- Many county election boards can accommodate early voters with fewer hours, thus saving money
- One member of the State Board of Elections, however, is preventing counties from reducing their number of early voting hours
- A provision in VIVA allows one member to deny county requests for reductions
Joshua Malcolm, one of two Democrats on the five-member State Board of Elections (SBE), has told the board’s Executive Director he will not allow counties to reduce the number of one-stop hours (early voting hours) for the November election.
Sounds funny, doesn’t it? How can one state board member make the decision for a five-member board, a board appointed by the governor? This decision by one man will have far-reaching effects in all of North Carolina’s 100 counties.
In a Numbered Memo 2016-07, dated March 29 and sent to all 100 counties’ elections directors, Kim Strach explained that one unnamed board member would not vote in favor of any hours reductions requests and that “lack of budget of resources would not be considered a valid reason to allow a reduction.”
One State Board member has indicated that the member will not vote in favor of any hours reduction requests for the 2016 general election, with only the very limited exception of exigent circumstances. This member also made clear that a lack of budget of resources would not be considered a valid reason to allow a reduction. Thus, all county boards are on notice not to expect hours reductions to be granted for the November election unless unforeseen circumstances arise. All county boards should take steps now to secure the resources they need to meet this statutory mandate. The topic of securing resources for the 2016 general election is explored further in Numbered Memo 2016-06.
The memo did not include the board member’s name. It took an email to the state board’s spokesperson to find out that the board member making the unilateral decision was Joshua Malcolm. Malcom is the former chairman of the Robeson County Board of Elections and is one of two Democrats appointed by the governor to the five-member state board. Here is the text message that precipitated the phone conversation.
Malcolm is allowed to make this power move because of a compromise to the provision in VIVA (the Voter Identification Verification Act/HB 589 passed in 2013) that shortened the early voting period from 17 days to 10 days. In the last hours of wrangling over the changes to the election law in 2013, legislators voted to require counties to offer the same number of cumulative hours of one-stop voting that were offered for the previous comparable election, even while shortening the early voting period by 10 days. This compromise provided for county boards in primaries and elections to request that the State Board allow for fewer hours under G.S. 163-227.2(g3). But there was a catch with this allowance – the request had to be approved with a unanimous county board of elections vote, followed by a unanimous vote by the five State Board of Elections members.
The move by Malcolm is not unprecedented. In 2014 the other Democrat on the SBE did essentially the same thing. Maja Kricker, former chairman of the Chatham County Board of Elections, devised a set of rules that counties seeking to reduce their early voting hours had to comply with in order for her to vote in favor of their plans. Since the vote had to be unanimous, her “no” vote would ultimately deny any county requesting a variance.
If you attended the meetings back in 2014 when Kricker was questioning the counties on their variance requests, you might be inclined to thank Mr. Malcolm for saving us from having to sit through those particularly painful meetings again. But Mr. Malcolm’s decision to run roughshod over the SBE can’t be what the state legislators had in mind when they agreed to a requirement of unanimous votes from, first, the county boards and then the SBE.
Local boards, in general, ask for a reduction of hours when they have determined that the total number of hours required would exceed the number that was needed to accommodate voters. For example, in 2014, one county, in its request for a reduction of hours, reported that one of its early voting sites in 2010, on average, voted only two people per hour.
One might understand the justification of a unanimous vote on the local level. After all, county board members know their counties, understand their voters and are aware of any special requirements in the administration of elections in their home counties. If one of the three local board members wants to make the case for more hours for their one-stop sites, then that board member must defend his position to the local county commissioners and the citizens of the county. More one-stop hours often means more sites, which means more personnel, more ballots and more equipment – adding up to much more money. The problem comes when the county’s unanimous decision must be voted on by the SBE and that vote is required to be unanimous as well.
Unintended consequences? No doubt state lawmakers would not have voted for this compromise if they had taken the time to think it through. One appointed board member unilaterally dictating his/her standards on 100 county boards of elections discredits the member and is an insult to the governor and the voters of North Carolina.
Director Strach made it clear to the local directors in the last paragraph of the memo when she said:
“Given the expressed wishes of a member of our State Board that only unforeseen circumstances will justify hours reduction requests, we expect very few of these requests. In any case, no such requests will be accepted after Friday, July 1, 2016.”
Note to the General Assembly: The last paragraph in Numbered Memo 2016-07 provides very important information: July 1, 2016 is the deadline to have reduction requests into the SBE. At this time there is expected to be very few if any requests submitted, even if a county knows that the number of hours utilized in 2012 was too high then and will be too high in 2016. The Legislature has the time in the short session to make changes to G.S. 163-227.2(g3) and strike the requirement for unanimous votes. This will allow local elections officials to do the job they were appointed and hired to do: administer elections.
Long lines and hours of missed work to vote are the new Jim Crow era poll tax.
Plutocrats don’t want citizens to have easy access to voting.
Mr. Lonnie, you are speaking rubbish. The easiest form of voting, mail-in absentee ballots, have been available for years to anyone who wants to vote. This accommodates the working person, the invalid, anyone that wants the convenience of being able to vote on their own time. There only needs to be two witnesses, or the person voting can have a single notary public witness the sealing of the ballot. Also, no ID is required. How’s that for preventing people from voting! If one is too lazy to request one, well tough!
Instead of striking the requirement for unanimous votes, the General Assembly should consider striking the whole concept of “hours requirements” and go back to letting the county boards decide for themselves what’s needed in their county, as was allowed for many years under the democrats.
I agree with you Joe!
