We regret that an error in judgment was made when Carolina Plott Hound shared a link to a blog post that suggested North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein made certain decisions based on his ethnicity and religion. To be clear, Civitas condemns the use of identity politics and believes that assigning the motivations of individuals based upon their membership of a group violates a core conservative principle. As such, the sentiments expressed in the blog post do not reflect our values nor the values of our sponsors and supporters. Neither I nor the organization share these sentiments. We condemn all racism, anti-religious speech and ethnic slurs.
Furthermore, we have reviewed the Carolina Plott Hound website and concluded that it does not fit into the overall Civitas mission to remove government barriers to freedom so that all North Carolinians can enjoy a better life. The site will no longer be operated by Civitas.
Plotthound fills void in N.C. news coverage. Therefore it is a valuable resource for conservative citizens. I can’t do without it. Thanks for sponsoring it.
So we should delete the bookmark to Carolina Plot hound? Being that it hasn’t changed in days now…
Can we refrain from shutting down the CPH. It’s too good of an informational site to do that. Over nothing!! … For the love of mike!!!
Your lack of posting our comments concerning this matter is quite telling, and it is not a good thing it is telling either.
Waiting for the CPH to be put back into action … Don’t kill a good thing.
I’m sorry you made this decision and hope that sometime in the near future you can resume running the Carolina Plott Hound website with some changes so it better fits the mission of Civitas. Plott Hound really did provide a useful service by providing notice of media stories we might otherwise have missed.
About Josh Stein. I heard first hand Stein’s own bigotry. At a venue to discuss Common Core Stein accused critics the was because Obama supported it, hinting on race. Stein said this directly to several people, include people of color.
Thanks for your post I guess that what happens when you miss reading Civitas for a few days….probably more than a few days. CPH definitely stepped out side of the Conservative Values. At no time is it acceptable to denigrate a person character.
So what’s taking its place? I know of no other NC aggregate for conservation views.