On Wednesday, the General Assembly will convene in Raleigh for a special session to discuss a controversial Charlotte ordinance that requires places of public accommodation to allow anyone to use whatever restroom they choose based on their self-identified gender. In passing this law, however, the city of Charlotte purported to exercise power that it simply does not have. The constitution, statutes, and case law of North Carolina make this clear.
A special session repealing the ordinance is certainly the fastest way to deal with the situation. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that Charlotte’s purported “non-discrimination” ordinance is unconstitutional on its face, and is therefore completely void as a matter of law.
Under Article VII, Section 1 of the North Carolina Constitution, cities and towns exist at the pleasure of, and derive all of their powers from, the State of North Carolina. Cities have no inherent powers, but instead have only those powers delegated to them by legislative enactment. However, G.S. 160A-4 does require that courts broadly construe any grant of power to a city. Our appellate courts have shed light on exactly how these constitutional provisions and statutes work out in practice.
In 1977, the city of Goldsboro passed a resolution to annex Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. The federal government had ceased providing certain emergency services to the base, and so Goldsboro annexed the area in order to provide these services. The federal government did not object to the annexation. The Supreme Court of North Carolina held in 1978 that the annexation was legal, but only because it was done in accordance with the city’s grant of power from the General Assembly to annex nearby lands in order to provide emergency services.
Thirty years later, in 2008, the North Carolina Court of Appeals considered a challenge by the City of Asheville to a statute revoking its authority to charge higher rates to water consumers located outside its corporate limits than those located within those limits. The city argued in part that when it acts in a “proprietary capacity,” it should be treated as a private actor, not as a municipality. The Court of Appeals rejected this argument, holding that a municipality like Asheville is a creature of the state with no inherent powers other than those expressly conferred or necessarily implied through grants of power from the General Assembly.
In 2014, the Supreme Court of North Carolina considered a Chapel Hill ordinance banning the use of cell phones while driving within city limits. The issue before the Court was whether Chapel Hill exceeded its power by passing the ordinance. The Court noted that G.S. § 160A-174 grants cities broad ordinance-making power. However, whenever state law and a city ordinance come into conflict, the city ordinance must be struck down as unconstitutional. The Court found that the General Assembly had repeatedly passed laws aimed at reducing the dangers associated with mobile phone usage on roads, and therefore the State had preempted any municipal regulation in the field of mobile phone use by drivers. The Court therefore found the Chapel Hill ordinance unconstitutional and invalid. Writing for the majority, Justice Paul Newby stated:
In conclusion, we recognize municipalities’ need to protect their citizens, but we are unwilling to construe our General Statutes to give municipalities unfettered power to regulate in the name of health, safety, or welfare, as there is nothing in government more dangerous to the liberty and rights of the individual than a too ready resort to the police power.
Applying these principles to the Charlotte ordinance, it is clear that the city has overstepped its bounds. Charlotte is a mere creature of the state, with only those powers granted to it by the General Assembly. While it has broad general ordinance-making power, these ordinances may not conflict with state law or occupy an area preempted by the legislature. The “bathroom ordinance” purports to create protected classes by prohibiting discrimination against gay and transgender individuals. But this area of regulation is clearly preempted by the legislature, which has passed numerous laws and constitutional provisions on discrimination against protected classes in places of public accommodation. Just a few such laws include the Persons with Disabilities Protection Act, North Carolina’s Civil Rights Act, the State Fair Housing Act, and the Equal Employment Practices Act. Put simply, the city of Charlotte lacks the power to create protected classes because this field has clearly been occupied by the General Assembly. Charlotte’s non-discrimination ordinance is therefore unconstitutional.
But if the ordinance is invalid, why call a special session of the legislature instead of challenging it in court? The answer is twofold. First, the General Assembly wants to send a clear message to any other municipalities considering similar ordinances that this sort of behavior by Charlotte will not be tolerated. Second, invalidating the ordinance during a special session is a much more expedient way of dealing with the issue than a lawsuit, which could take months or even years to be resolved.
The General Assembly should be careful, however to make it plain that it is not implicitly validating the actions of Charlotte by calling a special session. Supporters of these types of ordinances may argue that by invalidating Charlotte’s ordinance through a special session, the General Assembly is tacitly admitting that it was previously a valid exercise of the city’s ordinance-making power. The General Assembly should be sure to make clear that this is not the case.