Lonnie is too lazy to request a ballot.But he has time to say you are a racist because you don’t want people to vote 10 times or not have dead people voting.
Voting should be convenient, quick and citizens should be automatically registered with turning 18. High Schools should require civic education to graduate.
Convenient, quick access to voting should not require requesting and casting an absentee ballot. I repeat, long lines to vote are the new Jim Crow poll tax, being implemented by conservative lobbyist.
Suzie just told you how to vote easy.You don’t want to vote quick and easy,you want to be able to cheat.Your ideal would be for all illegals and prisoners to be able to vote.
I try very hard not to waste space or time making personal attacks on you. You should consider keeping your words confined to factual public policy issues. We need to defend voting rights for all American citizens, voting rights are under attack and being suppressed by groups like Civitas Institute using long lines or purging voters from voting rolls.
The Jim Crow South needs to be over.
Shame on the staff of Civitas Institute.
Voting rights are under attack by people like you.I deserve to have my vote counted and not canceled out by someone one that is not supposed to vote.We have already had this argument and I showed you a video of Bernie volunteers lying to people about how they could cheat.Do you want to see it again?Just to remind you,it was in New Hampshire.Your comments when I showed it to you before Just shows you are only interested in people voting illegally.Iam looking it up now.
How is a two hour wait to vote going to make the process fair?
What would you say would speed things up?Just let everybody that walks in the door vote without any kind of check.
There was NEVER a problem, when a citizen goes to register, the board of elections qualifies them as being elegiible voters for that county by requesting qualifying information.
On Election Day the voter gives the official their date of birth, address and last four of their SS number if all of that compares to the information in the computer they proceed to the voting booth at which time the computer is updated to show that person has voted, all quick and easy.
The courts have been rulings actions to supress voting rights as unconstitutional.
Why are conservatives wanting to reduce freedom, liberty and the human rights of self government?
You amaze me.Maybe you are thinking when there was 200 people living in Blowing Rock.My whole life the lines have been long because I have lived in a more populated area.They didn’t ask me the last time I voted for any I.D. and it still took over an hour.How long does it take to show a drivers license.About 2 seconds.It doesn’t take a genius to understand you liberals want dead people and cheaters to vote.I live in Florida in the winter and know for a fact that a lot of Democrats from N.Y.vote in N.Y.,then come to Florida and vote.I know that because they brag about.
You failed to explain why an ID is needed if you give the election official matching information to what has been recorded during your voter registration? You also didn’t explain how a two hour wait makes the election some how fairer? In WATAUGA County we had to fight the Republians who wanted to combine the BOONE prescients to one super prescient to create long lines and waits, the also wanted to eliminate the early voting site on the Appalachian State University campus which serves nearly half the county voters, not just students but also staff and surrounding community.
Conservatives want to do everything possible to create long lines which is the new poll tax to supress voting rights. In conservative Arizona citizens waited over 5 hours to vote.
We in WATAUGA County NC believe in a Democracy, we believe in freedom, not an authorterian, totalitarian government bought by the likes of Art Pope and his mission to return the South to the old Jim Crow era South.
Comrade Lonnie,
You don’t explain how a long wait makes it unfair.Most of your socialists don’t work anyway,so what’s the problem.You have time to go to conservative rallies and in front of the state houses and on campus to make asses out of yourselves,so why the big problem in voting.In conservative Arizona it took 5 hours.Seems like you would like that.Suzie told you how you could vote from your home.It is apparent why you are upset about this.You and the Democrats like dead people and illegal voters.
Have to take time off work to vote, which is time they don’t get paid. That’s a poll tax to supress voting rights which is un constitutional and un American.
You might expect such Facist behavior in a banana republic but not in a free society.
Please, explain how a dead person votes other than by absentee ballot? Which Republinans seem to like and want to expand.
Comrade Lonnie,
I showed you how the cheating happens with Bernie’s volunteers.You just don’t look at it or you just go back to the same old thing you have typed a hundred times.I explained how northern Demoturds do it in Florida.How about you read what I say one time,Comrade.You just want to cheat because you can’t win otherwise.If you don’t get 90%of the Black vote you Commies can’t elect a dog catcher.That’s what this all about,keeping the blacks upset and thinking they are being denied the vote.This is one of your biggest lies.Go back to ironing your black pajamas.
Democrats believe everyone should vote and election should be fair, non gerrymandered.
Do you support voter supression and gerrymandering?
I support somebody that doesn’t type the same crap over and over.I really feel for your wife.
Tomorrow will be Sunday April 17, 2016 for liberal Democrats, what do conservatives believe? Do we share the same calendar?
Incoherent again,Lonnie.Take a deep breath and try again.
Comrade Lonnie,
A dead person votes by someone using their name,don’t be so dense.I’am sure lots of your buddies have done it.
Election watchdog group True the Vote has referred 31 cases of absentee ballot fraud in Florida and New York to the authorities, and says it’s “just the tip of the iceberg.” But remember, according to all the people who think common-sense voter identification measures are nothing but racist programs to suppress the minority vote, vote fraud never actually happens – it’s so rare that there’s no reason to even discuss it.
“This is further evidence of just how susceptible our election system is to voter fraud,” said True the Vote president Catherine Engelbrecht. “Earlier this year, Pew Research found more than 2.75 million people nationwide are registered to vote in more than one state. These early findings put a name, face and potential motivation behind that startling statistic. True The Vote calls on Florida, New York and federal officials to investigate and confirm our citizen research.”
