by A.P. Dillon
- Anti-HB2 money mainly comes from three vocal groups
- Human Rights Campaign and its foundation took in $52 million in one year
- Equality NC’s Sgro keeps directorship despite appointment to legislature; fundraises against HB2
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard about the ‘bathroom bill’ in North Carolina.
The outrage industry has been working 24/7 ramping up boycotts of North Carolina and encouraging big businesses to browbeat the state’s government officials.
All of this costs money. Where is it coming from?
There are three main groups visible in this fight – The Human Rights Campaign, Equality NC and the National Center for Transgender Equality.
Equality NC is the only one based here in North Carolina. The other two are based in Washington, D.C.
Equality NC is a 501(c)3 based in Raleigh whose 2013 reported revenue was only $491,720. The only paid staffer was Director Chris Sgro. Sgro was recently appointed to complete the term of Rep. Ralph Johnson (D-Guilford) in the North Carolina General Assembly, after Johnson passed away unexpectedly in March.
One might assume Sgro would have resigned his position to avoid conflict of interest, yet according to the Associated Press via Charlotte Observer, Sgro took the oath on April 24 and notes he will remain Director of Equality NC. As of an email sent on April 21, Sgro’s name was still appearing on Equality NC’s anti-HB2 fundraising emails.
The National Center for Transgender Equality is also a 501(c)3 organization. It reported revenue of over a million dollars in 2013. That was quite a jump from their 2012 filing of $274,414. It is unknown where this large boost in contributions came from.
Mara Keisling is the executive director of The National Center for Transgender Equality. According to Keisling’s bio, he is a male who identifies as female. Keisling was a recent guest at the North Carolina Department of Public Safety as Keisling was arrested on Monday, April 25 at a Moral Monday-orchestrated HB2 protest.
The Human Rights Campaign has been the most vocal opponent of HB 2 in North Carolina and is the organization largely responsible for enlisting CEOs of large corporations to pressure legislators and state officials to repeal HB2.
The Human Rights Campaign has both an incorporated arm and a foundation arm. Both are financial juggernauts, according to their IRS 990 filings. There also appears to be a political action committee arm funded by the Foundation, which pertains to lobbying.
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation is a 501(c)3 and saw revenues in 2014 of $13.8 million. Contributions included $12 million and expenditures were listed at $14.9 million, which put the Foundation in the red.
It is important to note that the Human Rights Campaign Foundation funds an “educational” program called “Welcoming Schools.” This program is dedicated to infusing LGBT issues into K-5 classrooms via “anti-bullying” lessons and select pieces of literature.
According to Welcoming Schools’ About page, these lessons are Common Core aligned:
Welcoming Schools offers professional development tools, lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and many additional resource for elementary schools on:
- Embracing Family Diversity
- Creating LGBTQ-inclusive Schools
- Preventing Bias-Based Bullying
- Supporting Transgender and Gender Expansive Students
Charlotte Mecklenburg School District has been engaged with Welcoming Schools since 2013. Do parents realize this?
The Human Rights Campaign, Inc. is a 501(c)4 and Chad Griffin is the president. Griffin’s combined compensation in 2014 was over $429,000. Net revenue that year for the Foundation was $38.5 million with contributions of $28.3 million and expenditures of $35.4 milloin. That’s a net gain of $3.1 million.
So, taken together, Human Rights Campaign Inc. and the Foundation took in $52.3 million in 2014.
In the lobbying arena, was useful in tracking down the Human Rights Campaign’s activities. Below are some bullet point summary items via
This outside spending group does disclose its donors to the FEC, but no non-generic donors/employers have been identified that have contributed more than $1,000. Donations from affiliated organizations are excluded when calculating the top donors.
- Total spent: $1,168,809
- By party: Democrats: $1,044,830 (89%), Republicans: $66,203 (6%)
- $1,085,808 came from PACS, $21,225 from individuals, $40,000 soft organizations.
- The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee was the top recipient at $30,000.
