- Fourth Circuit Ruling Based on Agency Letter, Not the Letter of the Law
- Perpetuates Trend of Bureaucrats Rewriting Laws
- Making and Enforcing Laws are Powers Best Kept Separate
Yesterday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled that a biological female who identifies as a male may bring a claim under Title IX against a school for not allowing him to use the men’s restrooms and locker room facilities. In layman’s terms, this means that Title IX, a law designed to prevent discrimination based on sex in schools and universities, may now be used by transgender individuals in the Fourth Circuit to bring lawsuits alleging discrimination based on their gender identity. The Fourth Circuit essentially equated gender identity to biological sex for the purposes of Title IX. In doing so, it further eroded whatever is left of the distinction between the legislative and executive functions of our federal government.
We could have an interesting policy discussion about whether Title IX should protect gender identity in the same way that it protects biological sex. That discussion would involve many difficult questions — like, for example, how should Congress statutorily define something like gender identity that is largely based on a person’s subjective perception without effectively eliminating separate restroom facilities for men and women? Would it be better to eliminate separate facilities for men and women altogether? Is the discrimination faced by transgender individuals materially similar to the discrimination that motivated the passage of Title IX?
This nuanced policy discussion never happened. That’s because a law adding Title IX protections for gender identity was never enacted. Not even a formal regulation by the Department of Education has been passed to that effect. So where did the Fourth Circuit get the idea that the word “sex” in Title IX applies to gender identity?
On April 29, 2014, the Department of Education’s Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights issued a document entitled “Questions and Answers on Title IX and Sexual Violence.” The document addressed several issues, including how schools should handle sexual violence and which students are specifically protected by Title IX. Of particular interest, the document addressed whether gender identity is a protected characteristic. On this topic, Assistant Secretary Catherine Lhamon wrote:
Title IX protects all students at recipient institutions from sex discrimination…Any student can experience sexual violence, [including] transgender students…Title IX’s sex discrimination prohibition extends to claims of discrimination based on gender identity…and [the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights] accepts such complaints for investigation. Similarly, the actual or perceived…gender identity of the parties does not change a school’s obligations.
Lhamon cited nothing other than the Department’s own enforcement prerogatives. She and the Department of Education simply decided that Title IX applies to gender identity as well as sex.
Note that this is not a statute or even a formal regulation passed by the Department of Education, which would be subject to the administrative rulemaking process. It is simply Lhamon’s interpretation of the law, labeled as a “significant guidance document” by the Obama administration.
But the text of Title IX is clear: it prohibits discrimination based on sex, not gender. Even the left-leaning Human Rights Campaign recognizes that sex and gender are two different things.
This brings us to yesterday’s decision. The Fourth Circuit was presented with the issue of “whether Title IX requires schools to provide transgender students access to restrooms congruent with their gender identity.” As the Court noted, the actual text of Title IX provides as follows:
No person…shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. (emphasis added)
However, the Fourth Circuit decided to adopt Secretary Lhamon’s interpretation of Title IX from her letter. This letter was not a formal regulation, and therefore was subject to no formal review. But, since the Fourth Circuit decided that the letter is not “plainly erroneous or inconsistent with the text of [Title IX],” it deferred to Lhamon’s interpretation.
Under the Fourth Circuit’s decision, a federal agency can now rewrite a law with a simple guidance letter. This is agency deference of the most extreme character. Executive agencies are now not merely interpreting laws — they are writing them.
There is a reason that our Constitution separates the power to make law from the power to enforce law. When these two powers are wielded by one person or group of persons, that situation becomes uncomfortably similar to a dictatorship that is ruled by decree. The concern is not whether Barack Obama, the Department of Education, or Assistant Secretary Lhamon should wield this amount of power. The concern is whether anyone should wield this amount of power.
Perhaps Title IX should be amended to provide protections for transgender individuals. But in a country governed by laws, that sort of statutory amendment is enacted via the legislative process, not by a federal court’s adoption of a guidance letter. Should the Fourth Circuit’s decision be appealed to the United States Supreme Court, it will have to consider whether it is willing to stretch agency deference to the point where actual, substantive lawmaking is happening within the executive branch.
Hopefully, the Justices will know better.
NC is a state of small towns not small minds .
That misogynistic bigot Lonnie has no mind at all. Most women agree with science that “identifying” as a woman doesn’t make you one:
“Oh, I’m just a Bill, but I’d like to be Jill…”
Democrats promote a war on women:
N.C. Is a state of small towns,not small minds.Right off the top of my mind,I can think of one small mind.
Larry says
April 21, 2016 at 3:12 PM
Fight back.Let’s become pot bangers like Lonnie.Boycott target.Phone number and website are below.
