides the on-going candidate filing and the release of a long-awaited ... Keep Reading