RALEIGH – The latest Civitas poll of North Carolina likely voters reveals their thoughts on the economy, voter ID, and local and national elected officials.
All questions and responses in this poll can be found here.
Cross tabs can be found here.
This poll surveyed 600 registered, likely voters (30% on cell phones) with a margin of error of +/- 4.00%. This survey was taken May 18, 20-21, 2017.
To arrange an interview with Civitas President Francis De Luca, email Demi Dowdy at demi.dowdy@nccivitas.org or call (919) 747-8064.
Civitas has conducted live-caller voting in North Carolina since May 2005, and we are the only organization offering independent, nonpartisan data on current opinion. In the decade we’ve been conducting them, our polls have provided vital insights on what North Carolina voters think of the leaders and issues facing the state and nation.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to advancing conservative ideas and shrinking the size of government. Civitas fights to eliminate government barriers to freedom so that North Carolinians can live a better life.
What we need in this state is a honest run government. Corruption is rampant in this state. Most of it funded by illegal money.
I am not a Trump fan, I shudder to think what will happen to our country. I am very pleased with our Governor , Roy Cooper. I believe North Carolina to be a fine place to live, but we have a congressman that is very scary.
For their hateful posts wishing harm on this state, Clark and Odenthal deserve to be deported to California.
Trump is a dangerous man. He is interested in enriching himself and his family. He is alienating our allies and aligning himself with dictators. He has no fear of a war with Korea, which will start the third world war and the death of our planet. God save us
What WE NEED is people to tell it like i i! Enough with the stupid political correctness crap. That’s why nothing gets done. We NEED MORE strong willed, strong minded people. People that speaks their minds. NOT wimps that are afraid to tell the truth. Donald Trump is exactly what this country has needed for the last 36 years. We NEED more just like him to get this country out of the gutter it is in. We live in a country were it seems anything goes and everything is ok. WAKE UP PEOPLE! We DO NOT NEED more politians either. We need people that know how to get things done. Not jake their jaw and do nothing and blame everyone else. It is NOT rocket science. PUT UP OR SHUT UP!
To the poster who states the Dem’s need to run NC my reply to you is they did run NC for 100 years and ran the state in the ground. One party rule is never a good thing. For example, I remember when the Dem’s set up the fuel tax to build new freeways. Several years later the Dem’s rob the highway fund to pay for social and other pork programs. Now NC’s population is booming, the DOT is behind on road upgrades and the cost to build new roads is rising exponentially which means construction delays and/or higher taxes. More cars in traffic jams more smog, so much for the Dem’s being the only party for lean air. LOL..
Roy Cooper has no backbone and is a weak leader. Instead of standing up for what’s best for, NC WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP, he goes along with his lib buddies, for example supporting the Paris Accord. It’s not a good idea for NC taxpayers to pay for China and India to clean up their environment issues while they are put us out of jobs. Also, Global warming has been changed to Climate change which is based on modeling and inputs that change from year to year. I work in natural resources and remember when lib’s went crazy over acid rain from power plants. Lib’s showed pictures of fir trees dying on Mount Mitchell when the real culprit was an aphid. Liberals say they love the environment yet overlook what Mexican gangs growing pot illegally are doing to our national forest and parks out west. Read (The Wildlife Professional”, “An Ever-Changing Ecological Battlefield” )
Those who voted for trump got what they wanted so why complain. we can’t always have what we want and besides the world still has to come to an end. lets just face the facts, who knows maybe with the next president, it want be as bad as you think…..Just thank God that we are still alive….and silence for those who are not. This is Life whether its good or bad. Everyone has to go through in life, so it will be alright:-)
We most need the free-loaders to let Trump do his job and all will be better! Trump is not self-servingas per money. His ego and drive to make America better will step on some toes. If it’s your toes, shut up and get out of the way. We who voted for him (the majority) want results!
My husband and I are both AA. In 2020 we and our adult children will be voting for Trump. As a matter of fact, you can count on a straight Rep. ticket, My feeling toward Dems. is borderline hatred, may God forgive me.
May God forgive me for the hatred not voting Rep.