What they’ve discovered is known as “snowbird voting”: people with residences in both New York and Florida who illegally voted in both states. There’s nothing complicated about how True the Vote found these snowbird votes. They simply compared the voter registration rolls of the two states, found 1,700 people registered to vote in both, and then discovered 31 of them had mailed absentee ballots from both Florida and New York during the same election cycle.
All of these double votes are violations of both federal and state law. It seems more than a little odd that election officials aren’t already performing such elementary integrity checks on their own. Let’s see how aggressively Eric Holder’s Justice Department prosecutes these clear cases of voter suppression, in which the votes of black American women are canceled out by fraudulent double votes. (I see no reason not to assume that every voter disenfranchised by fraud is black and female, since vote fraud defenders are constantly slapping the race card down on the table. I threw in “female” because I don’t like to sit down to a card game without upping the ante.)
Something similar happened in Arizona, where nine cases of double voting were discovered in the 2008 election. All of these discoveries highlight one of the reasons it’s time to sweep aside the foolish and disingenuous arguments from critics of voter identification, and use all of our Information Age resources to clean up our voter registrations rolls, and properly identify all voters at the time ballots are cast: it takes a long time to catch these false votes after the fact, and it doesn’t make much difference when they’re discovered months and years later.
“If an election ever came down to someone [winning] by one or two votes, and we could find that someone had voted multiple times – it would be hard to imagine that we could find those things fast enough to make a difference in that election,” said Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, as quoted by KJZZ News. “Which is why we want to make sure that people know that we’re checking for this, and that we don’t want them voting twice in this upcoming election.”
This is also one of the big reasons behind the push for early voting, and all those crazy polls you’re seeing that put Obama up by double-digits in battleground states, fabricated with huge Democrat oversamples. Early voting means more opportunities for fraud, and it also gives the media a chance to decide the election in early voters’ minds, using cooked polls.
Early voting begins tomorrow in Iowa. Almost a third of votes in 2008 were cast early, and even more early votes will be cast in 2012. Talking Points Memo notes that early voting percentages “were much higher in battleground states like Florida (51.8 percent), Nevada (66.9 percent), and North Carolina (60.6 percent).” The state of Ohio is sending absentee ballot request forms to every voter in the state. Early voting begins on October 2 in Ohio… the day before the first presidential debate.
A lot of people are going to vote before they see any of the much-anticipated presidential debates. This re-shaped electoral landscape will always favor Democrats, because no Republican campaign can ever hope to compete with biased media efforts to shape the electorate’s mood during late September and early October. The notion of allowing anyone to vote before watching a single presidential debate is absurd.
And it’s producing a sea of absentee ballots that are highly susceptible to abuse. Back in 2008, WHIO News in Ohio found 3,000 dead people registered to vote, and “approximately 22 of them voted from beyond the grave.” Amazingly, until May of this year, Ohio only had access to the records of people who died in Ohio for the purposes of purging the dead from its rolls. Whatever zombie voters remain in the system are about to get absentee ballot request forms, which they can fill out while snowbird double voters soar through the crisp autumn skies overhead.
How does the voter supression law passed by the NCGA solve any of the above problems?
There may a have been 4 cases of people trying to vote under someone else’s name out of 12,000,000 votes cast in NC over the last 10 years.
Voter ID does nothing to prevent voter fraud using absentee ballots but most of the time an aging person makes an honest mistake, a family member gets them an absentee ballot and a different friend or family member takes them to vote before the absentee ballot has been entered into the state computer updating it to show the elderly person has already voted. The NC conservatives tried to eliminate voter transfers, eliminated high school civic class voter registration for student who will be old enough to vote in the next election and reduced early voting hours, all to make voting confusing and time consuming. Long lines are the new poll tax.
3,000 deceased voters on the Ohio voter rolls out of 7,700,000 voter is not a huge problem nor is 22 votes being cast over how many election. I would bet most are some admin error.
Conservatives are big on fixing non existing problems.
Over 40% of Americans won’t go vote once, why would you expect voting twice with the risk of jail be a problem?
Comrade Lonnie,
Because that is just how crooked Commies,Democrats,Liberals,Progressives are.So,you think 2.75 million people people registered to vote in 2 states with those states not knowing whether they voted in both is not a problem.I know why you think it’s not a problem,because you know that N.Y. Is one of the most liberal states and most all those 2 state voters are voting for Demoturds in Florida after voting in N.Y.Let’s face it Lonnie,you are a voting crook.There is no chance of these crooks going to jail because the states don’t know that the person has already voted in another state.If Republicans were doing the cheating,they would not be the ones trying to do something about it.Demoturds are the ones not wanting any change to the 2.75 million voters registering in two states.It’s obvious who is the cheater.
Lots of the working poor, making $10.00 per hour or less and retirees on Social Security have homes in both NY and Florida?
I think the resident just retired to Florida and the state never removed them from the voting rolls, because they are registered in both states doesn’t mean they vote in both.
Conservatives are really good at fixing problems that don’t exist.
Comrade Lonnie voter crook,
Why do you run your mouth about things you know nothing about.Hundreds of thousands middle class people live in Florida in the winter in mobile homes.Educate yourself.These people didn’t retire to Florida,they live in Florida in the winter.I live in Florida in the winter so I know what I am talking about,as opposed to you who are clueless.2.75 million people who are registered in two states.It is certainly possible that they don’t vote twice,but I doubt it knowing that most are Demoturds,like I grew up with in Buncombe and Madison counties are crooked as hell?Admit it,getting your perverts elected is the plan and you don’t care how it’s done.
The Democrats I know are passionate about fair elections, justice and Democracy. History shows the Plutocrats buying and rigging elections, not working citizens.