- Contributions to candidates: $928,072
- Contributions to Leadership PACs: $43,500
- Contributions to parties: $135,461
- Contributions to 527 committees: $21,575
- Contributions to outside spending groups: $40,000
- The total of contributions to candidates from Human Rights Campaign PACs ($906,097) is 43 times larger than contributions from individuals ($20,975)
- 13 out of 24 Human Rights Campaign lobbyists in 2013-2014 have previously held government jobs
As these bullet points show, the Human Rights Campaign donates almost exclusively to Democrats.
Who else is a 501 (c)?
“The John William Pope Civitas Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit right-wing pressure group based in North Carolina and launched in 2005 to “facilitate the implementation of conservative policy solutions.” It calls itself a “think tank.” It gets most of its funding from North Carolina businessman and politician Art Pope (John William Pope’s son). A 2010 Facing South comparison of the tax records filed by the Civitas Institute and the John Williams Pope Foundation — which Art Pope chairs — reveals that Pope’s backing has constituted more than 99 percent of all the grants, donations and gifts that Civitas has received between 2005 and 2009. Civitas Action is its 501(c)(4) sister organization, in which Pope is also a founding member.[1] According to its website, Civitas’ vision is “of a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement.[2] The Civitas Institute is a member of the State Policy Network (SPN).
SPN is a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country. It is an $83 million right-wing empire as of the 2011 funding documents from SPN itself and each of its state “think tank” members. Although SPN’s member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, the Center for Media and Democracy’s in-depth investigation, “EXPOSED: The State Policy Network — The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government,” reveals that SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the right-wing, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.[3]”
Follow the money.
“Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council
The Civitas Institute has ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), both through SPN and directly. An August 2013 ALEC board document obtained by The Guardian lists the Civitas Institute as a former member of the Public Safety and Elections Task Force, which was shuttered in April 2012 after the death of Trayvon Martin, and lists it as intending “to change membership to Education,” namely ALEC’s Education Task Force.[6]
See SPN Ties to ALEC for more.
About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC’s operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy’s, and check out breaking news on our site.”
Criminals and child abusers, of course. Terry Bean, for starters:
Terry Bean, let us be reminded, is one of the founders of the child-abusing HRC. Then, of course, there’s Chad Sevearance, who brought us the evil Charlotte ordinance that HB2 overturned:
“McCrory flails again on HB2 while reality sets in at General Assembly”
By their fruits you will know them. The ACLU, it’s worth remembering, has long campaigned to have child pornography legalized, and to outlaw restrictions on the use of public library computers. One of that hate group’s reasons for doing this became quite clear when the head of their Virginian chapter, Charles Rust-Tierney (whose name they’ve been trying to dump down the memory hole) got arrested and convicted of having massive amounts of child pornography on his computer:
We’re not talking about shifty Calvin Klein ads or even graphic “lolicon” line drawings here, by the way; we’re talking about hard-core prepubescent child rape, while the little girls were tied up and screaming:
Not too difficult to figure why these hypocrites who regularly scream about Republican sex scandals (while trying to legalize the very things for which those Republicans were busted and/or disgraced) would rather you forget the names of prominent leftard child abusers like Charles Rust-Tierney, huh?
Here’s another leftard “Epstein” Lonnie & Co. would rather you forget: David Epstein of Columbia University.
His seditious Bush-bashing and Palin-smearing made him a hero of the treasonous hate-mongering left. His copping plea-bargain to “attempted” incest with his 21-year-old daughter (which he claimed lasted only three years) had them flinging him down the memory hole.
Bathroom banditry has a long and distinguished pedigree with Lonnie’s child-abusing buddies, naturally. Before they were screaming against HB2 for forbidding grown men to enter little girl’s rooms, another treasonous Bush-bashing liar and hypocrite was eager to bring underage girls into the men’s room of a Burger King to watch him masturbate:
Scott Ritter didn’t learn from his mistakes, getting arrested again in 2010 for much the same kind of crime as he had back in 2001. He later got paroled in 2014, under condition that he stay away from anyone under 18. Somehow, I doubt he’s learned his lesson this time either, especially since his is another formerly “heroic” name the left prefers to fling down the memory hole.
