RALEIGH – The latest Civitas poll addressed national and local races and issues facing our state, including how voters feel about the recently passed House Bill 2.
The majority of North Carolinians, 56 percent, believe “House Bill 2 offers protection of individual privacy and safety in public restrooms and locker rooms, and protects the rights of business owners to make workplace decisions without government interference.”
Civitas President Francis De Luca said, “Despite media influence and intense lobbying efforts, polling has been remarkably consistent on the sentiments of North Carolinians when it comes to sex specific restrooms, locker rooms, and showers. They clearly support the intent of this legislation.”
The text of these questions and others can be found below:
Which of the following statements best reflects your view of the recently passed House Bill 2? (ROTATE)
56% House Bill 2 offers protection of individual privacy and safety in public restrooms and locker rooms, and protects the rights of business owners to make workplace decisions without government interference.
34% House Bill 2 unjustly discriminates against individuals based on their self-perceived gender and prevents cities from enacting ordinances that would provide open access to public restrooms and locker rooms.
8% Don’t Know
1% Refused
(Due to rounding, totals may not equal 100.)
Crosstabs can be found here.
The poll surveyed 600 registered, likely voters (30% on cell phones) with a margin of error of +/- 4.00%. This survey was taken May 21-23, 2016.
Civitas conducts the only regular live-caller voting in North Carolina, and we are the only organization offering independent, nonpartisan data on current opinion. In the decade we’ve been conducting them, our polls have provided vital insights on what North Carolina voters truly think of the leaders and issues facing the state and nation.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to creating a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. To that end, Civitas develops and advocates for conservative policy solutions to improve the lives of all North Carolinians.
Francis De Luca’s Civitas Poll…. are you the one who did those civil rights polls in the the south in the 1950s….and the women’s rights poll in the 1910’s and the slavery polls in 1850s….?
FYI… over 50% of NC residents believe God create humans in their present form……
Georgie boy,
I keep thinking that sooner or later you will say something that makes sense.Oh well,maybe next time.What is their present form? Yo are in La La Land.You don’t smoke those left handed cigarettes,do you?
Two thirds of American adults agree the feds should butt out of our bathrooms:
51% also oppose letting crazy people with delusions of being the opposite sex into the actual opposite sex’s bathrooms.
Meanwhile, customers continue to vote with their feet against Target’s reality-denying tranny-pandering policies:
Reminder: none of North Carolina’s laws strong-armed Target into shooting itself in the foot this way. Target’s economically suicidal policy remains 100% legal under HB2. North Carolina’s policy is that private businesses should be free to make their own stupid mistakes; we’d just rather not have to join you in making those stupid mistakes.