I think I have seen the information you’re basing your opinions on, which is a match of the last four digits of a SS# and a date of birth which is an inaccurate number used by propagandist to generate a false narrative for folks like you.
What elections do you have in Florida between Jan.1 and Mar. 31?
Lonnie vote cheater,
Incoherent as usual.People go to Florida in October or November and go back north in April.What is your question about voting in Jan.and March.Is this that stroke thing again?
Lonnie vote cheater,
I showed you Bernies volunteers cheating in New Hampshire.Now,you show me some proof of Plutocrats buying and rigging elections.The only Plutocrat that I know that does that is George Soros,the felon,who made the statement,and I guote”I own the Democrat Party.I bought and paid for it.
The voter suppression legislation sponsored in states formerly regulated by the Voting Rights Act by right wing organizations like Civitas Institute, ALEC all funded by the super wealthy. Many of those actions are now in court being ruled unconstitutional.
Long lines on election day amount to a poll tax designed to suppress voting rights.
Lonnie voter cheat,
Just say anything to change the subject.If you don’t like long lines do the country a favor and stay home.George(felon) Soros is not the super wealthy)?The wealthiest people in congress are Demoturds.The two richest men in America are Demoturds.So,there again,calling the Conservatives the super rich makes you look stupid.
Make your case against George Soros, what is wrong with the Open Society mission statement?
For the record I’m with you, lets get all money out of politics and end Citizens United. Let’s end pack, let all candidates fund their campaigns like Bernie with grass roots support and small maximum donations.
You shouldn’t have to be rich to run for congress nor should you be rich when you leave as most are now.
Tax inheritance ( death tax ) over $500,000 per person.
No, I think you miss understood, the Conservative movement’s propaganda is funded by the super wealthy with false narratives, dog whistles and scapegoats, aimed at poorly educated white families on the margins looking for someone to blame, who are mostly evangelicals with a limited world view. Folks just like you who make political arguments using words like “Demoturds”.
Comrade Lonnie,
First of all he is a felon that should be in prison.You talk about the Koch bros.who give 1000’s of people good well paying jobs.Soros is nothing but a money manipulator who has gotten rich on the backs of lots of little people.Why do you think he wants an open Society?What will that get him?People like him have to have a motive.How is he going to make Billions with this scheme?Now,you tell me why you want millions of uneducated people to come to this country?They can’t get jobs because the Latinos that are already here have all the uneducated jobs.Why do you want millions of Muslims to come here when there culture is totally different than ours?Europe is finding this out now.
This is your hero.Shows a lot about you and Demoturds.Currency manipulation: A large part of Soros’ multibillion-dollar fortune has come from manipulating currencies. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad accused him of bringing down the nation’s currency through his trading activities, and in Thailand he was called an “economic war criminal.” Known as “The Man who Broke the Bank of England,” Soros initiated a British financial crisis by dumping 10 billion sterling, forcing the devaluation of the currency and gaining a billion-dollar profit.That is what he wants to do to America.He has to have chaos to do it here.That’s why he wants open borders.Wake up,Lonnie.
Here is more on your hero from the left wing N.Y.TimesThe New York Times has revealed what some of us already knew: billionaire convicted felon George Soros is bankrolling attacks on election integrity laws in advance of the 2016 election. He is funding efforts to attack laws designed to aid election integrity in Wisconsin, North Carolina, Ohio and perhaps elsewhere, according to the New York Times.
Mr. Soros is prepared to spend $5 million or more on the effort, Mr. Vachon said. Two suits that he is supporting were filed in Ohio and in Wisconsin last month, and he is also funding a case Mr. Elias is involved with in North Carolina.
These lawsuits are attacks on voter ID and other changes made to increase election integrity. For example, in North Carolina, where same-day voter registration used to exist, over 1,000 unverified voters were permitted to cast a regular ballot in the 2012 election. As a recent law review article of mine notes:
The problem of ballots being counted without verification of eligibility due to same day registration was so acute in the town of Pembroke, North Carolina, the North Carolina State Board of Elections was forced to order a new election because the outcome was tainted due to same day registration.
Did you not read this?
For the record I’m with you, lets get all money out of politics and end Citizens United. Let’s end political pac, let all candidates fund their campaigns like Bernie with grass roots support and small maximum donations and taxpayer funds with much shorter campaign periods. Canada seems to do a much better job with elections.
You shouldn’t have to be rich to run for congress nor should you be rich when you leave as most are now.
Tax inheritance ( death tax ) over $500,000 per person to end family dynasties that weld political power.
No, I think you miss understood, the Conservative movement’s propaganda is funded by the super wealthy with false narratives, dog whistles and scapegoats, aimed at poorly educated white families on the margins looking for someone to blame, who are mostly evangelicals with a limited world view. Folks just like you who make political arguments using words like “Demoturds”.
Did you read the part about Pembroke,that is why I call them Demoturds.That is the most rambling,convoluted,mess I ever tried to read.Are you smoking a left handed cigarette?How about we elect somebody that has their own money and doesn’t have to pay back companies like Bernie will have to do.I will send you a list of companies and how much they gave old Bernie,if you like.If you don’t like I will send it to you anyway.Poorly educated white families,that would be yours wouldn’t it,Lonnie?I would answer the rest of this mess,but I just can’t make out what the heck you are trying to say.Better stay away from that Maui Wowy.
Recent NC conservatives legislation proves the VRA was needed as the mentality of the Jim Crow era is not over in NC.
Back on Jim Crow,are you?You are a one trick pony.
