- DACA was a temporary, constitutionally-questionable response to an extremely sensitive issue
- The best place to create a resolution to the Dreamer’s status will be in Congress
- Senator Tillis needs to consider his constituency’s voice, as well as economic factors, when crafting new immigration policy
Yesterday President Trump issued a statement confirming his decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Then-President Obama started DACA with a constitutionally-questionable 2012 executive order that deferred legal proceedings against hundreds of thousands of youth and young adults that were brought here illegally by their guardians and effectively usurped the legislative powers of Congress.
North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis has been very outspoken about his intentions to craft and advance what he considers to be a bipartisan approach to immigration. He has praised the president’s decision to rescind DACA, while promising to offer a legislative alternative that will do more than an executive order could. The Recognizing America’s Children Act, which is the vehicle Tillis is presently lauding as the way forward in post-DACA America would enshrine into law a contingency-based amnesty program for Dreamers.
Not everyone, however, is pleased with this proposal, given the myriad of issues that would push up against its effectiveness. Dan Cadman of the Center for Immigration Studies has written extensively on this topic and asserts:
Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) has… suggested a “conservative amnesty” (whatever that might be) that would require recipients to hold a job, go to post-secondary school, or join the military before being given a green card. In truth, that sounds fairly pedestrian. Holding a job, any job, isn’t much of a burden, and you can bet that if-or-when the legislation is fleshed out in regulations it will include all kinds of caveats. If you left one job flipping burgers and took on another three months later, is that a “meaningful” interruption of your work history? How many meaningful interruptions can you get away with? This is the kind of minutiae that will grind its way through the bureaucracy and the courts until virtually anyone anywhere with any kind of job will become entitled to the resident card. And having them join the military doesn’t really sound like a good idea either. A spin-off of that notion was tried with the MAVNI program, and it was disastrous, resulting in numbers of AWOL individuals and suspected national security breaches. Such things actually degrade military readiness; they don’t promote it.
On the other end of the spectrum, Republican strategist Garret Ventry sees Tillis’ immigration strategy as centrist and attuned to the desires of North Carolina voters. He believes Sen. Tillis “wants to find as many bipartisan solutions as he can. He thinks those are wins for him personally and politically… North Carolina is moving to the center.”
Ventry’s assessment of North Carolina’s political climate is questionable. With the Republican-led, veto-proof majority in the General Assembly since 2011, registered Democrats changing their voter registration status, and Trump’s victory in NC, it doesn’t seem that our state is as purple as some perceive. This is a reality Sen. Tillis will want to take into account as he begins promoting the RAC Act.
Whichever way Congress goes, they must take into account a number of factors that are full of nuance, especially when it comes to Dreamers, who are a unique sub-set of the illegal immigrant population. Congress must be responsive to the will of their constituents but also consider the economic impact of partial-amnesty or deportation, as well as the impact their legislation will have on future immigration.
Larry says
Tillis is another Ryan or McConnell.He wants DACA because he has sold out to businesses that want cheap labor.He doesn’t care that the rest of us have to pay for all the costs of illegals.
Doris Williams says
Amnesty is not the answer. What part of illegal do you not understand? People came here illegally and received more than our own citizens. And now you want to give them even more. What about all those still waiting in line to come here legally? Also there is no such thing as an anchor baby. If the parents were illegal, the children are illegal. 2018 elections are going to be very interesting.
Pat says
I’m sorry I voted for Tillis in the primary and in the election. WE DO NOT WANT AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS. What part of that doesn’t he understand. GOP is useless. Did not overturn ACA. Waiting on tax reform. What are they doing. I support Trump why doesn’t the GOP? Why aren’t they working with him? He needs their help but now they let Dems tell him what to do. Because GOP not doing anything Trump meets with Dems. He wants to get something done.
William James says
Tillis has proven to be a bitter disappointment, blocking one Trump Administration action after another. Any “amnesty” of even the most qualified and limited sort is only a delaying action leading eventually to the full deal, all of which will create huge incentives to millions of prospective illegals to reason, “If you can get across the border, they will never make you leave.” I will be prepared to support any primary candidate against him in 2020 who has even the slightest hope of getting elected, and if Tillis wins the primary anyway, I may well leave the check off box blank in the general election. He is a disaster.