What’s this act of Authoritarianism by the Conservative NCGA costing the taxpayers of NC?
What will *not* acting cost taxpayers?
Safety of women and children.
Dignity and peace of mind.
How? If a transgender person enters a restroom, do you peep to see their plumbing? How are you harmed by their freedom? Why are the Authortiarians interfering with the rights of communities?
NC now has it’s unconstitutional Christian version of Shariah Law. Will public stoning be next?
Unbelievable that you geniuses are against the legislature voiding that sick ordinance…the ordinance says “self identifying” ….meaning a pervert could decide that he’s a woman on any given day and use a woman’s restroom while one of your daughters is in there!!!….It doesn’t specify that the individual has to have had an actual physical gender change thru proper medical channels…”it was a deviant’s dream”…you lefties are dangerously arrogant and stupid!…
God have mercy on us all! Where are we going? I pray God will watch over all our children and keep them safe! I can’ t imagine the thought process behind this law!
Addie, read the comments above mine..their thought processes are on display…Common sense and a moral compass left the building quite awhile ago..
If God wanted me to use the same facilities as women, He would not have given me a penis!
Let this minister explain this for you.
Let this minister explain this for you.
Sorry for posting the wrong link above.
Right wing Christian version of Sharia Law is very unpopular and bad for the NC economy. Elon University releases statement. America is not a Theocracy, Civitas Institute must be thinking of Iran as their model.
Common sense is anathema to the liberal mind. Protected classes is what gets more demoncrats elected to office. Without creating protected classes, Conservatives win. Does not matter that the law creates a situation that is intolerable and would have been illegal just the day before. If I identify as a black woman, would I be able to use the same public shower as every other woman? According to the perverts in Charlotte that passed this law, the answer is a definite yes. Because I self-identify as a black female, which I most definitely am not, I would be allowed to shower with persons that actually are female. Today, legal and nothing can be done about it. Yesterday, I would be arrested for any number of reasons. Including endangering actual women. But when you stop thinking, start being a good lib voter, you suddenly expect that it’s acceptable for men to use women’s rooms and women to use men’s rooms. Start thinking again and not only do you realize the idiocy of this law, but you realize you should never have been a lib to start with. When you’re young you are supposed to be a lib. When you gain experience, get a job, pay taxes, you realize that liberalism is doomed to failure and you turn conservative. It’s natural. Just like having a penis means you are a man, and having a vagina means you are a woman. It’s just the way it is and even the unthinking liberal mind can’t change this! They will continue to try, claim we are worse than Sharia law, attempt to prevent us from being Christians in public, etc. etc. etc. Our only option is to fight back. And continue to think. And continue to vote. The liberal religion is the only tolerable religion, and the only publicly acceptable religion. Their religion is big government, centralized planning.
The only defense against liberalism is educated voters.
Charlotte obviously lacks enough of us!
Lonnie, that gnawing feeling you care with you perpetually….that’s from fomenting ignorance that you know is ignorant….why try so hard to sway toward something so stupid?
How about staying with the facts of the poor public policy issue we’re discussing. How are you harmed by the freedom and liberty of transgender citizens having a restroom labeled where they are safe and comfortable? Most small restaurants are just relabeling both the mens and women’s restroom as unisex, problem solved. Universities often a handicap or some restrooms as transgender, so anyone can enter, do their business in private and leave. If my point of view is so “stupid” why are major corporations, media and universities writing editorials and letters condemning the unnecessary bigoted legislation? People make person attacks when fact are not on their side.
It wasn’t a personal attack….read the bill and re-read my comment. Although you do leave yourself open with statements like….”why are so many people and corporations protesting the recision?”…you take the feigned outrage of about 1% of the population… A few entities that want to pander and jump on the bandwagon and somehow extrapolate that to “so many”…would that be so many, in realation to a population of 300,000,000 people?……Did you read the bill?….it says “self identify”…..people of rational thought need to step into these frays because of this kind of intellectual dishonesty. No depth of thought on an issue. And no compass. Bathrooms unisex? Are you serious?…the scary part is that you are!….there would be nothing wrong with medically/physically completed transgendered using the bathroom designated to their choice of gender “medically altered from birth”…..men’s and women’s restrooms should and will remain exclusive to male/female….your response illustrates a reason that there’s a vocal minority in this society that needs to be directly confronted!…
Here’s how Kroger is dealing with the issue in a common sense way.