Then there’s the hate group GLSEN’s beloved Kevin Jennings, the celebrated former “safe schools” Czar who’s never yet been imprisoned for all the children he’s endangered with trying to inflict his sick pedophilia-promoting curriculum on our nation. Every lying leftard propagandist tried to pretend his attempts to teach 7th graders about fisting and expose them to child pornography worthy of NAMBLA were no big deal, and to smear everyone who brought the truth to light:
Here’s one of the cleaner passages from page 13 of Reflections of a Rock Lobster, recommended for children 12-17 years old:
That’s right, kids: Kevin Jennings and GLSEN wants you to know that everyone was having sodomite sex orgies in first grade. Try as they desperately as all of Lonnie’s favorite child-rape-supporting far-left propagandists did to keep him, Kevin Jennings ended up getting fired… and nothing worse. He’s still out there endangering children with his GLSEN’s brainwashing programs designed to indoctrinate children into the gaystapo goose-stepper brigades, albeit from a much less prominent position.
You know, one thing on which Lonnie fails to realize we agree is that trannies are not that great of a danger to girls and women; people with delusions of being the other sex are mainly a danger to themselves, when they discover that turning their genitals inside out doesn’t make them feel any better (or less suicidal); moreover, those hormone treatments they take risk giving them cancer. It’s the far-more-numerous sex offenders who are the real danger, having already used tranny-pandering laws like Seattle’s (and the now-defunct Charlotte ordinance) to prey on girls and women. Those laws don’t bother to define trannies at all, meaning that sexual predators don’t have to turn their genitals inside-out or wear women’s clothes or even raise the pitch of their voices to enter girls and women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, and changing rooms. The guy in Seattle who entered a locker room for girls and women, took off his shirt and watched women and prepubescent girls change their clothes didn’t even claim to “identify” as anything, just told his victims that the law said he had a right to be there; and he was right, since they couldn’t evict him.
In the end, though, delusional as the trannies are and dangerous as the sexual predators Lonnie & Co. wish to enable are, I’d say the greatest danger of all to everyone is the pornography and hate propaganda of child-abusing totalitarian leftard criminals like Lonnie and his fellow gaystapo goose-steppers are trying to inflict on our children with the full blessing of their fellow criminals in government. Leftards like Lonnie belong in prison and in Hell for all their crimes against humanity.
By the way, Lonnie, here’s another left-wing organization I’m sure has been with you all the way on your efforts to get grown men into little girls’ bathrooms:
If your preference runs more to little boys, of course, there’s also this organization for you:
…but you’ll have to stop being such an ageist bigoted pedophobe and discriminating against *ahem* “boy-lovers” like them, or they won’t let you join.
Meanwhile, Target remains a “girl-lover”-friendly retailer:
Yes, perverts, you can still legally enter the little girls’ rooms to watch them change clothes and wag your weenie at them while you take a leak and stuff… even under HB2! (It doesn’t apply to private businesses, remember?)
That’s Lying Lonnie’s kind of people,alright.The sicker they are the better old Lying Lonnie likes them.
Lying Lonnie has disappeared,probably got all hot and bothered with all those sicko sites you sent him.
The Gimmedats convention
Democrat Convention Schedule
Monday, July 25, 2016
11:15 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention
Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
1:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Illegal Immigrants.
3:15 PM
Address on “Being the Real You”
Rachel Dolezal, former Head of the Seattle NAACP and
Caitlyn Jenner
4:30 PM
“How to Bank $200 Million as a
Public Servant and claim to be broke”
Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM
How to have a successful career
Without ever having a job, and
Still avoid paying taxes!
A Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
5:00 PM
Medals of Freedom presentation to
Army deserter Bo Bergdahl
For serving with Honor and Distinction
National Security Advisor Susan Rice
5:30 PM
Invitation-only Autograph Session
Souvenir photographs of Hillary and
Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia
6:30 PM
General vote on praising Baltimore rioters,
And on using the terminology
“Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”
7:30 PM
Breakout session with Bill Clinton
For women on avoiding the upcoming draft
8:30 PM
The White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as
“Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance”
9:00 PM
“Liberal Bias in Media“ How we can make it work for you!
Tutorial sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS,
The Washington Post and the New York Times
With Guest Speaker, Brian Williams
9:15 PM
Tribute Film to the Brave Freedom Fighters
Still incarcerated at GITMO
Michael Moore
9:45 PM
Personal Finance Seminar –
“Businesses Don’t Create Jobs”
Hillary Clinton
11:00 PM
Short film, “Setting Up Your Own Illegal
Email Server While Serving in A
Cabinet Post and How to Pretend
It’s No Big Deal”
Hosted by Hillary Clinton
11:30 PM
Official Nomination of Hillary
Bill Maher and Chris Matthews
BILL O’REILLY, HOST: In the “Impact” segment tonight, the FBI in San Diego infiltrated the North American Man/Boy Love Association, have arrested seven men who are heading to Mexico, allegedly to sexually abuse young boys.
Now we thought we had driven NAMBLA out of this country after reporting the terrible murder of a 10-year-old Massachusetts boy, but apparently that group’s Web site is up and running again. And they have a post office box in New York City and also in San Francisco.
Lonnie,are you a card carrying member of this sicko bunch.
The truth continues to inform the general public.
“Rockwall Resoundingly Rejects Anti-Trans ‘Bathroom’ Ordinance
Rockwall may never go down alongside Stonewall in the annals of LGBT history, but Monday’s City Council meeting in the conservative Dallas suburb arguably marked a turning point for transgender rights in Texas.”
Well,you won one queer boy. How does that 100 queers stack up against 1,166,000 and counting?
Hey queer boy,
You won one but you are losing the war.Public support for the progressives’ goal of mandatory mixed-sex rest rooms is down by 20 points since mid-April as more Americans face the once-ludicrous prospect of being forced to share facilities with people of the opposite sex, according to a new Reuters poll.
The poll showed that support for mixed-sex bathrooms dropped 8 points from 46 percent on April 13 to 38 percent on April 19.
Support for normal, single-sex, bathrooms shot up by one-third, or 12 points, from 35 percent up to 47 percent by April 19, according to the survey.
This 20-point public rebuke of the progressive agenda is occurring despite massive media cheerleading for progressives’ transgender priorities, including greater social status for a male athlete, Bruce Jenner, who now wishes to live as a woman named Caitlyn. The bigger goal of the bathroom push, however, would be to force American adults and youths to agree to share their public bathrooms and changing rooms with the small number of people who try to live and look like people of the opposite sex.
You can quit worrying about Queer Springsteen,Lonnie.N.C. Is number ADAM BRUNS
T1 Texas/NorthCarolina
3 Tennessee
4 Kentucky
5 Georgia
6 Michigan
7 Indiana
8 Ohio
9 South Carolina
10 Iowa
Ask any CEO or any athlete: The truest test of competitiveness is finding out how you respond to a challenge.
Today, Texas is confronting an energy sector downturn that has meant thousands of job losses, even as projects from so many other sectors keep landing there. In North Carolina, the downturn takes the form of a widely shared frown, as newly passed legislation many view as discriminatory to the LGBT community has caused major company project cancellations, event pullouts and boycotts of the state.
But if any territories are built to withstand such storms, these two are. In the analysis for Site Selection’s annual Prosperity Cup (formerly named the Competitiveness Award), Texas and North Carolina finish in a tie for No. 1, based on an index of 10 criteria that measure corporate project activity and business climate attractiveness.
Hey Pinto,
Queer boy Lonnie is on a queer site that rails against HB2. They believe in the first amendment so much they cut me off.Imagine that.They love Lonnie though.We need enough people to go over there and let them cut us off and keep them busy.