Marcia says
Big disappoint to the American people and North Carolina. I don’t consider him for conservative values let alone a Republican. Another McCain or Collins Or Murkowski. They ran on Trumps agenda and now defaulting on their words to us. Vote him OUT!
Gary says
I agree with all of the above comments. Tillis may as well register as a democrat. He rose very quickly in NC politics, people in the NCGOP who are not interested in helping North Carolinians, helped him get to where he is. He is not the only rat. People need to tell him what they think of him, though he will continue to listen to the special interests that have bought him.
Will says
Tillis and the Republicans can’t do anything about a law forcing me to buy health insurance that covers sex change operations and all sorts of stupidity that has almost tripled my premiums since 2010. Yet he can busy himself with amnesty for illegal aliens. I believe I would just as soon have a truly evil Democrat as Senator rather than a Swamp creature Republican. He’ll never get my vote again.
R. Evans says
LOWER MY HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS! Tillis is wantonly going against the vast majority of North Carolina citizens. Hey Senator Tillis, here are the priorities:
1. Repeal and Replace Obamacare.
2. Lower my taxes.
3. Build the wall.
Distant 4. All the other things.
Scott says
Comments above prove one thing. NC Civitas, JLF and NCGOP really pull a con job on their supporters.
Samuel says
I voted for Mr. Tillis and I see now he does not want to represent me as he said he would . Like many in his business , he caves in when a couple of hundred show up at his door , and he forgets what grounds he was elected on . Come 2018 , I hope there will be a good republican running against him . That person is going to get my vote . I will once again vote a straight GOP ticket , but not for Tillis !
George Zeller says
The nativist come out of the closet at NCCvitas!
CP says
Tillis is a disgrace to NC and a liar. He should have made his views clear during the election cycle but of course he would have lost. He has finally helped me to decide that I will vote for the Demwit if need be so that I can do whatever small part to help defeat him. The Repubs are worse than the Demwits…at least they somewhat tell what idiocy they will attempt.
Owen Dunn says
I am also sorry I voted Tillis it will be a different vote the next time what a sell out. The gutless so called republicans are at it again what a disappointment.
Scott says
A whole bunch of folks seem to have fallen for Thom Tillis’ rhetoric. The same lot was taken in by the master con Donald J. Trump ($25 Million settlement for FRAUD).
You should be asking WHY NC Civitas, JLF, and the NCGOP wines and dines with these con men. And why you listen to NC Civitas, the JLF, or the NCGOP in the first place! They are all Marketers posing as Academics.
Marie says
Agree with R. Evans …
Hey Senator Tillis, here are the priorities:
1. Repeal and Replace Obamacare.
2. Lower my taxes.
3. Build the wall.
Distant 4. All the other things.
We voted against Tillis in the primary, for Brannon, but we voted for him in the general, SADLY.
Remember, when he had the meeting this summer in Raleigh with the Chamber of Commerce. In attendance, were local contractors who ADMITTED to hiring ILLEGALS! That explained it all to us.
Bill says
Tillis has turn out to be another Renee Elmers. A disgrace to the party and the
State. There are legal students leaving high schools and collage looking for
jobs, but with no E-Verify enforced, illegals have the upper hand for employment.
Scott says
Tillis was a disgrace long before he stole your vote to be a Senator.
What didn’t you all understand that Thom was Jeb Bush’s crony? You all must have missed Jeb here in the Triangle stumping for Thom. I know Francis Deluca didn’t miss it. He hosted it!
Someday you folks may wake up to the fact that NC Civitas, the JLF, and the NCGOP will tell you whatever you want to hear to get your vote. They are a Marketing organization for Art Pope, posing as an Academic Think Tank.
There is nothing Academic about NC Civitas. Everything is a Sales Pitch better known as Bait and Switch.
You all keep buying their Free Market propaganda though. And they keep doing it because it works.
Larry says
Scott,free market has always worked.Socialism or Communism has never worked and never will.
