Apparently There Is a Need to Differentiate
(A longer version of this piece also ran on
President-elect Donald J. Trump. Regardless of what the media wanted us to believe, the election of Donald Trump was not only possible—it happened!
And there have been legitimate reactions, happy and disappointed, from many across the country. But feigning fear, to the point of seeking safe spaces, and comparing the election of Donald Trump to the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, is utterly ridiculous.
Students in my state are reporting that a professor of journalism at a North Carolina university recently said that the election of Donald Trump is “just as devastating as 9/11.”
Is it really?
Over the weekend, Saturday Night Live aired with a cold open so gloomy I assumed I was watching the wrong channel. Kate McKinnon, the actress who has played Hillary Clinton in sketches during this election season, sat at a piano and performed a moving rendition of the song “Hallelujah.” I waited for the punchline, but when the song ended, she looked into the camera with tears in her eyes and said “I’m not giving up and neither should you.” There surely hasn’t been an SNL opening this somber since September 11. The tone was eerily similar.
Give me a break.
Robert De Niro has reportedly chimed in with the same sentiments saying, “I feel like I did after 9/11.”
What a disservice to our country and what an insult to 9/11 families to make this comparison! Some families have already responded, according to TMZ. They call this comparison “disgusting ignorance.” What a punch in the gut this must be for them.
Do any of the precious college students hiding in their safe spaces while creating internet memes and Snapchatting videos of themselves crying about this election even remember September 11, 2001?
Do they remember the horror of thousands of Americans being killed? Were they glued to the television that fall morning to find out where the next attack would be, if there would be more? Did they watch the sickening footage of innocent American men and women throwing themselves off of the towers to their death, to avoid suffocation from smoke and flames?
Probably not. And if they do, I would urge them to think twice between comparing the results of a free election, America’s choice of a president they might not like, and a terrorist attack that resulted in the death of almost 3,000 of us.
We must be vigilant. We must hold our new president accountable. And we must move forward toward unity and get to work. So pull up your pants and end the dramatics. The election of Donald Trump may or may not be what you wanted, but it is certainly incomparable to the devastating death and destruction this country experienced on September 11, 2001.
It’s a wonder that there is a need to differentiate.
Journalism? Really NCCivitas….
IF all you know is what the Huffington post, MSNBC, Pravda, or Joseph Goebbels told you, I could see why you’d think it was 9/11….
Amen, this kind of nonsense is right up there with comparing Trump to Hitler.
I’m sorry that professors name has been blocked out, he should be recognized far and wide for his inane foolishness.
I’ve got family members absolutely freaking out because they think Trump is going to start rounding up all the gays, Muslims and Mexican’s… they really believe this stuff!
The media has really outdone itself in trying to scare people… imagine how different the outcome would have been if they had actually done their jobs!
So, now we are basing whole articles on on something that a guy says on FaceBook that his girlfriend’s professor is supposed to have said???
It is not only based on one posting. Read somrthing else than whatever you are reading now and you will see the trash that is going on all over the country and big names colleges and universities doing. Absolultbstupib things.
“So, now we are basing whole articles on on something that a guy says on FaceBook that his girlfriend’s professor is supposed to have said???”
No, the article is just pointing out what is happening nationally with the “Snow Flakes”. I’ve seen compilations of grown men and women sobbing uncontrollably into their arms at the election parties. It is being reported that some universities are providing counseling and comfort dogs and even suicide counseling for the weak sisters. One girl was screaming and saying she wanted to die unless someone “fixed this s–t”.
This is a sad commentary on this Millennial Generation. I hope this country is never attacked by an enemy from inside or outside the country. It’s difficult to fight back when you are cowering before life situations.
‘Students in my state are reporting that a professor of journalism’. Properly worded, honestly worded, this would have read ‘Students in my state are reporting that a professor of indoctrination’. That would have been accurate.
Politically incorrect, but where’s the honesty & truth in PC?
And who made libs the arbiters of PC? No wonder what’s acceptable changes with the wind!
These scare tactics that the colleges and Universities use on politically inexperienced students are unethical. Leftists just get more and more crooked and brazen as time goes on. Republicans, on the other hand wimp in the face of aggression, as Mitt Romney did, in the famous tv debate when the moderator sided with Obama. Why is the professors name left off, this article, for example? If this were a leftist news article, against a conservative, the name would be there. Republicans need to learn how to fight, or they will lose. I hope Pat McCrory is ready to fight, because they have ganged up on him, and there is no line they won’t cross.