The newest Mapping the Left network is the Student/Youth Training Network. While this new network is not an “education” network in the sense of public schools and higher education, it feeds on the liberal agenda pushed in public schools and colleges and universities across the state.
The lessons learned in North Carolina’s public schools and colleges indoctrinate students with ideas from the progressive agenda: extremist notions of racial diversity; the need for safe spaces in lieu of freedom of speech; the elimination of gender roles; the drumbeat about purported institutional racism; white privilege and guilt; the importance of the child over parents and family; explicit sex education demonstrations; and assignments that promote Islam and debase Christianity. The organizations in the Student/Youth Training Network use the “lessons” learned by students of public and higher education as a foundation to begin to build the practical skills liberal activists employ to push their agenda, such as community organizing, voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts.
Included in the new network are groups like UnifourOne, an organization out of Greensboro that claims to help and mentor at-risk youth. This organization appears to use the young people drawn into the group to help in voter registration efforts. As part of their “Youth Engagement” mission, they focus on voter registration, get-out-the-vote (GOTV), community organizing and training. Always claiming that it is non-partisan, UnifourOne imposes the language and tactics of the activist Left on the youth they engage. The group indicates on their website that “community organizers generally assume that social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for the powerless.”
Then there’s the Youth Organizing Institute (YOI), a group organized in 2010 to protest the newly- elected Republican majority of the Wake County Education Board. Its website suggests it was created to support low-income youth and youth of color and to “oppose the education policies that would harm them.”
What YOI actually did was join protests that disrupted the county board meetings. Interesting to note, the leader of those protests was none other than William Barber, the president of the NC NAACP who is best known as the leader of the ”Moral Monday” protests in 2013. The Wake County Board of Education protests turned out to be a breeding ground for the Monday events and a training ground for young activists who learned how to chant, sing and organize the protests.
Since 2010, YOI has changed its emphasis. Today it offers “grounding in an analysis of systems of oppressions and an understanding of the history of grassroots resistance and struggle.” Its leaders now “focus on school pushout and discipline, LGBTQ rights, and the struggles faced by undocumented youth.” YOI hosts a series of activities and events such as Teen Convening, Queernival, and Freedom School. The Freedom School is where YOI “covers topics from environmental racism to school to prison pipeline, sexism to homophobia, Indigenous land reclamation to reproductive justice and much more.
It seems that most of YOI’s focus is either on LGBTQ or related issues, but a current campaign is to “Get Cops Out of Schools.” The Institute believes that Safety Resource Officers should be eliminated from all public schools in North Carolina.
The Student/Youth Training network will attempt to expose the indoctrination practices of the Left in its effort to create the next generation of progressive activists. The rising generation of Leftist activists will soon learn that they can get what they want through bully tactics and screaming foul. We’ve watched the “adult” activists wield their power through rallies and protests. Even though they represent a small number of citizens, their tactics have intimidated lawmakers and government administrations throughout the state.
Many of the Student/Youth Training groups receive their funding from the same mega-foundations that fund the rest of the progressive activist groups in North Carolina. Z. Smith Reynolds and the Triangle Foundation lead the way in sustaining these groups. You can also find funders like the Tides Foundation, which gave UnifourOne $60,000 in 2012.
By using Mapping the Left in our research, we discovered that Elena Everett is a key figure in the new Student/Youth Training network. Everett has connections to many of the groups in the new network. She is the Director of the Southern Vision Alliance (SVA) a group closely linked to YOI. This is what Mapping the Left has to say about SVA:
The Southern Vision Alliance (SVA) is a group conceived of in 2014. The group sees themselves as a grassroots intermediary organized for the purposes of providing infrastructure, capacity building, and assistance to youth-centered programs and organizations. They also engage in providing stipends, trainings, and other resources to youth. Other groups SVA is associated with are NC HEAT and Youth Organizing Institute (YOI).
Everett is also the founder and director of Action for Community in Raleigh (an organization based in Durham) and linked to YOI also. According to Mapping the Left,
Action for Community in Raleigh (ACR) was founded by Elena Everett and is a member of the Blueprint NC Network as a community organizer group. Blueprint NC is the left-wing group that gained infamy with their memo to “eviscerate, mitigate, litigate, cogitate and agitate” the state’s leadership in 2013.The group “seeks to enhance efforts to achieve social economic racial and environmental justice” and is closely aligned with NC Vote Defenders, NC Heat and the Youth Organizing Institute. Interesting to note – “Action for Community in Raleigh” is based in Durham.
