North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper has repeatedly ignored his sworn duty to defend the laws of our state. In order to appeal to his liberal base of supporters in his gubernatorial bid, Cooper has declined to defend several North Carolina laws and the State Constitution.
Yesterday, he did it once again. Suddenly it’s no longer politically convenient for him to defend the duly passed North Carolina Voter ID law. So according to the Associated Press, Cooper has declined to represent you and the state and appeal the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals outrageous Decision to overturn the voter ID law.
Not only do North Carolina’s citizens deserve the right to have their legitimate votes not be cancelled out by fraudulent ones – but we also have the right to an Attorney General who defends the laws of our state and upholds his sworn duty.
After the 4th Circuit decision and Cooper’s dereliction of duty – we have neither.
Now Cooper has a decision to make: Do your job or resign your office.
Sign the petition below and tell Roy Cooper to defend the Voter ID law and appeal to the Supreme Court, or resign!
First, sign the petition, then call Roy Coopers office at (919)716-6400 and tell him to get to work or get out!
Petition to Roy Cooper: Do Your Job or Resign!
Attorney General Roy Cooper has declined to further defend North Carolina's 2013 Election Reform Law that eliminates same day registration and requires a photo ID to vote. We, the undersigned demand that Roy Cooper do his job and appeal the 4th Circuit decision to overturn Voter ID to the US Supreme Court, or resign his office!
Cooper, it is time to stop stealing tax payer money. Stop your permanent campaign, and do your job as North Carolina’s AG. YOUR POLITICAL preference should have NO bearing on you defending the laws of NC. If you are unable to execute your duties due to your politics, RESIGN.
your worthless Roy, its just that plain…..
Time to run Roy out on a rail
Dear Mr. Cooper,
I am a conservative Republican but I was going to vote for you.
Notice I said I ‘was’ going to vote for you…that is no longer the case.
Your stance on transgender restrooms goes against what I feel is in the best interest of the citizens (especially the children), of this state.
However, the final straw in my decision to not vote for you is your opposition to the voter I.D law.
If we are required to show I.D to have a document notarized, open a checking account, buy cigarettes, apply for welfare or EBT benefits, get into an ‘R’ rated movie, or buy ‘M’ rated video games, not to mention a whole laundry list of other things, why should we not be required to present a photo I.D to vote? People (of all races), don’t seem to have a problem presenting one for any of the above mentioned things.
This is just one voters opinion but, my belief is, if you’re not trying to do something a little on the ‘shady side’…you wouldn’t have a problem with it either.
Bad law written… voted for with a wink and nod. Cooper has the high ground here.
When NC magistrates chose not to marry single sex couples I believe he said state officials need to do there job as mandated by law. COOPER DO YOUR JOB! I look forward to you leaving NC for good after you lose the election! NYC loves liberals!!!
Roy would defend HB2 and now voter ID. EOY, DO YOUR JOB OR RESIGN IMMEDIATELY.
Do your job, support what the people want. All you seem to do is the opposite. Voters MUST show ID. The ONLY reason to not support this is if you are corrupt. Voting you out buddy.
Roy Cooper, you’re a piece of crap! Do your frigging job or stop taking taxpayers money!
We need to change our laws so that this position is appointed by the governor. It is useless to have an attorney general who will not do his job because he disagrees with the majority in the state government. He should resign this position immediately or we should start whatever process our law provides to have him removed. He is wasting our money in this position for political gain.
I hope and pray that there is still a majority of citizens in this state who will look beyond the headlines and reject this person. Let’s not return control of the state to the Democrats. They have had control for most of my 60 years and they should be the ones who should be shouldering the blame for the position this state is in. Let’s give McCory another term. It seems to me he is just starting to get this state headed in the right direction and I for one think he should be given the chance to continue. Let’s not give control back to those who have had it for so long and whose policies do not benefit the common working person, in spite of what they would have you believe!
Roy Cooper
Do the job the taxpayers of N.C. are paying you to do and the job you raised your right hand and swore to do.
If you want to run for governor then resign and run for governor. Stop posturing.
I saw a funny Cooper ad yesterday. He talked about his stances and defending this and that (naturally defending the little guy from big corporations) however, nothing was mentioned about the Voter Information Verification Act and HB2. Those are two major accomplishments to address to us North Carolinians; wait-a-tick he didn’t defend neither of them.