John Fusion says
I am sorry, I voted for this undocumented, liberal.
Denise Waters says
If you support this Thom, North Carolina will not forget at the ballot box. No I do not believe most North Carolinians feel as you do. They’re here illegally and they should not be rewarded for it!!!!!!!
Lou J Apa says
NOT an acceptable position to hold as my US representative in Wash., D.C.! Last vote I will ever cast for this man!!!!!
2War Abn Vet says
Tillis obviously wants to become the NC version of McCain.
K. B. Wegman says
We voted for Tillis in the mprimary and the general to solidify the Republican Party at a time when they were perceived as the only hope to avoid an unopposed Marxist takeover. We have always known Tillis was a political hack. We’ve attempted to dialogue with his office about his performance as a Senator, but have been ignored. This guy is proving to be a self-serving fraud, and no inspiration to conservatives. In 2020 (if not before), we will vote to send him back to school to get an education in American History.
Marian says
Figures, he’s been bought and paid for by the left
Larry says
I held my nose and voted for him in the general,not the primary.I cannot bring myself to vote for a Gimmedat.
Paul Thompson says
No amnesty!! Illegals are criminals in commission of a crime. Send them back and let them get in line like others have done over the years. An amnesty would spit in the faces of those that are doing it the legal way and cause them to have to wait YEARS LONGER because they did it legally! Let us not reward deceitful and generally bad behavior with freebies. We have our own poor to think about. And our poor have paid for it throughout their lives. We cannot save the world. Lets save our Citizens!
ncgal says
If Mr Tillis wants to adopt them and keep them up, then he should do that but no force the rest of us to go along with it. We need to vote him out as soon as possible.
Francis De Luca says
Scott —
I have no clue what you are talking about. I have never met Jeb Bush, nor have I ever hosted a fundraiser for Thom Tillis.
Francis De Luca
Larry says
More fake news from Scott.Most of his posts are.
Brenda Traylor says
I am against DACA. They are illegal no matter what age. It was illegal to bring them here so what is the problem?
Scott says
My apology Francis, I must have confused you with the NCGOP. The Fact is, Jeb Bush did campaign here in North Carolina and the Triangle with Thom Tillis.
Larry, there are many good people who believe in Social Democracy and know that the Free Market is not Free. As Noam Chomsky points out, folks like those at NC Civitas offer up Adam Smith, but only the first chapter. They don’t tell you ALL of what Adam Smith said. The same goes for F.A. Hayek and Milton Friedman (both of whom support National Healthcare and Guaranteed Minimum Income).
Sorry to pop the bubble you live in Larry, but Social Democracies are not ‘socialist’ nor are they ‘communist.’ Your lack of education and insight renders what you say as meaningless hyper-partisan propaganda.
Scott says
Francis De Luca disputed that he knows or met Jeb Bush but said nothing about the actual harsh indictment I made of NC Civitas’ work.
That should clue the readers in to what occurs @ NC Civitas.
Larry says
Scott,Social Democrats are what the Nazi’s called themselves.As far as education I will put what I have accomplished in my life up against yours any day.Nice that you apologized to Mr.De Luca for lying.Now,it’s time to quit lying Period.Maybe you could tell us where this form of government has worked.Wasn’t this Old Bernie’s free everything idea of heaven?
Faye & David Roberts says
Nc does not want amnesty. Stop giving in to dems you’re beginning to act just like a democrat nc for Donald j
Jane says
Scott is a typical Leftist, a blatant liar who lies about anything and anybody to make points as he trolls. He has no qualms in doing so, because to all Leftists, “the end justifies the means”.
Larry says
Jane,you have it exactly right.
Richard says
Tillis,Ryan,McConnel and all other turn coat so-called repubs don’t have to be re-elected.We can add a new party that will do what their bosses we the people, say.
JoeyD says
Tom “one and done” Tillis, Lets make this happen in 2020 fellow North Carolinians
Scott says
Again Larry, you lower yourself to name calling and never answer the points I made about Free Market Economics discussed by Adam Smith, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman.
I didn’t say ‘social democrats’ Larry, I said ‘social DEMOCRACY’ which is a Representative form of Government. Where you ask? All of our western civilized industrial allies!