Moreover, Everett is closely associated with several of the major liberal activist groups in the overall network in Mapping the Left. Formerly a program assistant for the Institute for Southern Studies, she held a position in communications with the Southern Coalition for Social Justice and is currently a Blueprint NC board member.
Click here to visit Mapping the Left to find out more about the newest network of liberal/progressive groups, because learning more about them is the first step to stopping their agenda.
*Civitas would like to thank the users of the Mapping the Left website who contact us with information and even emails about the groups in Mapping the Left – that’s where we got the Kick Out Cops Not Kids “artwork”.
Civitas is familiar with many of these student/youth groups, every so often they stop by the office to give us a chant or two. Here is a blog with video from October 2010 and here is a great picture of a protest from 2013.
If you are a parent…….And you care about your children….. Get them the hell out of public schools. Teachers already have their hands full trying to teach to the lowest common denominator and if the disrupters find out their is no LEO or resource officer to bring them in line it will get ugly fast.
Schools used to teach children to think as well as the ‘3 Rs.’
Now they are indoctrinated and taught to follow. Common Core Math teaches that there are only three Rs if a consensus says it’s three.
Is it any wonder that the DOE creates so many low information voters/sheep?
If you possibly can, home school or private school your children. It really is for them.
Civitas Institute is more of the problem than any of the alleged organizations referred to in this article, which are primarily targeting their efforts to actually help people better themselves and their communities through personal involvement.
Wonder when Civitas will start rioting at public schools based on these subjective facts? Their deal leader Trump would pay their legal fees.
This is what government screwls have morphed into since the dawn of the federal ‘dept of education’ which needs
obliterating NOW! These are nothing more than indoctrination centers of the EVIL leftwing progressives!
Get YOUR children OUT of government scewls as fast as you CAN ! They will thank you forever!
I am more concerned with what Sue Myrick says on the floor of the House than the “indoctrinating left.” NC Civitas has become a platform for bigots and racists. It is no wonder that Trump is going to win the nomination…you reap what you sow.
To the left if you don’t think it’s a good idea to let millions of people walk across the border and cost us billions in our schools,prisons,healthcare,and welfare,you are a bigot and a racist.If you don’t think it’s a good idea to let hundreds of thousands of Muslims into this country when they are killing thousands of Christians all over the world you are a racist and a bigot.I think I speak for millions when I say we are fed up with the Democrats and their Political Correctness.European countries are the ones that are reaping what they sow.Thousands of their women have been raped by all these Muslims they have let into their countries.
George, I’m sure you will remember when I tell you that Sue Myrick, the Congresswoman, retired from Congress in 2013. She hasn’t been on the floor of the House in more than 2 years. I am Susan Myrick – no relation to Sue. So you’re not embarrassed again when you begin to disparage someone named Susan Myrick, there are several people in North Carolina with that name.
I have worked for Civitas since 2009 as the Elections Policy Analyst and have headed up the Mapping the Left project for several years. Having worked on MTL, I understand that you, as a liberal, are intolerant of any idea(s) that don’t line up with your own and that name calling as a tactic is indicative of the progressive/Left’s desire to shut down other ideas. Your name calling has no power over me. I have found that calling people hateful names to end a debate before it even gets started is an example of the intolerant progressive culture that in the end, turns out to be just a mob of bullies that hate freedom of speech.
Those Damn, Liberal groups are teaching young people civics, advocacy skills, and facts based in reality. Informed citizens, having strong positive family values, not based in scapegoats, bigotry, greed and fear don’t vote for conservatives. Children are born without racism, religious bigotry or hate, someone must be there to teach these Conservative family values and that the word ” justice ” has only one meaning which is “punishment”.
Lonnie,is that why those sweet liberals are sending white powder to Trump’s son and sister and threating letters to him and his family?No conservative is going to Bernie or Clintons campaign stops and causing chaos like the liberals have at Trumps.Was that you that sent the white powder to Trump’s son?The same thing is happening at colleges.The colleges raise hell about the rights of Communists to speak at their schools but riot and take over the schools if a conservative is going to speak.Don’t even use the word “justice” when you people don’t believe in any ideas but your own being spoken.
