How an economy deals with scarcity is the key to society’s well-being The debate of our times is whether one central plan or many individual plans should coordinate the ... Keep Reading
North Carolina One of 40 States that “Can’t Pay Its Bills”
North Carolina was identified as one of 40 states that has more outstanding financial obligations than funds available to meet them. Unfunded pension and retiree healthcare ... Keep Reading
The Dangerous Assumptions Behind the Left’s Identity Politics
The NC Justice Center sees economic disparities between groups and assumes they derive from a “system” of discrimination There is no basis to the belief that --- absent racial ... Keep Reading
The Effects of Georgia’s 6 Percent Income Tax Cap
Critics of North Carolina’s proposed tax cap amendment are claiming the cap will have major negative repercussions for the state Such charges are not grounded in reality ... Keep Reading
Uncovering the High Price of the “Carolina Promise”
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The High Price of NC Democrats’ “Promises”
North Carolina Democrats have outlined election year “promises” in a new document, Our Carolina Promise Implementing the proposals would add nearly $5 billion to the state ... Keep Reading
7 Things I’d Do if I Wanted to Keep Poor People Poor
If I wanted to keep poor people poor, there are several government policies I would favor. Let's count them down. 1: An Expanding Welfare State For starters, I would advocate for ... Keep Reading
N&O Article Misleads on Unfunded Liabilities
SEANC leader paints unfunded liabilities fix as “not difficult” But massive liabilities have every NC family of four on the hook for $16k Fully funding these liabilities ... Keep Reading
Lowering the Tax Cap is a Step in the Right Direction
--Leah Byers This November, North Carolina voters will decide on a constitutional amendment to lower the state’s cap on income taxes to 7 percent from its current level of 10 ... Keep Reading