As long as Art Pope is funding a Jim Crow era political agenda I plan to do my best to expose his fear and hate mongering.
This is the history of the Jim Crow era every child in NC should be taught .
The above link failed
Here’s more Jim Crow era history where false narratives, bigotry and racism were at the core.
What were the Jim Crow Laws?
I believe the two articles below will be more helpful to people who want the truth about North Carolina’s past. We should always remember that Jim Crow laws were a result of powerful politicians and political leaders not the hard working people in North Carolina.
Racist Roots: Progressives Sought White Supremacy in 1898
Another Relic of Racist Past: Progressivism
Excerpt: The politicians and leaders at that time were progressive Democrats and had taken power in the White Supremacy Campaign of 1898. Progressives deliberately used racism in the White Supremacy Campaign of 1898 to utterly defeat the “fusion” alliance of blacks and Republicans. That ushered in decades of total Democratic Party and segregationist rule.
This deserves emphasis: It was Democrats and progressives who dubbed it the White Supremacy Campaign. And racism was an essential tool for progressives. To achieve their goals, they whipped up racial hatred, deliberately.
This is clearly shown in the career of Josephus Daniels. (Lee Craig’s biography of him is invaluable.) His resume is an ideal one for a progressive. He was owner and dominant voice of the News & Observer when it was the most influential media outlet in the state. He was a trustee of the University of North Carolina, ambassador to Mexico under President Franklin Roosevelt – and secretary of the Navy under Woodrow Wilson
Today’s liberals even go so far as to suggest that racists in the Democratic Party, after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act were passed in 1964 and 1965 respectively, defected to the Republican Party. But there is no evidence to prove this assertion, in either voter registration changes or instances of prominent Democratic politicians who voted against these bills leaving the Democratic Party to join the Republican Party. For example, Democratic U.S. Sen. Sam Ervin was a segregationist who voted against both of Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Yet he continues to be hailed as a hero of the liberal Left, mostly for his role in the Watergate hearings. Indeed, both of North Carolina’s U.S. Senators and all of its congressional delegation (of which there were two Republicans) voted against these two pieces of legislation. It doesn’t matter to the progressive Left that the truth is Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in much larger percentages than did Democrats, and without strong Republican support the laws would not have passed. It doesn’t matter, because they know that if you repeat a lie enough, people won’t search for the truth and the progressive media is always at the ready to repeat lies to defeat conservatives.
Perhaps that is why liberals in North Carolina consistently call their enemies racists – to deflect attention from liberalism’s own sordid history. We heard their hate-filled rhetoric during the 2013 legislative session. The leaked strategy memo gave us a peek into North Carolina’s liberal/left organizational structure and revealed their desperation to get back the power they had held for generations.
Are you suggesting there was no Southern Strategy by the Republican Party?
Are you suggesting white Southerners voting for the Republican Presidential candidate by 70% in most elections after the passing of the Civil Rights Act was based of issues not race? Code words ( urban, thug, block voting ) were not substitutes for the “N ” word? The Willy Horton ad had nothing to do with playing to NC racism?
“In the 1960s North Carolina experienced a transformation, melding with the modern world.
Governors Kerr Scott, Luther Hodges and Terry Sanford moved to join the mainstream. While Scott, Hodges and Sanford initiated the modernization momentum, it was in 1977 when Jim Hunt became governor that the state began the steady climb in education, civic improvements and broader prosperity. Critical to Hunt’s success was recruiting the business community and selling it on his agenda of public education, government services and modest environmental protection as critical to industrial and economic advancement.
The Research Triangle Park blossomed into a high-tech, high-wage and high-skilled business recruiting dynamo. Charlotte emerged as one of the nation’s leading financial centers while other areas of the state saw schools, community colleges and universities provide a trained labor force. The state’s national ranking rose under Democrat Jim Hunt and Republican Jim Martin (28th capita income in 2000). It seemed this new course had been irreversibly set.
However, today that trend is in jeopardy. The shadows of the state’s Southern regressivism had never vanished. Paralleling Hunt’s career was that of Jesse Helms, with his hallmark arch-conservatism and race-baiting rhetoric.
Starting in the mid-1970s, Helms and other conservative Republicans set up think tanks to give academic rigor to their ideology, recruiting bright lawyers and conservative journalists. In North Carolina one recruit was Art Pope, heir to a discount retailing fortune. Pope turned his energies toward establishing the John Locke Foundation and a stable of spinoffs. He joined with out-of-state forces like the Koch brothers and their Americans for Prosperity.
Ironically, it might have been the election of 2008 that sparked the GOP sweep of 2010. The Red State Project headed by Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove determined that to control a state and ultimately the federal government, they needed to take a sufficient number of state legislatures in a census year – thus controlling legislative redistricting. With that prize in view, Pope and Americans for Prosperity poured in millions. Republicans swept to victory in both the state House and Senate in 2010. They then imposed a redistricting plan that maximized the GOP strength and will likely keep them in place for at least the next decade.”
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article10044005.html#storylink=cpy
You should be ashamed of the role you play in Civitas Institute’s propaganda campaign of fear mongering and misinformation designed to marginalize NC citizens.
The Voter Suppression laws are designed to create long lines ( Poll Tax ) mostly in Democratic voting districts of people of color, students and the working poor.
I should have given better credit to Dr. James Leutze who is chancellor emeritus of the University of North Carolina-Wilmington with the quotes from his News and Observer OP-Ed in the above post.
““In the 1960s North Carolina experienced a transformation, melding with the modern world.