I’m not sure where your rant is coming from as I don’t follow the right wing, fear mongering, propaganda that close. I did attend and photograph the Trump rally and protest in Hickory NC. What I photographed was mostly peaceful protesters, many clergy singing hymns and signs calling for justice, an end to hate mongering and scapegoating. Trump gave out 6,000 tickets for 1,500 seats.
Lonnie,why don’t you quit talking fear.I don’t fear any of your buddies or you.You need to be at the rallies for either the Communist or the felon.All people like you are good for is going to conservative rallies and trying to shout loud enough so people can’t hear the answer to the stupid ideas your side comes up with.Hillary has said she will give citizenship to all illegals.What does that say to the people that came to this country the right way.If the Democrats could get the vote for prisoners,I am sure they would.It’s already been proven in New Hampshire the crooked Democrats will do anything for a vote.We conservatives have better things to do than go to Communist rallies and yell so no one can hear them.I want college kids to hear crap from people like you,because most of them will grow up and realize how stupid that junk is.Bernie voters are mostly college kids that hear propaganda every day in class.Some are old hippies like you,Lon.
MTL’s views are typical of the sheltered right who are are afraid of any organization that enlightens students to ideas outside their church or family. They throw around terms like, ” intolerant progressive culture” , “indoctrinate”, “extremist”, and “Islam” with the intention of spreading fear.
The problem is today’s conservatives are Authortiarians scapegoating innocent fellow human beings to advance conservative political ideology. Innocent people are suffering discrimination injustice, being denied education, opportunity, employment or being separated from their family as conservatives spew hate, fear, bigotry just as Hitler did with Jews, homosexuals and Romani people. Trump demonizes Muslims, and undocumented workers as does conservative propaganda. Conservatives also include LBGT, students, liberals, RINOs, Democrats, union members, public school teachers, African Americans ( thugs, urban)and the poor ( Get a Job).
Here’s what happens when demogues like Trump pry open Pandora’s box of hate, racism and bigotry for political opportunity.
If Trump were a Democrat and he were to run against Cruz…gulp…I would vote for Cruz or at least sit out the election. I wonder if the MTL people and other Republicans are willing to vote for Clinton or Sanders. The right reaps what is sows.
Lonnie and George,I bet there is a lot of fearmongering in Brussels today.Don’t you think Muslims killing people all over the world had something to do with the guy killing the Muslims.Lonnie thinks it’s Trumps fault and he found a left wing web site to prove it to his feeble mind.You two need to get your heads out of your rear-ends.Hillary wants to bring thousands of Syrians to this country,maybe if they blow up something in Boone,Lonnie will get a clue.
I believe in a free society, not a police state. We are at war with a violent religious cult which happen to be of the Islamic faith. The most effective way to fight that violent cult is with a coalition of soldiers who are also believers of Islam. Imagine Muslims soldiers being sent to Mississippi to confront violent Christian hate groups like the KKK.
We are at war with ISSL and from time to time we will suffer casualties but we must not give up our freedom. There is no way to prevent attacks like happened in Brussels. What we should not do is hype fear which is their real weapon.
Simple solutions and blustering from people like Trump or the other GOP candidates is counter productive and aids ISSL’s over all strategy.
These idiots have killed more people in a few years than the KKK has in their whole sorry history.You don’t seem to have sense enough to understand this cult has taken over a huge part of the world by killing anybody that refuses to join.They could care less what Trump or anybody else says.Their aims are to make everybody in the world a Muslim or make them dead.There is a nation wide poll of Muslims.25 per cent of them said they had no problem with ISIS and wanted Sharia law.I will send you a link but you wouldn’t believe it if your mother did it.What is the code with Obama freaks,you all call it ISIL?
Lonnie,I just noticed that you called the KKK a Christian hate group.This is about the worst of your rants.The KKK has nothing to do with Christians.Real Christians like I consider myself would never condone the KKK.Real Christians do not kill people or believe that if you won’t convert,they will kill you like those Muslims.Your idiot President will not even say the words”Islamic Terrorists”.I think that says a lot.I think it says a lot that he was raised by a Muslim father,Muslim stepfather,and card carrying Communist Grandparents.
I worry about how little you seem to know. Don’t be so lazy, inform yourself.
President Obama is correct to avoid using the term “Islamic Terrorist” as it suggest all Muslims are terrorist. Would you want right wing terrorist (KKK ) events referred to as ” Christian Terrorist”?