Why is he still the Attorney General for our state? There was much to be made about Clerks of Court not issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals (my bad gay folk) and that the clerks should step down. I don’t recall Cooper defending the merits of traditional marriage and states rights to do so.
Why are we not signing a petition for a recall vote of Roy?
I suggest pulling the expense of legal fees from the Attorney General’s pay. . . . Also why was Roy Cooper in New York conspiring to kill jobs here in North Carolina? Does Roy Cooper hold NEW YORK VALUES?
Remember, all democrackkks are CRIMINALS from the TOP down these days and
Roy Cooper has sided with EVIL against the children of NC. I cannot imagine why he
would act this way. He has been unworthy of office since day one. Please Roy, RESIGN NOW and get your tainted self out of NC altogether!
Roy Cooper CAUSED the PayPal expansion in Charlotte to be stopped, plus he
has conspired against the state in several other boycott requests. He is EVIL like
Don’t miss the fantastic movie ‘Hillary’s America’ playing now near you!
(Did you ever wonder WHY the true history of the democrat party is NEVER taught in government schools ?)
I can tell you by experience one cannot enter a government building, i.e. Social Security Office, Courts, etc. without a photo ID. Nor can your board a plane or buy alcohol without a government issued photo ID. We all know what this is about. This is NOT about helping minorities to vote. They all have photo ID’s to enter what I mentioned above. This is about allowing non-citizens of the United States to vote to insure underhanded people to get into office. And to make it easier for others to vote multiple times claiming to be other people they know that aren’t voting or even dead people. This is an illegal move to insure that the democratic system is thwarted and power hungry tyrants are elected into office.
2 Appeals Court judges appointed by BHO and one by WJC and a leftist NCAG running for Governor. Your corruption slip is showing….
I think I will sue the federal government for requiring that I have a government issued photo ID next time I fly, because it is hindrance and too much of burden upon me.
Roy Cooper is worse than Mike Easley. If elected, we can look forward to more corrupt crony government. He should do the jobs he was elected to do. I want a jobs like Roy where I can pick a choose what I want to do. I might not like and disagree with some of the things I have to do at work, but I do them because it is my job and if I refused I would be fired!!
why are we asking for Cooper to do his job,he should have been impeached four years ago when he refused to support the marriage amendment when it was being torn apart by an un-elected rogue liberal democrat federal judge in our state. Cooper has become or always was in hiding a Marxist Bolshevik liberal twit demoncrat as well as his counter partner trouble maker, Deborah Ross and the entire media structure here in N.C. I would love to see him impeached right now , so he couldn’t finish out his term while being totally disgraced and also Dis barred, just like Billy Bligh Clinton . he is the worse of law breakers just like our sodomite Islamic president as well as Hillary the murderer, Liar and Perjurer. All of these ugly evil faces these are of the same coin working to pervert our form of government and justice.
For once in my adult life I can say that I am ashamed of how my home state of NC is being abused by liberal politicians such as you Mr.
Cooper Just a continuation of how our Federal government is transforming our country into a 3rd world country. It is my hope and prayers that you will have to leave your position in the NC State government
Failure to uphold the law of the state to which you have a sworn duty…isn’t that an ethical if not criminal violation?
You’re too lazy to do your job as AG, why should anyone vote for you as governor? Anyone entering a Federal building must have a photo I.D. The DNC required a photo ID to get inside. Our votes are the most important right given us. We need to be sure that those voting are who they say they are, and have the right to vote in our elections. There is nothing racial about showing a photo I.D. as a requirement to vote. Anyone can get a voter i.d. without cost if they don’t already have a driver’s license. Get busy! Defend my right to be certain our vote is honest.
Roy Cooper does not represent North Carolina voters. He is financed by NY liberals and should leave and not come back.
If we had a democrat as our governor he would have no problem at all enforcing the laws. As it is he is a typical liberal with no values at all other than his own. Someone please start a petition to the governor to stop his pay, make him resign or do his job. You had to show an ID to get into the DNC are they any different.
Only deviants and pedophiles don’t like that law.Don’t you think so George?
They still make tar. They still make feathers. And they still make rails.
Quit being a godless Progressive Democrat
As attorney general you are to be apolitical and stand for the laws of the State
Especially laws voted in by majority of citizens
Do the job you swore an oath to or leave office
I see the present democratic party as anti- American from the top down, their thought process is non functional.