“We need to know who the real enemy of constitutional conservatives is and stop fighting amongst ourselves,” National Center for Policy Analysis Executive Director Lt. Col. Allen West told a packed ballroom at the 2016 Conservative Leadership Conference on March 4. “The real enemy is those on the Left who favor wealth distribution and expanding a welfare nanny state.”
West said that making people dependent on the government is a goal of the Left, which hopes that in turn that dependency will translate into votes. West rolled up his sleeve to show a tattoo with the defiant battle cry of the ancient Spartan warriors: “molon labe,” “Come and take it!” That lit a fuse that exploded in real energy throughout the crowd when he said, “If the progressive socialists want to destroy this great nation, we need to be willing to stand up and fight and dare them to come and take it!”
You can see his entire speech right here:
Allen West is one of the smartest men we have in this country.He and Thomas Sowell,Walter Williams,Charles Payne,and many more black men have proved they can make it in this country without the Gimmedats nanny state.It is so sad that most blacks listen to the Al Sharpton’s and Jessie Jackson’s who made their money race baiting and being bought off by corporations they were blackmailing.After years of being dependent on Gimmedats they are mostly living in reservations hell holes built by Gimmedats.These gentlemen like Mr. West have proved if you are smart and work hard you don’t need commie handouts.It is too bad the Gimmedats call these fine men,Uncle Toms.They do this because they know that if they can’t make the blacks feel like they are victims,the blacks would make it on their own and not need the Gimmedats.