Hey Lon,I’ve never seen or heard of anybody that knows as little as you. Just because the KKK says they are Christian doesn’t make it so.Just because Obama says Islam is a religion of peace doesn’t make it so.Like I said,get your head out of your rear-end.
Hey Lon,Guess who the KKK was back in the early days.Democrats.The Democrat party tried to beat back any civil rights for Blacks.The first Democrat to change that was LBJ.His only reason to do it was to give them things for their vote.Worked like a charm for the Democrats,but it didn’t do anything for Blacks except keep them poor.A huge per cent of them are unemployed and wards of the state.
Yes, southern Conservatives were Democrats until the Civil Rights Act passed under President Johnson. He knew at the time it would cost the National Democratic Party politically, which it did as Republican strategist Lee Atwater began what is still known as the Southern Strategy of pandering to white racist and bigots. White voters in Southern slave states voter nearly 70% for the Republicans candidate because of this. Bigotry against Muslins, LBGT, the poor and undocumented workers has now been added to the scapegoat list.
I can’t understand why anyone would be against Muslims,since they just killed a lot of innocent people again today.Undocumented is not the word,illegal is the word.You Democrats would let the Devil into this country if you could get his vote.Why do you have such a problem with the word illegal,you can’t be stupid enough to not know we have laws against coming into this country without papers.Will Mexico let you walk into their country without papers?You would be in one of their hell hole prisons so quick your head would spin.Scapegoats,what an idiot.
Conservatives are not big on human rights, some have recently advocated for torture. No human being is illegal especially children brought here at a very young age by hard working parents looking for better opportunity. Stop being so lazy with your thinking, the problems are complex and need non bigoted solutions.
Answer the question,can you walk into Mexico or any other country and not be put in jail?I’am trying to make it simple so you don’t get off subject,but I am really not too confident you can handle that without going to racist,bigot and on and on.I will bet I have more Black friends than you do.The differences would be the ones I know work hard and don’t take handouts like that bunch of losers you hang out with.Don’t forget to answer the first sentence.
In the jackboot authoritarian world of conservatives, is Mexico the world standard for justice and human rights?
Many of those undocumented workers were encouraged or actually recruited to cross the border by American capitalist , Poultry industry, Christmas tree industry, paving, roofing contractors, hotels, restaurants and high end golf resorts.
O.K.,try this again,is there any other country in the world that will let you walk over their border,take jobs,get welfare,send in false tax forms and get thousands of dollars illegally.Jack booted.Out of all the dumb things you have said,that takes the cake.If all those companies have recruited these people like you say,which I doubt,it’s because lazy ass Democrats would rather get a check from Odumbo than work at those jobs.Remember,answer the first sentence.
Hmm, pity that an active and potentially interesting discussion has descended into ad hominem attacks. Little too much frothing going on, children.
I don’t believe you can support your opinions with any sort of factual data showing that Democrats or Liberals are less productive than conservatives. You use the term “Odumbo”, what is that supposes to mean? Are you too lazy to detail your political difference with President Obama?
Try this again,is there a country anywhere in the world that will let you walk into their country and take jobs,get welfare,send in false tax forms and not be put in prison or sent back?Hey Suzie,is somebody holding a gun on you and forcing you to read this?Lonnie,I have been detailing my differences with Odumbo ever since you and I have been going back and forth.Don’t forget the first sentence.I know you won’t answer it because you know there is no other country that allows people in their country like Odumbo does.
You’re right we haven’t been doing it right, we need real immigration reform now. This problem started more than 40 years ago. We can’t have 12 million undocumented residents living in the shadows, some fearful to call police and with no political rights. Conservatives don’t want immagration reform despite their rhetoric. We as a country will not deport 12,000,000 people woven threw our society. I photographed a three year old child’ birthday with nearly 100 people in attendance. The child is an American citizen, her parents are dreamers who have been here from early childhood and grandparents have been here for two decades paying taxes.
There is just no help for you Lonnie,Liberalism is a mental disease.So,you just want to make them automatic citizens like the felon,Hillary.Instant welfare and instant Democrats.If you can’t figure out what I mean by Odumbo I can’t help you.On our way to 20 trillion in debt and you can’t wait to add more.How many more people would you like to bring into this country?We already have gridlock on our highways because of population.In a perfect world we could just take care of everybody in the world.People like you don’t seem to realize that we are not a rich country any more,we are the biggest debtor nation in history.You seem to not like anybody white and your religion is “diversity”.Where did that come from.You seem to be ashamed of your race.