Conservative public policy always assures The State of North Carolina lots of press coverage, the only problem, most that press is very negative and hurts the NC economy and jobs.
This is a nationwide poll that shows even 50% of Godless liberals don’t agree with this.
CBS News Poll: Transgender kids and school bathrooms
As the issue of the rights of transgender people comes more to the foreground, schools across the U.S. have been confronted with a new issue: how to handle gender-specific bathrooms and locker rooms.
A state law passed in California allowing transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice, while some school districts in other parts of the country have been criticized for mandating that students use the facilities of the gender with which they were born.
Most Americans (59 percent) aren’t comfortable with the idea of transgender students picking which bathroom or locker room to use, and think they should use the facilities of the gender they were born as, while 26 percent think they should be allowed to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their preferred gender.
Born this way: Stories of young transgender children
Women (at 29 percent) are slightly more receptive to the idea than men (23 percent).
But there are greater differences by age. Just 23 percent of Americans age 30 and older think transgender students should be able to pick which facilities to use, compared to 35 percent of Americans under 30.
There are political differences as well. Republicans (at 71 percent) are more likely than Democrats (56 percent) and independents (55 percent) to think transgender students should have to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their birth gender, as are conservatives (69 percent) in comparison to liberals (50 percent) and moderates (55 percent).
CBS news poll
There is very little economy left to hurt after 8 years of Obama,Hillary,Nancy Pelosi,and Harry Reed.
“There is very little economy left to hurt after 8 years of Obama,Hillary,Nancy Pelosi,and Harry Reed.”
That is the dumbest thing you have posted. You do know there are actual facts, numbers and data to show how racist and untrue this comment is don’t you?
“The dynamic between the sitting president and his party’s nominee is set to be dramatically different than in 2008, the last time there was an open election for the presidency in both parties, should Mr. Obama’s current approval rating remain. In March 2008, Mr. Bush’s approval rating was 32%, with 63% disapproval, making him a rarity on the campaign trail.”
“The American people may not be particularly psyched about the direction of the country, or their economic future. Still, the economy, by many objective measures, is doing quite well. The unemployment rate is 4.9 percent. There are 143.56 million payroll jobs in the U.S., a record, and some 5.5 million job openings. The collective net worth of Americans has hit a record, at $86.8 trillion.The number of people without health insurance has plummeted to a historic low, below ten percent. While wobbly of late, the stock markets remain buoyant. Inflation is essentially non-existent. Even with wages essentially stagnant, the lay of the economic land provides a very solid floor of support for the president’s approval rating.”
The argument that taking a rational stance against these special interest issues has a negative effect on the economies where legilatures make the correct decisions as they did here in NC is a specious one….it’s nonsense…any economic loss ends up being balanced out by clear thinking people who will spend there money here in support…a small scale example of that is Chic-fil-A….we might recall the uproar and the protests called by the left to boycott Chick-fil-A over their corporate stance of defending traditional marriage…As a result of that stance Chick-Fil-A’s sales increased significantly for the very reason mentioned above…good people taking action….and furthermore…a culture won’t hold up very long when virtually everything is boiled down to economics…these Alinksky tactics have to be confronted….eventually does “anything go”? …lastly, the issue as usual is being distorted by the media….will sanity ever re-enter the room?….
Sanity will never re-enter the room as long as there are Lonnies out there,Mark.
Elliott Engstrom – Thank you for your fine article. Reading the last two paragraphs, I noticed that you did not mention that the new Charlotte ordinance, which would have required all businesses to change their restroom policies and take away the expectation of privacy people have when using the restroom, was going to go into effect on April 1 if no action was taken.
North Carolina Legislators and Governor McCrory are going to have to walk this back or cost many North Carolina residents their jobs, NC businesses customers and the Sate of North Carolina tax revenue.
With 59% of the people against this,the only ones who will walk this back are the companies that have queers for CEO’S,like Apple.