Why do you have such a fear of homosexuality? Are you uncertain of your own sexuality? Do you have desires for sex with a men or do you believe you can catch homosexuality? I very confident of my own sexuality and believe my fellow citizens who are Gay deserve the same equality, respect, civil rights, tax advantages and human rights as my wife of over fifty years and I enjoy. I feel really sorry your “Good Christian” beliefs makes you think bigotry and injustice towards LBGT citizens makes you somehow a better Christian or a “Real American”.
Do you need to put others down to feel better about yourself?
By the way, if you are Gay and come out of the closet, liberals will defend your rights as a human being and your full citizenship rights as American citizen. Maybe if you come out, you would be a lot happier individual. Only you know the motivating force behind your hostility towards LBGT citizen and your desire to see them treated unjustly.
It’s curious as to why trans proponents have so little regard for the feelings of women or young girls. The trans movement was fueled by 3 pedophiles ( and the recent Charlotte bill was championed by yet another pedophile. Large corporaions who once endorsed he boycott of NC HB2 are now withdrawing their support (thanks for concerned citizens contacting their public relations department about the truth behind NC HB2 – the child safety bill.
Hey Lonnie,
Does your wife of 50 years know you are queer? I certainly am not afraid of you or any other queer.I don’t have a problem with you AIDS infected perverts.I do have a problem with school kids being taught that it’s normal.Why don’t you come out of the closet and let your poor wife find a real man? Or better yet,come out of the women’s bathroom? I can’t figure out what your perversion is.Is it queer or pedophilia? You are pushing awful hard to get in the wrong bathroom for some reason.
May you find peace and your rage subside. You’re a lucky person, because your problems are all imaginary. You blame unknown people, who have done you no harm for non existing problems, conceived in a right wing think tank.
Do you have no children, grandchildren, friends or neighbors who can talk your anger down to reality?
I don’t have anger or fear.If I was you I would have some fear because I can’t believe somebody in Blowing Rock hasn’t whipped your rear end all over town.The only rage I have is what’s happened to this country in the last 7 years.That idiot President is letting thousands of Syrians into this country.I guess the first thing they will do is throw all your queer buddies off buildings,then we will see who is fearmongering.I do get a little angry when someone in their late 60’s or 70’s and is still as dumb as a college student.Most of them will get a brain when they get in the real world.Of course most of them can’t get a job because we have the worst economy since the Depression.Its not non existing problems I worry about its people like you in the bathroom with my daughters.
You have personal experience with which of these imaginary problems and you personally know how many Syrians?
No one in your family or circle of friend is in the LBGT community nor are their children? Your wife’s experience at the bank with LBGT citizens was negative and she shares your homophobia?
I truly hope you find peace and enlightenment. Knowledge will be your friend.
More bad news for the McCrory Admin. and NCGOP
What you don’t seem to understand is what you worry about and reality are not the same. Only you have control over what you worry about.
How much of what you worry about actually has happen in the last few years? What freedom have you personally lost? Do you still feel free to make comments on the Internet? Do you still have money in the bank? Do you have enough to to eat, a roof and transportation?
Does your government issued Social Security check arrive each month?
Does Medicare pay its share of your medical expenses?
Does the 911 number work in your community?
Obama DoJ threatens NC with completely made up interpretations of civil rights law…fabricated out of whole cloth. Imperial edicts now supersede constitutional law and it’s cheerleaders applaud the fascist tactics when it suits them. Progressive? Yes! Proceeding straight into ruination and social collapse. Obama and his thug justice Dept can go suck moon rocks!!!
I’m sure the courts will decide if you’re right, I don’t believe you are.
President Obama was in Flint MI cleaning up excessive Conservative ideology where they put ideology ahead of common sense and public safety.
Now instead of saving one million dollars billions will be spent to cleanup the conservative mess and children’s health has been negitively adulterer for the rest of their lives. Over 40 people died as a result of conservatives putting idealogy ahead of the common good and reality.
