Thursday April 23, Gov. Roy Cooper extended North Carolina’s economic shutdown until at least May 9. He further announced North Carolina would take a slow phased-in approach of ... Keep Reading
Three reasons why NC should eliminate its corporate income tax
At 2.5 percent, North Carolina has the lowest corporate tax rate of any state, among states that impose one. It not only produces a tiny fraction of state revenue but represents ... Keep Reading
Shameful: Gene Nichol politicizes coronavirus with a false narrative
Hundreds of thousands of North Carolinians find themselves out of work due to the forced government shutdown of the economy Gene Nichol exploits this hardship by slinging false ... Keep Reading
Government Is No Match for the Coronavirus
By Bob Luddy The coronavirus is reminding everyone that you cannot rely on government and that ultimately it is the private sector that will provide the solutions. Many ... Keep Reading
Roy Cooper’s hypocrisy on corporate tax giveaways
Roy Cooper, the candidate, boldly declared: “Corporate giveaways and tax cuts for the wealthiest come at a high cost for middle-class families.” Indeed, railing against ... Keep Reading
Let Our People Work
By Bob Luddy We are cowering from fear of COVID-19, but quarantine is not a cure to end the virus. The extreme measures currently being taken to shut down our nation in order ... Keep Reading
How could critics of NC tax cuts be so wrong?
Critics said NC’s historic tax reforms would cause budget shortfalls and not help the state’s economy They were proven wrong on both counts The state experienced five ... Keep Reading
Keeping agriculture going despite coronavirus
By Andy Jackson and Donald Bryson A few simple steps can aid North Carolina farmers: Keep open all farmers markets statewide, and local governments should waive municipal ... Keep Reading
North Carolina’s Economic Decade of Success
North Carolina’s economic and fiscal health is riding a decade of success. After decades of reckless and unsustainable spending binges, the fall 2010 elections ushered in a ... Keep Reading
How NC went from one of the worst tax climates to one of the best
As the traditional Tax Day of April 15 approaches, it seems appropriate to reflect on the major victories won by taxpayers over the past decade in North Carolina. Thanks to the ... Keep Reading