Your comments have degenerated into bullying, homophobic bigot lacking logic or reason. Could we get back to a debate of actual merits of ideas and solutions?
The Saul Alinsky whacko brigade moans about the 1% controlling the 99%….they’re correct….only they have the groups backwards..here we go again…and the people wanting to excercise principle and rational thought get pilloried by these amoral special interests…with total committment and backing of a mass media machine…..folks…they have to be confronted and pushed back…it’s beyond the pale now….Lonnie, whomever you are…take your specious nonsense someplace else…
Could not have said it better.We conservatives need to do like these wackos.We need to push back on these corps.that are going after North Carolina.When they find out most people are against them they will sit down and shut up.The money they lose will make them change their tune.We need to quit buying from any of them and let them know that we are not taking this crap anymore.Lonnie is a little picture taker in Boone that carries water for the Democrooks up there.He is a harmless joke but I love making him look like a Loon.
The moral high ground is not on the side of you authoritarians, justice is not on your side right wing extremist, human rights and civil rights are not on the side of pandering bigots and facts are not on Civitas Institute. Personal attacks are all you have left.
Let me remind you of the issues you’ve avoided.
NC Republican politicians have passed a law, they cannot enforce just to pander to bigotry, ignorance and hate. The HB-2 will cost NC taxpayers thousands in legal fees to defend an unconstitutional bill that will be over turned in the courts. North Carolina small businesses will loose business as customers refuse to attend the NC Furniture market, Furniture manufacturing employees will loose jobs, Major league sports will avoid or move to less bigoted states, costing the NC economy more revenue.
NC could loose title 9 funding, if courts still on appeal rule against Virginia. “the threat of losing Title IX funds was real enough to convince authorities in Illinois and California to comply.”
The next issue are major corporation avoid locating in NC or moving out of NC.
This pandering HB-2 bill will be very expensive and serve no purpose.
Conservative NC Carolina politicians need to walk this back before it become a disaster for North Carolina’s economy. Most know the courts will find this homophobic pandering law unconstitutional in the end.
You talk about morals,you wouldn’t know a moral if you stepped on it.Decent people are not going to be swayed by your political correctness and how many jobs will be lost.We have already lost 7 million manufacturing jobs under Ostupid.We conservatives are not going to take this from the queer community any more.That Homophobic crap doesn’t bother me in the least.I don’t hate them and I really don’t fear them.They have pushed people around for several years now and people are getting sick of hearing that it’s normal and an alternative way of life.Just sit and think for a second what they do and tell me that’s normal.If you think that’s normal then I think for sure you are light in the loafers.
Do you understand morals are not just about how you perceive sex? The number one indicator of morality is do you understand and practice the “Golden Rule”.
Thanks to Pinto for this link that shows what will happen if the Charlotte law was allowed to stand.
Larry says
April 2, 2016 at 5:04 AM
Old Lonnie says two rape incidents,what’s the big deal?Now that’s the real liberal Democrat.Not the one Lonnie talks about.Kindness,justice,public good.The Democrat has become a collection of misfits and racists like Ostupid,Al(l don’t pay no taxes) Sharpton,Jesse Jackson and several others.I expect their next crusade will be it’s o.k. To have sex with animals.What is the public good and justice for the rape victims?Where is the kindness for them?I’am sure they would be blamed for being too sexy by being naked while taking a shower.
Let get what I said correct, you can’t take the actions of a couple of individuals to dehumanizes millions of a demographic group, stripping that group of full citizenship rights, human rights and Liberty. What you and Civitas Institute suggest is what was done in Germany in the 1930s. Hundreds of thousands of the Greatest Generation died fighting the type totalitarianism you people are supporting. Today’s ALEC, Civitas Institute and religous extremist have a constant drum beat of fear mongering propaganda aimed at marginalizing one group after another just like Hitler did with Jewish citizens and others.
What about the second amendment,Lonnie?A few crazies shoot somebody and you want to take everybodies guns.That’s a right too.Muslims blow up people and you and that Muslim President are worried about the backlash on those poor old peace loving Muslims.So,you can take that rights crap of yours and shove it where the sun don’t shine.Like I said little minds that don’t have a valid argument drag out the Hitler junk.Women have a right not to have strange men in their bathroom.We need three bathrooms,one for normal men,one for normal women,and one for deviate Democrats.By the way,what are you going to do about the Few Democrats that had a brain and voted with the Republicans on no transgender bathrooms.Are you going to their houses and beating on some pots or do you use that liberal kindness and forgive them.