Governors Kerr Scott, Luther Hodges and Terry Sanford moved to join the mainstream. While Scott, Hodges and Sanford initiated the modernization momentum, it was in 1977 when Jim Hunt became governor that the state began the steady climb in education, civic improvements and broader prosperity. Critical to Hunt’s success was recruiting the business community and selling it on his agenda of public education, government services and modest environmental protection as critical to industrial and economic advancement.
The Research Triangle Park blossomed into a high-tech, high-wage and high-skilled business recruiting dynamo. Charlotte emerged as one of the nation’s leading financial centers while other areas of the state saw schools, community colleges and universities provide a trained labor force. The state’s national ranking rose under Democrat Jim Hunt and Republican Jim Martin (28th capita income in 2000). It seemed this new course had been irreversibly set.
However, today that trend is in jeopardy. The shadows of the state’s Southern regressivism had never vanished. Paralleling Hunt’s career was that of Jesse Helms, with his hallmark arch-conservatism and race-baiting rhetoric.
Starting in the mid-1970s, Helms and other conservative Republicans set up think tanks to give academic rigor to their ideology, recruiting bright lawyers and conservative journalists. In North Carolina one recruit was Art Pope, heir to a discount retailing fortune. Pope turned his energies toward establishing the John Locke Foundation and a stable of spinoffs. He joined with out-of-state forces like the Koch brothers and their Americans for Prosperity.
Ironically, it might have been the election of 2008 that sparked the GOP sweep of 2010. The Red State Project headed by Ed Gillespie and Karl Rove determined that to control a state and ultimately the federal government, they needed to take a sufficient number of state legislatures in a census year – thus controlling legislative redistricting. With that prize in view, Pope and Americans for Prosperity poured in millions. Republicans swept to victory in both the state House and Senate in 2010. They then imposed a redistricting plan that maximized the GOP strength and will likely keep them in place for at least the next decade.”
Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/op-ed/article10044005.html#storylink=cpy
Comrade Lonnie,
All conservatives that I know don’t care at all about race.Conservatives problem with Democrats or what ever you call yourselves this week,is taxing us to death and spending us to death.Just look at the Pig book that just came out and see if you can justify some of the things they spend money on.The So called conservatives that are elected are RINO’S that spend like Democrats.Since the Democrats have had control for most of our history,the spending is mostly theirs.You race baiters know you can’t win without the black vote so you have to treat them like mushrooms,keep them in the dark and feed them manure.You race baiters have spent trillions on blacks and they are worse off than ever.
Most people you can get through to by using facts.Not so with old Lonnie.He just ignores the facts or changes the subject.It’s a mental disease.
I know, I know, but sometimes I just have to speak up when he goes off the deep end. The mental disorder I think you elude to is called projection. “Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unpleasant impulses by denying their existence while attributing them to others.”
That’s exactly what Lonnie does when he accuses us of things – case in point: “propaganda campaign of fear mongering and misinformation designed to marginalize NC citizens.” This is how the radical left lives and breathes…
When I listen to the field of Republican candidates, I’m only imagining the fear mongering of the LBGT citizens trying to “force something down our throats”, Muslims about to “Cut our head off” or “Illegal aliens ” “raping and stealing”?
The conservative message is not “those people” (liberals, Demoturds, Muslims, Illegal Aliens, Union members, environmentalist , public school teachers, thugs ( poor kids of color), Urban (poor inter city citizens ) are dangerous or not “Real Americans” like us ?
Comrade Lonnie,
The real racists in this country are people like you.Any black or Latino person who refuses to think they are the not a victim are quickly called Oreo’s,Uncle Tom’s,or lots of other names.The Democrats can’t let blacks be successful because then they wouldn’t need to vote for Democrats to take care of them.Democrats have always been racist until they figured out they would never win an election without the black vote.I’ve heard the way blacks are talked about by Democrats when they can’t be heard by blacks.So don’t play that I love blacks garbage to me.If you walk across the Mexican border and tell them you want to be taking care of by the government,do you think they will call you undocumented?They will call you illegal because they have laws like ours.Since I showed you the proof you were lying,I can’t believe you have the gall to come back and run your lying lip.
This is what the tax payer is paying for at UNC.UNC’s “Literature of 9/11” course indoctrinates students to love jihad terror, hate America
Neel AhujaAs the incomparable Daniel Greenfield puts it, #OnlyTerroristLivesMatter.” Neel Ahuja is identified in this College Fix article as “an associate professor of English, comparative literature, and geography at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.” However, UNC’s website lists him more specifically as “associate professor of postcolonial studies in the Department of English and Comparative Literature at UNC.” “Postcolonial studies”: that’s as likely to present a positive or even fair view of the United States of America as the Department of “Queer Theory” is to present a course entitled The Wisdom of Pat Robertson.
“According to Ahuja’s Blinkness rating page – which is similar to Rate My Professors but specific to Chapel Hill – he seems to be popular with his students, and received generally positive reviews. However, several students also warned not to disagree with Ahuja, especially in a graded assignment.” Of course. UNC, like virtually all major universities today, is not a center of higher learning, but a center of far-Left indoctrination, and woe unto you if you dare get out of step. UNC is a particularly ugly and virulent center of this indoctrination, employing the likes of Carl Ernst, who has won an award from the genocidally antisemitic Islamic Republic of Iran for his work on whitewashing Islamic jihad, and Omid Safi, the desperately dishonest Islamic supremacist who has since moved on to even greener dawah opportunities at nearby Duke. In any case, I’m sure that UNC’s embarrassment at having me as an alumnus is outstripped only by my disgust at having gone there. But nowhere else would the situation have been significantly different.