“We who have given so much of the Revolutionary spirit to the world, have become the arch anti-Revolutionaries.” -Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
You and Jane think the Democratic Party (Clintons and Obama) is the Left. NOPE. Not even close!
Larry says
You are beyond clueless and only know how to call people idiots.Your favorite word.Which one of our western allies is not exactly what our Gimmedats have become.The Europeans are all has been countries because of socialism.You can call it what ever you like but it is a failure ever where it is.The British and the French used to be the most powerful countries on earth,now California’s economy is bigger than both.They have an army that couldn’t win a war with the Boy Scouts and you want to copy them?The Democrat Party has been copying them for years and we are going down the same tube they are.You are a teacher so it’s no wonder we have fallen to 19th in education.Teaching diversity,global warming,and other liberal garbage won’t get you a job when you graduate from one of the pathetic colleges of today.
Larry says
Scott,you start answering my points and I will answer yours,boy.Your mom can help you.
Scott says
All Libertarians in Europe are ‘Socialist’ Larry. They are Social Democracies.
The U.S. is the only place where Libertarians are outliers.
Call me Libertarian-Socialist please. I call you Libertarian-Fascist.
Mentioning my ‘mom’ and calling me ‘boy’ is funny.
Larry says
Calling you boy is funnier than you calling me son,right boy?If you think Europe is Libertarian you are beyond clueless.Single payer healthcare,welfare state worst than ours and you think that’s Libertarian,you know nothing about different forms of government.Libertarians are for smaller government.I have news,from your posts you are not for smaller government.
Scott says
‘Libertarian’ throughout European history meant ‘socialist-anarchist.’ The worker’s movement–the socialist movement–sort of broke into 2 branches, one statist, one anti-statist. The statist branch led to Bolshevism and Lenin and Trotsky and so on; the anti-statist branch, which included left-Marxists like Rosa Luxumberg, kind of merged with a big strain of anarchism into what was called ‘libertarian socialism.’ So ‘libertarian’ in Europe always meant ‘socialist.’ Here, it means ultra-Ayn Rand or Cato Institute or something like that. But that’s a special US usage having to do with the–there are a lot of things special here.”
-Noam Chosmky
Larry says
Socialist-anarchist sounds like Antifa.
George Zeller says
Real Americans
Larry says
That’s great,George.Now show us how many are prison and how many should be in prison in sanctuary cities.
Scott says
Larry’s White Nativism is beyond approach. Sorry Larry, but your views do not represent my city, my state, my country.
Your views are manifest in the ideas of White Supremacy, the conservatives in the Republican Party (who were the conservatives the Democrat Party before Civil Rights), and opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Larry says
I love it when you Libertarians come up with a new word.Most of you Lefties have to look it up to see what it means.Conservatives are against illegal immigration,but so are just about every other nation on earth.Try going to Mexico and taking their jobs,getting free education,food,housing.I am sure someone as smart as you know that you would be thrown in jail as quick as you got there.So,please spare me with your comment that your city,state,and country agree with you.The elections ever since Trump have shown that the taxpayers are fed up with paying for illegals.
Larry says
I thought your Mommy called you to go help your Facists buddies burn some schools,cars,and businesses.Said you were done.Guess that was a lie too.
Jack says
an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
synonyms: authoritarianism · totalitarianism · dictatorship · despotism · autocracy · Nazism · rightism · nationalism · xenophobia · racism · anti-Semitism · jingoism · isolationism · neofascism · neo-Nazism
(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.
Larry says
Fascism has nothing to do with right wing.Any idiot can write a definition like that.The anti-Facists that you and Scott love are the real Facists.The suppression of free speech is what Facists are all about.
Jack says
The ‘any idiot’ who wrote that is the Oxford English Dictionary. To Larry, black is white, false is true, up is down. NC Civitas shares in the blame for creating ignorant political opiners like Larry.
Each time NC Civitas writes an article about the UNC system or Charter schools, they reinforce for their minions that Education is something bad for people.
Tim says
Sounds like you need to start packing up your office Tom the Turkey.