Liberals do want to restrict gun ownership and possession from those crazies that might kill innocent citizens regardless of their religous beliefs, sexual preferences or politics.
Why are you opposed to letting local governments expand personal freedom and liberty?
That is not what you morons want,and you know it.You want all guns so we can’t protect ourselves from what the Demoturd party has become.You people are the ones that want to take my right to go in a bathroom without seeing a 6 year old girl staring at me.What are you going to do with the 11 Democrats that were not perverts and voted against you?Send me an answer that has Authoritians,Oligarch,Plutocrats and the rest of your special words that you answer with over and over.
This will come as a shock but Republicans don’t have a monopoly on corruption, conservativism or supporting an American Theoracy.
I’m a Liberal but not all Democrats are liberals nor do they all understand and try to follow the “Golden Rule”, being a liberal is pretty much just this simple question. How would I feel if the roles were reversed?
How would I feel if the roles were reversed?What does that mean?Its incoherent.
the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”
I empathize with a 12 year old girl who walks out of a stall and is immediately startled upon seeing some perverted male standing in the same bathroom that used the law as an excuse to prey on the defenseless and satisfy his sick urges..and the trauma in some instances would probably cause the child to fear ever using a public restroom again…this nonsense needs to come to whatever conclusion the good lord has in store…..you lefties are literally dangerous to all…including yourselves but you’re far too stupid to see it!
Just part of 70%,Lonnie.Like you liturds love to say”It is settled law and you and the other queers lost”.Is that getting trough your thick skull?
Settled law will be once this has made the trip to the SCOTUS. The question is can State government override local control.
Fear and false narratives drives conservatives to be irrational. The facts are a threatening non transgender male in a women’s restroom will be a problem for police to deal with as they have in the few places it’s been a problem. Most turned out to be conservative activist trying to prove it could happen.
True transgender citizens will likely draw little attention, like the person you often encounter where you’re unsure of their gender, some will look very feminine others like Ann Coulter.
Transgender females the new law forces into the Women’s restroom may well be sporting full beards and look very masculine.
Educate yourselves to reduce your fear and misconceptions.
The Police will deal with this because lots of these freaks are going to be stomped into a greasy spot when they molest some guys wife.Its going to be you freaks with the fear not normal people.We do not fear you freaks.False narratives,that’s your over and over for the week.Its a shame you can’t see how stupid you seem with your over and overs.I can’t figure out which version of queer you are.It must be transgender since you are spending so much time trying to tell us it’s normal.
You don’t get out much do you? False narrative means your fears are not based in facts and that conservative political stradigist are playing you for a fool.
How is society protected by lies of who the real threat is and where a real crime is likely to take place?
What is the NCGA going to do to protect children in churches?
“According to the Insurance Journal, in the three largest insurers of Protestant churches in the United States, there are about 260 claims of child sex abuse against pastors, youth workers, church volunteers or congregation members every year.”
“Of 13,600 sexual assaults reported against children/youth in Canada in 2008, 75% of the accused were known to the victim, with 33% being family members and 42% being acquaintances.”
If anybody knows what false narrative is it would be you ,Lonnie.You must type it 50 times a day.At least when I do get out it is not to take pictures of all the queers in Blowing Rock and Boone.What is your point about queers in churches,the churches I have been in didn’t check at the door to see who was a pervert.What is your point on queers being family members?Queers are all over the place.Now you and your idiots want them in public bathrooms.
You are the one that should be fearful,Lonnie.I can’t believe somebody hasn’t taken you out behind the wood shed with that mouth of yours.
Like Jim Crow era terrorist would have done if someone questioned their authorterianism?
Please explain the “family values” you learned at home? Why are you still in the mentality of a 4th grade bully?
How about you explain the family values you grew up with.I would like to know what kind of family taught you that grown men using a bathroom in the same room with young girls is a good thing.You must have been bullied in the 4th.grade,it seems to be on your mind a lot.
