Below are links to our March Polling results and cross tabs. Along with our usual polling on elected officials favor-ability and approval) (Governor and President) we also tested North Carolina voters on the following issues:
- Affordable Health Care Act approval and repeal
- Control of education in NC
- Labor unions and dues withholding by state government
- Voter views of International Trade
- HB 2 Polling questions
- Questions about the NC Craft Beer industry
For all March Poll Results Click Here
For All March Poll Cross Tabs Click Here
This poll surveyed 600 registered, likely voters (30% on cell phones) with a margin of error of +/- 4.00%. This survey was taken March 18-19, 2017.
If you are interested in having Civitas President Francis De Luca do a presentation on polling to your group or club, call (919)834-2099 or email: info”at”
Fish for the desired answer poll.