You’re correct, I’m not a white supremacist.
Giving most of the 12 million undocumented American residents a path to citizenship is not automatic citizenship but it is the only path forward. Immigration reform means actual control of who is in America which is better than walls. Is it the conservative plan to build a wall across both the southern and northern border as well as across Alaska? What will you do about the air space and the coast? Will you stop the HB-2 program of temporary workers? The Highways are grid locked in many places,that’s why we need to rebuild our infrastructure, including high speed rail and light rail in all major cites. We can pay for these improvement with higher taxes on the rich an living wages for workers who will make enough not to need taxpayer assistance and will also pay taxes.
I didn’t ask you if you are a white supremacist,I asked if you are ashamed to be white?There no such thing as undocumented,the word is illegal.If you break our laws you are illegal.It would be nice if we could do what you propose,but it will not work.You can take all the money of the rich like Trump and the Clintons and it won’t run the government for a week.You always say I am lazy to know what is going on,well how about look at the money this government spends and match that with how much the rich have.Take all they have,that still won’t pay for all the losers in this country.Old Bernie says 17 to 20 year old blacks have a 51% unemployment rate.If that is true than Odumbo’s ways of doing things is not working.
No one is suggesting wealth be confiscated but rather future income of those benefiting most be taxed at a higher rate, was require major corporation like Walmart, Yum Foods or other corporations gaming the system to get taxpayers to help meet the basic needs of their employee’s families. The wealth can pay employees more or be taxed more either way the government will have more revenue for public schools, infrastructure and social safety net.
I guess you are ashamed to be white,but that’s alright because I’am ashamed for you to be white too.Tax as high as you want and there is still not enough rich to pay for all the freebies you Socialists want.
George – “sheltered right”? Really? Oh I forgot, progressive elites think they are truly the enlightened ones and if the lowly masses don’t buy in to their “truth” and assimilate, well then, those ignorant masses must be punished.
And George, your “truth” really did shine through when you suggested that progressives want to enlighten children in things other than “their church or family.” This really is the problem for progressives isn’t it? That people would have faith in God and that parents want to be the ones to teach their children morals and values and not leave it up to the people (liberal/progressives) who have twisted the meanings of those words.
You have drifteted into the weeds, avoid the personal attacks and stay with our public policy difference. I also request supporting the source of your strong , wrong opinions.
I remind you morality has absolutely nothing to do with religion. I remind you today’s conservatives are morally bankrupt calling for human rights abuse, greed, using fear, scapegoating, bigotry, and racism as political tool. The word justice for conservative has only one meaning, punishment. The “Golden Rule” is not a conservative family value. America is not a Theoracy, why are groups like Civitas Institute pushing a Christian version of Shriah Law?
I request supporting the source of your strong,wrong opinions.If I could figure out what this incoherent rambling means I would be glad to send you an answer.
Our debate should be a competion of ideas, of course that does give me the advantage as current conservative ideas seems to be bathroom rules, more human rights abuse, more blaming “those people” bigger walls and fewer bridges.
Liberal believe in science, public education, fair living wages, justice, opportunity for all, Liberty for all and that freedom is more than a wod on a bumper sticker.
Susan,Don’t waste any of your time on these two Saul Alinsky wantabe’s.I’am done trying to talk sense with somebody that has been so brainwashed by so many losers.I told Lonnie in the last election the Democrats were going to get stomped and they did.Same thing is going to happen this fall and we will be rid of the felon,Hillary.Lastest poll shows that 64% of voters say she is not trustworthy.That shows that 36% of voters are like George and Lonnie.Clueless.
Wod on a bumper sticker.See what I mean.Clueless.
Going after the missed typed word was your best option, good decision on your part to avoid having to compete in the arena of ideals and solution to real problems.
Lying Lonnie lies again.
The Public Schools do not need more money, they spend most of it on salaries. People who wish to stay in America need go through the legal steps to become an American Citizen(green Card, proper forms, Test, etc.). Saying “muslim extremist” is not evil. The Muslim world is made up of those who actively chop off heads, bomb and blow themselves up in the marketplace and other crowded places, those who don’t actively participate in those activities but agree with them vocally, and those who for whatever reason keep tight lipped about such atrocities.