America cannot afford government by conservative extremist.
Meanwhile, the bigoted gaystapo goose-stepper thugs at Target continue to lose their fight against reality:
When are you leftard thugs going to own up to your poisoning of Flint’s waters, Lonnie?
More on the racist leftard bigoted hypocrites who’d rather blame their problems on Republicans than lift a finger to help black people:
On a lighter note, Target Announces Senior Discount For Anyone Who Self-Identifies As Age 60 Or Older.
Ha ha ha… just kidding. Still, 52-year-old nutjob Stefonknee Wolscht, who identifies as a 6-year-old little girl, remains free to enter little girls’ bathrooms in Target under HB2:
With all the customers gone, of course, he’ll be very nearly the only one shopping there, but that’s the silver lining to being in leftard-run hellholes: with the economy ruined, you never have traffic jams anymore.
Speaking of low traffic in leftard-run hellholes, a third of San Francisco’s residents are apparently looking into a very effective method for reducing San Francisco’s traffic problems:
At least, that’s the positive way to spin things…
More on the gaystapo goose-stepper pederast Terry Bean who’s funding his fellow leftard criminals’ misogynist assault on the bathrooms:
Hey Lonnie,
That useless piece of flesh,Ostupid’s attorney general won’t have a job much longer, so your bad news won’t bother me much longer.Eric Holder the former crooked attorney general refused to do anything about the IRS.Then your buddies,Al Sharpton and Charles Rangel both don’t pay their taxes and got away with it.Hillary is as guilty as sin,but Ostupid won’t do anything about it.The last 2 Gimmedat Govenors should be in jail.Franklin Raines stole over 90 million dollars and got away with it.How do you look in the mirror and get on this site and take up for these disgusting bunch of crooks.I think anybody that knows you knows you are nothing but an apologist for Gimmedat crooks.
Hey Lonnie,
That POS President of yours has sent his crooked Attotney General to take our tax money away because they say because you can’t go in to women’s bathrooms it violates your civil rights.That POS needs to be impeached.I think this will be the final straw that says we have had it with these queer rights.Everywhere it was put to a vote queer marriage was defeated but the Gimmedats got it anyway.Normal people are not going to take this much longer.The dictator has gone too far.
Liberty’s article does not contribute any substance to the issue. D-
Does anybody know what Lonnie’s little troll boy is talking about? He must have had a stroke too.
You never addressed this post.
What you don’t seem to understand is what you worry about and reality are not the same. Only you have control over what you worry about.
How much of what you worry about actually has happen in the last few years? What freedom have you personally lost? Do you still feel free to make comments on the Internet? Do you still have money in the bank? Do you have enough to to eat, a roof and transportation?
Does your government issued Social Security check arrive each month?
Does Medicare pay its share of your medical expenses?
Does the 911 number work in your community?
Hey idiot Lonnie,
All the things you ask if I worry about are stupid.The things I worry about is morons like you teaching our kids.Things like our military has 5 of our carriers in port because Ostupid is cutting back on the Military so he has more money to hand out to freeloaders for their votes.Things like your President being a dictator.Things like the jobs this idiot, who like you has never run a business and Is clueless how the economy works.Things like sickos like you that want one bathroom for everybody.Things like turning loose thousands of illegals that have committed crimes all the way up to murder.He just turned them loose.Can you explain that?Didnt think so.Things like kicking a soldier out of the Army for beating a sick queer Iraqi for raping a chained small boy repeatedly.You should be proud of this POS President.
Sorry to hear your world is so dangerous. I’m also thankful I don’t share your small minded, fearful, angry world.
My world has the most competent POTUS in American History, the world’s most stable economy but poor distribution of that wealth. My world needs living wage jobs created by rebuilding our infrastructure. My world needs prison reform, drug law reform, world class public schools, universal health care system, police reform, affordable higher education and vision for the future.
