RALEIGH – A new Civitas poll shows the upcoming GOP primary is a virtual toss-up in North Carolina.
The poll asked likely Republican primary election voters who their current choice is among the Republican presidential hopefuls, and 27 percent said businessman Donald Trump, while 23 percent said Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. That puts them within the poll’s margin of error.
Cruz and Trump also polled far ahead of the other candidates on the March 15 ballot. Following was the ballot’s “no preference” option at 11 percent. Next were Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 10 percent and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 7 percent, with no other candidate garnering more than 4 percent of the responses.
The exact text of the relevant question follows. (Totals may not equal 100 percent due to rounding.)
If the Republican Primary for President were being held today and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote between? (READ IN ORDER)
2% Mike Huckabee
2% John Kasich
2% Rand Paul
10% Marco Rubio
1% Rick Santorum
27% Donald Trump
4% Jeb Bush
7% Ben Carson
4% Chris Christie
23% Ted Cruz
2% Carly Fiorina
— Jim Gilmore
11% Or would you say you have No Preference
2% Other (Specify)
2% Refused
The poll surveyed 500 likely Republican voters, 30 percent on cell phones. The margin of error is plus/minus 4.38 percent. The survey was taken January 18-19, 2016. Cross tabs can be found here. Cross tabs from a previous poll without the “no preference” option can be found here.
Civitas President Francis De Luca will be available for interviews to discuss the poll and issues of the day. To arrange an interview, email Demi Dowdy at demi.dowdy@nccivitas.org or call 919.834.2099.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to creating a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. Civitas conducts the only regular live-caller polling of North Carolina voters.
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Ted Cruz
Trump All The WAY. Cruz Stold the Iowa race what a cheat !! Donald Trump 2016 YR
never Trump…… I don’t know why the candidates are holding back on taking him down like he did to Carson and continues to do….. he will say whatever it takes to get a vote….. NO SUBSTANCE
A lot can change in 30 days! Trump has the MO! And I believe he will do well tonight at the debate, despite having 5 other guys sniping at him, and a partisan RNC big donor crowd! It worked to his advantage last time, and will again! Then, when he crushes everyone in South Carolina, the rest will fall like domino’s!
Trump 2016…Why?…….150,000 unemployed Americans dropped as non-existent and not included in configuration in valid number of UNEMPLOYMENT percentage. New job openings are going to illegals and only 1% going to Americans. Free training, Tech. and College being provided to illegals as well as other….this to reassure they keep their jobs. Obama offering $12,000 per Illegal hired …… Literally, they are giving our people’s, especially our Youths’ future to foreigners. 22 known armed Terrorist camps around our Country, including across the river from New York. All this with the help of the establishment …..Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Jeb etc., all of them supporting immigration, FAST TRACK, TPP, TPC etc. Cruz campaigning for all of this for months than when told it might affect his running for President, back-tracking, denying his pro-immigrant Amendment, in Iowa mailing fraudulent mailings, and lying about Carson……I rather have a good non-Evangelist than a crooked, lying one
Come on N. Carolina/America vote TRUMP! This girl from Illinois is voting for Trump (since day 1) come March, so is my daughter, & a lot of ppl I know been in a lot of arguments over Trump too, which I win. I so bad want to (get a selfie with u) the future President! Donald J. Trump as for the last debate u owned it like a boss! Trump WILL get the GOP & win President! Hillary has broken every law/shenanigan under the book, Bernie is a Communist there goes your taxes up 95%, Trump is very rich he could move to an island he doesn’t need to take on the extra stress/BS that Obama/Democrats have left for the future President (TRUMP)! He has built an empire, made a positive impact in America, giving up his empire to his kids in order to Make America Great Again! With Trump u know what u r getting unlike the others who lie, backstab, steal Trump’s ideas & say the exact same “words/things” but “behind closed doors.” At least u know what u r getting with Trump. I agree with his ideas especially backing up Israel in Gen 12:3 God states “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” KJV., immigration (no thanks to Obama we r already infiltrated), the wall, a genius in economy, makes deals/wins, not taking money (doesn’t owe anybody), & no politician! We must put this genius in the White House! Trump has a minimum 156 IQ & is smarter than 99.99 percent of the people on planet earth. Go TRUMP! As for those who r stating Trump is not a Christian Jesus states in John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone” KJV. There’s a lot of ppl casting stones.
trump by double digits. jeb’s done, cruz would never get elected, rubio will no way. better get behind trump or you have hilary or bernie.
This is now old news. Seventeen percent of responders were backing candidates who have since dropped out of the race.
I was looking for some comment on the candidates running in NC but apparently you don’t man this web site very often.
Trump would be the best bet, Cruz lies and cheated in Iowa, and I for one don’t want to see Hillary or Sanders in office.. Those against trump are only pissed cause some of the stuff he is saying is how the people feel. So go Trump
I am a veteran and Trump donates to us, He saved NY – people should know this he did what NY couldnt and he did it under budget and before it was expected to be finished. Romney is a sore loser and is still crying. He praised Trump as # 1 in 2012 and today he’s looking to hurt him.
The GOP is in fear of losing their money try – Don’t let the GOP and DNC paint Trump anything but a normal business man. By the way it’s payoffs when you support these people they sell their votes to the highest bidder
Romney saying we the American voters are suckers is disgusting. He is playing Cruz and Rubio as suckers if they don’t think he plans to try and take the race for himself, surely they cannot be that stupid. Trump is not bought and paid for and that is the only reason all super packs and special interest groups are after Trump. Cruz is also bought and paid for so please all Trump voters unite and vote to stop our corrupt politicians
Can’t believe so many of you are blinding trusting ur vote to Trump, who has no proven Washington record, there is no substance with and record with Trump, u have to pick someone who has proven record to fight for you.
My preference is Cruz but will back Trump if he becomes the nominee, no problem with that. Don’t have a clue why Rubio or Kasich are hanging on. I personally would be embarrassed of their showing if I were either of them. They both need to wake up and realize that it isn’t going to happen for them, not this election period anyway and everyone but them know it. As for the democrats, I would never vote democrat and i’m not sure which of them are the lesser of 2 evils. On one hand you have the Hillary Clinton who very well could be the biggest liar and most dishonest person in the history of presidential nominees who will bend and weave and say anything at all to become the president. On the other hand you have Bernie, self pronounced socialist, no more need be said. Give me the socialist over Hillary, at least you know what to expect. She’s like a snake
TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP! thats all I have to say……………..
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