Raleigh— A June Civitas poll found that North Carolina likely voters believe that the main contributing factor to the Orlando night club shooting was radical Islamic terrorism.
The poll found that 47 percent of likely voters in our state believe that radical Islamic terrorism was the main contributor to the Orlando night club killings, while 27 percent believe that the availability of guns contributed most.
The text of the actual question is below:
In your opinion, which of the following issues contributed most to the killings in the Orlando Night club on June 16th… (ROTATE)
47% Radical Islamic Terrorism
27% The availability of guns in America
14% Both
7% Neither
4% Don’t Know
1% Refused
Cross tabs can be found here.
The poll surveyed 600 registered, likely voters (30% on cell phones) with a margin of error of +/- 4.00%. This survey was taken June 21-23, 2016.
Civitas conducts the only regular live-caller voting in North Carolina, and we are the only organization offering independent, nonpartisan data on current opinion. In the decade we’ve been conducting them, our polls have provided vital insights on what North Carolina voters truly think of the leaders and issues facing the state and nation. Civitas President Francis De Luca will be available for interviews at or after the luncheon.
To arrange an interview, email Demi Dowdy at demi.dowdy@nccivitas.org or call 919.747.8064.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to creating a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. To that end, Civitas develops and advocates for conservative policy solutions to improve the lives of all North Carolinians.
Well we have half of the incoherent boys back.I bet old Lonnie will be along.