How is you life altered by the location of aircraft carriers? What would they be doing if at sea? Do we still have the world most powerful military many times over? Do we have the world’s largest and most stable economy? How does a transgender woman in the women public restroom harm you or your wife? How would you or your wife even know a transgender woman was in the adjoining stall?
The crime rate in America is down but we do have pockets where gangs are a serious problem. Gangs usually thrive where society is failing, high unemployment, corrupt police, un represented citizens, high drug use and poorly educated citizens with poor or failing schools.
Your anger at scapegoats will not solve such real problems.
Hey stupid Lonnie,
I just answered all that crap of yours .How is my and millions of others life’s affected by the location of aircraft carriers? Have you ever heard of Pearl Harbor?The carriers were lined up just like now when the Japanese came a bombed the hell out of them.Did you sleep through history class in grade school or did you even go.I guess you were in the girls locker room that day.How many times does an idiot have to be told it is not Transgenders in the bathrooms that is the problem.Target is telling men that they can go in women’s bathroom, period. Do you read anything or are you just too stupid to comprehend it?
Hey Richard Crainium,
You say I didn’t answer your post.You never answer any post.But,it doesn’t bother me because other people see that you just change the subject instead of answering a question. That shows people that you are just stupid or you can’t answer because you just got proven to be so wrong.Pinto sends you link after link,and you never answer because you know he has proved you are a liar.
Bless you heart, I don’t want to waste any time making personal attacks on you.
America is under no serious threat from any foreign government. ISSL poses no serious threat to a take over of the American government.
Your fears are unfounded, your worries are being wasted.
Trump is who you should be concerned about.
Still got nothing, huh, Lonnie?
You are the leader of this gang.
“The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.”
Lying Lonnie,
Hillary said”I will get the NRA shut down for good if I become President.If we can ban handguns we will.” Of course not the ones guarding her sorry carcass.
George Washington said”When government takes away citizens right to bear arms it becomes citizens duty to take away governments right to govern.”
Old George must have know Old Lonnie and Hillary would come along someday.
Racist Lonnie,
ISIS is the way it should be,not ISSL.The only people that use ISSL are you,Ostupid and his crew of Muslims.I always thought you were anti-Semite Jew hater.
Lying Lonnie,
At my age I have no fears especially from queers.The only fears I have is the hell people like you are making for my kids and grandkids.You must not have any or if you do you must not give a darn that you are leaving them a debt of massive proportions.If you have taught them your Godless ways I hope they find out the truth somewhere else.
You continue to wet your pants over things that are very unlikely to ever have any effect on your personal life. Most are invented just to motivate you to vote against you own personal interest unless you’re extremely rich.
Hey Depends boy,
I guess that each and ever one of us owes around 60,000 ,is nothing to worry about.We will just charge it to the rich.Of course if they are really big liars for the Gimmedats we will let them skate. No need to make Al Sharpton or Charles Rangel pay their taxes,that would be racist.No need to make George Soros pay more in taxes,in his own words he owns the Gimmedat Party.No need to worry about the Muslims,they are just kidding when they say they will kill us.No worries about Russia when they are invading countries all over.No worries about that little mental case in North Korea with nuclear missles.He is a communist so he would never bomb Comrade Lonnie.No worries that the Army is the smallest since the First World War.The last and the present Sec. Of Defense are very worried about what Ostupid is doing to the military.I didn’t even mention how brazen the Chinese are getting in the South China Sea.Get your head out of your butt,Neville Chamberlain.Remove your Depends first.
Lying Lonnie,
I noticed you didn’t deny being a Jew hater.Your Muslim love is starting to make sense.
How many people of the Jewish faith who support your politacal world view?
I don’t know and neither do you ,Gomer.i do know know the idiot CEO of target said today that they were sticking with .ooooo1% of you queers and their stock fell 5.43 % today.Lets see how long targets board takes to get rid of this idiot.I also know how to spell political.
Some of the comments above are as irrelevant as Dillon’s article!
But not as irrelevant as you,George.