Of the dismal and one-sided offerings in this propaganda session masquerading as a college class, the only one I have read is The Reluctant Fundamentalist. Speaking of regrets, I was sorry I had wasted my time. The book was an extended exercise in grievance-mongering, intending to show how U.S. policies were driving thoughtful, reasonable people to become jihad terrorists. Despite the word “fundamentalist” in the title, there was little in the book about Islamic texts and teachings, and what effect they could have upon a devout believer. No, it was all the fault of the big bad U.S.
Neither Neel Ahuja nor UNC is some egregious anomaly. This is what most all college and university students are learning today, all over the country. How will that work out in twenty or thirty years, unless there is some massive change? With a country voluntarily surrendered to and subjugated by its enemies — delivered over to them by leaders who didn’t think there was, in America and Judeo-Christian civilization, anything worth defending.
This post is about the conservative misconception that by winning an election they are entitled to violate the civil rights, voting rights and human rights of all who disagree with their Authorterian public policies.
That’s exactly what Odumbo has been doing.That’s what you America haters have been saying…Elections have consequences.After November you pot bangers are going to find out that works both ways.I hope Trump reverses everything Odumbo has done.He won’t have to get rid of Obamacare because it is falling apart on it’s own.United Healthcare got out yesterday because it was going to bankrupt them.That liar said we would all save 2500 dollars a year on communist healthcare,I said at the time it was a lie and it was.You can’t vote in 10 seconds,so you are going to have some lines.You would think a retarded person would understand this,but not old Lonnie.I would like to know what human rights of yours have been violated.
Elections do have consequences, that why we have the SCOTUS, President Obama’s EO on immigration is now before the court to test it’s legality after the Republian congress refused to deal with such a political hot potatoe.
Do you remember when the Democrats called Dan Quayle an idiot for spelling potato with an e on the end.Looks like he isn’t the only idiot.
Odumbo has loaded the scotus down with queers like him.Judges are supposed to interpret the law and not make law.,but that is exactly what they are doing.
How many SCOTUS justices do conservatives like you think President Obama has appointed?
How can someone who must have been smart enough to have been sucessful in business see the world with such a limited, fearful, mean spirited, misinformed view?
Is it your point LBGT citizens should have less rights as citizens than you as a Republian, white, some what affluent, male? I don’t use the term straight because anyone with as much fear and open dislike of homosexuals as you must be afraid of porsonal suppressed desires.
LBGT citizens serve in every occupation but maybe more in occupations requiring creativity, medical, music, arts. Gays are soldiers, police, teachers, nurses, business owners and CEO of major multinational corporations.
What would you do if you were the authorterian you and Art Pope want to be about equal rights of the LBGT citizens?
I can’t understand how you can believe men going into women’s bathrooms is not a recipe for problems.People that think like you and own a business and have some sicko rape or assault a women or child is going to be sued out of business.I just wonder if it’s o.k. with your wife to have men in the bathroom with her?I guess the old Castro wannabe lost out to the felon.I’am sure it won’t bother you to vote for a felon.
It just amazes me how we are becoming Rome.Mankind always repeats the mistakes of earlier civilizations.What was wrong is now right and what was right is now wrong.The deviates took over Rome just like us.
I have told numerous times I don’t have fear of queers.You are a moron to keep repeating it.
Exactly what rights do queers not have?They have preference in hiring at the large companies.They are in Afirmative Action just like blacks and Latinos.White males are the only class of people that don’t have special rights.Colleges take minorities over white males that have a lot better grades.Same thing at large companies.You may be ashamed to be white but I am proud of my heritage.Transgenders are a small minority but according to you they should be able to go into women’s most private place even though 70% of women say they don’t want that.But to people like you that don’t care what normal people want,it’s all about what people with mental problems want.Pinto showed you a video of a crazy women that thinks she is a cat,I guess your next campaign will be to have cat boxes in all public restrooms.
Sorry, reading your posts using the derogatory term queer, it just sounded like you would not treat a person identified as a LBGT citizens fairly. Good to see you’re onboard with non discrimination and believing in treating all citizens fairly and supporting their equal rights as human beings. Good to see you don’t think your rights are superior to the poor, people of color, students, liberals or LBGT citizens.
Evidently,you can’t comprehend English.As usual you don’t answer the question.What rights do queers not have?
In NC LBGT citizens can be fired or denied housing if their employer or landlord is homophobic.
I have been a landlord and you are lying again.By the way,the definition of queer is unnatural,odd,strange,unusual,freakish.So, if you don’t won’t to be called any of those descriptions you should be careful to suppress those queer desires.
You have me confused. Are you saying you’re onboard with non discrimination and believing in treating all citizens fairly and supporting their civil rights, equal rights as human beings?
Would this also include students, people of color, women, the poor, Muslims and Liberals?
You were born confused and only got worse .I believe in rights for everyone just not special rights for weirdos at the expense of everyone else.You can take your political incorrectness and shove it.You never said what rights queers don’t have.Can you not think of any or you just don’t read what I say?
What rights do you lose with another person sharing the same rights as you?
The actor James Woods has a better answer than me.”The world is fighting terrorism,starvation,and disease,but Democrats are fighting for men to pee in the ladies room.”Insanity.I couldn’t have said it better myself.
What rights do you lose with another person sharing the same rights as you?
Fight back.Let’s become pot bangers like Lonnie.Boycott target.Phone number and website are below.
The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.
On its web site this week, Target announced, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. …Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”
This means a man can simply say he “feels like a woman today” and enter the women’s restroom…even if young girls or women are already in there.
Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?
Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.
One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex bathroom option should be provided.
Take Action
Sign the pledge to boycott Target now! Target should not allow men to enter the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms.
After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you’ve signed the Pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at 1-800-440-0680.
Share your concerns on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/target. When sharing this on social media use #BoycottTarget.
Hey Lonnie,
When did I have the right to go in the women’s bathroom?There is your answer,since it seems you just keep asking it.
Do you feel the women’s restroom is the one right for you?
Do You think you would be most comfortable in the women’s restroom?
Why would a non transgender man want to enter the lady’s room to stand in line??
Why would a non transgender man want to enter the lady’s room,Lonnie says.Probably to rape a women you genius.
Are you still fear mongering that BS?
Have you ever noticed how busy most public restrooms are, especially the lady’s room.
I have never noticed how busy a woman’s bathroom is because I have never been in one.That’s the way it should have been you perv.
Larry says
April 21, 2016 at 4:12 PM
Fight back.Let’s become pot bangers like Lonnie.Boycott target.Phone number and website are below.
The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.
On its web site this week, Target announced, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. …Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”
This means a man can simply say he “feels like a woman today” and enter the women’s restroom…even if young girls or women are already in there.
Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?
Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.
One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex bathroom option should be provided.
Take Action
Sign the pledge to boycott Target now! Target should not allow men to enter the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms.
After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you’ve signed the Pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at 1-800-440-0680.
Share your concerns on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/target. When sharing this on social media use #BoycottTarget.
Perverts like lying Lonnie are all over the Internet saying there has never been a problem anywhere in states that allow men in woman’s bathrooms.Pinto has shown us many cases of just that.All those freaks like lying Lonnie are the same.They will lie all day long to get their perverted way.
The America Family Association and Civitas Institute are spreading false narratives against transgender citizens (perverts, predators ) not that different from what Nazi did during the 1930s to ferment fear of marginalized groups for political gain.
Who will they come for next?
Nazi stood for National Socialists,much like the Lonnie’s of today.All the articles from different sources are all made up,is that right lying Lonnie?Just don’t believe your eyes,believe the lying queers.I noticed you won’t say what your wife says about men in her bathroom.I think I know the answer to that.Bruce Jenner was married years before he came out of the closet.I think it’s time for you to come out.Our queer President said Bruce was a hero for coming out.He never says our military are heroes.
Hey lying Lonnie,
Why do you get on a conservative web site and spread your hate.There are plenty of Democrat queer sites that would love you.Do you really think you will change any votes by your idiotic rants and your lies that have been shown to be lies?
Because you’re misinformed doesn’t make you my enemy. I’m not here to make personal attacks on you, doing so would only weaken my arguments, when the facts are on my side of the debate as is public opinion.
NC Republians will be walking this back or be defined by it in the November election.
Lying Lonnie,
Your argument can’t get any weaker and you aren’t misinformed.You are just a liar,which Pinto and I have proved many times.
Lonnie – there you go again:
“Have you ever noticed how busy most public restrooms are, especially the lady’s room.”
What do you mean by this? Aside from being more than a little scary/suspicious, this sounds like you don’t know that a public restroom or shower can be a dangerous place – places where women and children are very vulnerable.
Even being a child in the 60’s I can remember that my mother wouldn’t let me go into most public restrooms alone. That’s why mothers and fathers go with their children in public bathrooms – I guess this is what you’ve never noticed before. But, to be clear, Mothers (women) would take their children in women’s rooms and fathers (men) go to the men’s rooms with their children.
Watch the NCGA try to deal with this mess they have made. NC Republicans have embarrassed the State of NC, driving business out of NC and bringing world wide negative attention to North Carolina. Protesters (pot bangers )need to be playing “Dueling banjos” as part of the protest.
I’m going to have lots of popcorn on hand.
I believe you just made the point I was trying to make. Women’s restrooms often have a long of ladies waiting for an open stall and parents do often accompany their children. Why the fear mongering of a transgender person peeing in an adjoining stall?
Lying Lonnie,
Give it up,it’s a law and 70% of the people want it.So,keep on with your b.s. Nobody cares what Lying Lonnie says.HAHAHAHAHA
What public ladies restrooms are you talking about Lonnie? You see long lines at events, concerts, ball games maybe. But, normal everyday ladies rooms don’t have lines at all. AND FOR GOODNESS SAKES – THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WOMEN DON’T WANT – A MAN IN THE NEXT STALL!
I think you wanted to sat Lonnie instead of Larry.Lonnie is the lying one.
Larry – Of course I meant Lonnie! He is the one that wants men in womens’ restrooms and showers. So sorry!
No problem.
Hey Lying Lonnie,
You seem to be so worried about North Carolina losing business.Sometimes you have to put your wife,daughters,and granddaughters ahead of preverts and large businesses that have rolled over to the blackmail of queers.The millions they are spending to try to make normal people say queers are normal is not going to work.What does your wife think about men in women’s bathrooms?I just wonder if she knows what old lying Lonnie is saying on this site.
Great News! Over 250,000 have signed the boycott of Target.Lonnie and the Gimmedat Party have finally pushed too hard on their political incorrectness.
The HB 2 ( Hate Bill 2 ) may be the wedge Liberals have been wanting, a wedge between Conservative business wanting never ending tax cuts for the wealthy, cheap labor, anti union and extreme, Theocracy minded evangelicals wanting to mandate fundamentalist religious beliefs into law.
“Anita Earls of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice talks about voter suppression”
Lying Lonnie,is back. Target must be closed. No place else to go to the women’s bathroom.