The family values I learned as a kid were be truthful, kindness, respect, justice, fairness, pull your own weight and follow the Golden Rule.
What were your?
Pull your own weight,that’s rich.Everything you talk about is taking away from taxpayers and giving to non taxpayers to buy their votes.Exactly where does fairness come in to that.When you go and shout down speakers,is that what you call respect?Truthful,I have a little problem with some of the truth in some of those links of yours.Justice,where is the justice of the Democrats taking over half of ever dime I ever worked my tail off for.Then,giving it to some bum that had 3 generations of family that had never had a job.If you really believed in the Golden Rule,you couldn’t believe in stealing people’s money and giving it to someone that won’t work.Have fun in La La Land.
You have a lot of anger issues in tat last post, the folks at Civitas Institute should get a bonus.
Tat last post?I think you have had a stroke.That explains a lot.I do have a lot of anger with someone that compares Franklin Graham with anybody in a murdering cult.
Franklin Graham’s uses his loud public voice, amplified by tax deductible donation to encourage ignorance, hate, discrimination and false stereotypes. LBGT citizens are put at risk by irresponsible hate speech of Franklin Graham.
I’m not sure of your background on this subject but here’s what people who’s life’s work is in the study of the subject have to say.
“The law, officially called “The Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act,” ostensibly seeks to protect the public from transgender people. It prevents transgender women and men from using bathrooms that reflect their gender, insisting that people use the washrooms of the sex listed on their birth certificates.
A birth certificate litmus test for gender displays a deep ignorance about the complexity of human biology and gender identification. This statute presents itself as a necessary solution to a non-existent problem, since there is not a shred of evidence to support the contention that transgender people pose any threat to anyone when they use bathrooms appropriate for their gender. In fact, denying transgender people in this way actually endangers them, making them vulnerable to insult and assault.”
“The writer is director, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, UNC-Greensboro.
Also signing this column: Dr. Wanda Balzano, chair, Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Wake Forest University; Dr. L. Kimberly Epting, coordinator of the Women’s, Gender and Sexualities Studies Program, Elon University; Dr. Karey Harwood, director, Women’s and Gender Studies Program, N.C. State University; Dr. Valerie Ann Johnson, director Africana Women’s Studies Program, Bennett College; Dr. Silvia Tomášková, chair, Women’s and Gender Studies Department, UNC Chapel Hill; and Dr. Priscilla Wald, director, Women’s Studies Program, Duke University.”
Not a shred of evidence that transgender people pose a threat to anyone?I guess you didn’t read all the examples that Pinto sent.Educate yourself,Lonnie.I noticed all the co-signers to this nonsense are all so called teachers.We the normal tax paying citizens should be able to,sue state supported schools for having nothing but left wing professors.Why people send their kids to college anymore is beyond me.The don’t teach kids anything about anything that they can make a living.All they teach is how it’s a good idea for men to go in women’s bathrooms and diversity.You are a perfect example.Franklin Graham and his father have helped more people than all those race baiter friends of yours combined.Don’t give me that crap about LBGT discriminated againest.My wife worked at banks for years.If there is a man working in a bank that has been hired in the last few years in a bank,there is a big chance he is a queer.Since the banks have to answer to Obama for everything that is about all they hire.
Woman’s and gender studies program.Can you get a degree in that.A degree in that and 5 dollars will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks that will be served to you by someone with one of these degrees.People need to quit sending their kids to colleges with courses like this.I heard on the radio yesterday that 40% of these kids are not paying their college loans.Do I smell another bailout?Puerto Rico is broke and they are talking about bailing them out.How much more money can they print and steal from the taxpayers?
The law only applies to public (government) facilities. Private businesses still have full control over who can go in which bathroom so this law is largely moot–unless you spend all day, every day in a government building. From my experience, if there is a government establishment with questionable men on the premises and lurking about (jail, prison, social security office in the middle of a work day, etc.) I am not going to want to use the facilities anyway, no matter who is allowed in.
Hey Jane,
You better invest in some depends.
You and Jane sound like you may live in very sheltered environments ( Gated communities, Country Clubs, and Cruise Ship Travel), sorry for your loss.
Lying Lonnie,
The only loss I have is having to live in a country with morons like you.