The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.
On its web site this week, Target announced, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. …Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”
This means a man can simply say he “feels like a woman today” and enter the women’s restroom…even if young girls or women are already in there.
Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?
Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.
One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex bathroom option should be provided.
Take Action
Sign the pledge to boycott Target now! Target should not allow men to enter the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms.
After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you’ve signed the Pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at 1-800-440-0680.
Share your concerns on their Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/target. When sharing this on social media use #BoycottTarget.
Like Lonnie, Target has already enabled sex offenders:
Of course, like ESPN and a great many other hypocritical fascist bigots throwing their support behind the Lawless Godless Bathroom Trolls, Target is already circling the drain as people don’t care to shop there. (ESPN, for its part, laid off some 300 employees last year.) A boycott of Target is almost redundant at this point.
You can see for yourself by the comments posted by those who believe your right wing propaganda, transgender citizens are now at risk of being attacked because of fear mongering by writers at Civitas Institute.
You folks writing these articles have a responsibility to tone down or call out extremist expanding assaults on the human rights of LBGT citizens.
You know the Target restroom is not a likely place for a predator the look for an assault and making then transgender friendly hurts no one.
False narratives will get innocent people killed.
Lying Lonnie,
Why don’t you go spread your garbage on one of those Democrat queer web sites.You aren’t changing any minds here.Do you deny all the proof you have been shown about assaults and rapes.The queer sites are all saying there has never an attack in a public bathroom by a man in a women’s bathroom.If you are saying that then you should know that your credibility is zero along with the rest of those queers.You are a false Narrative.
We can see for ourselves by this article that we posted which that lying hateful misogynist bigot Lonnie doesn’t want anyone to read, girls and women are already being attacked under Target’s tranny-pandering rules. A Target restroom is clearly a very likely place for a predator to make an assault and being tranny-panderers has made Target a danger to itself and others.
Lonnie’s misogynistic false narratives have already gotten girls and women molested.
When are you going to learn to read, Lonnie?
Here’s the actual bill, which Lonnie and the other hypocritical misogynistic bigots opposing women and girls’ privacy and safety hope you’re too brainwashed to read:
Public support for Lonnie’s bigotry and misogyny circles the drain:
“A backlash is growing against retail giant Target Corp. after its announcement this week that it will allow men or women who claim to be transgender to use whichever bathroom or changing room they choose while shopping or working at their stores.”
Changing the subject for one minute.The Gimmedat Governor of Virginia did an executive order letting ex-felons vote.200,000 of them.There is nothing a Gimmedat won’t do to steal an election.O.K. Pinto,let’s get back to showing Lying Lonnie that he is a liar.
Great news!Over 250,000 signed boycott of Target in 2days.Lying Lonnie and the Gimmedat Party are not going to be happy.The Gimmedats have finally pushed too hard with their political incorrectness.
This is the best analogy yet!
Leave it to Maxine to come up with a solution for the mess that
US/Canada/UK/Germany/Australia/NZ is now in economically.
I bought a bird feeder. I hung it
on my back porch and filled it
with seed. What a beauty of
a bird feeder it was, as I filled it
lovingly with seed.
Within a week we had hundreds of birds
taking advantage of the
continuous flow of free and
easily accessible food.
But then the birds started
building nests in the boards
of the patio, above the table,
and next to the barbecue.
Then came the crap. It was
everywhere: on the patio tile,
the chairs, the table …
Then some of the birds
turned mean. They would
dive bomb me and try to
peck me even though I had
fed them out of my own
And others birds were
boisterous and loud. They
sat on the feeder and
squawked and screamed at
all hours of the day and night
and demanded that I fill it
when it got low on food.
After a while, I couldn’t even
sit on my own back porch
anymore. So I took down the
bird feeder and in three days
the birds were gone. I cleaned
up their mess and took down
the many nests they had built
all over the patio.
Soon, the back yard was like
it used to be ….. quiet, serene….
and no one demanding their
rights to a free meal.
Now let’s see……
Our government gives out
free food, subsidized housing,
free medical care and free
education, and allows anyone
born here to be an automatic
Then the illegals came by the
tens of thousands. Suddenly
our taxes went up to pay for
free services; small apartments
are housing 5 families; you
have to wait 6 hours to be seen
by an emergency room doctor;
Your child’s second grade class is
behind other schools because
over half the class doesn’t speak
Corn Flakes now come in a
bilingual box; I have to
‘press one ‘ to hear my bank
talk to me in English, and
people waving flags other
than ”ours” are
squawking and screaming
in the streets, demanding
more rights and free liberties.
Just my opinion, but maybe
it’s time for the government
to take down the bird feeder.
If you agree, pass it on; if not,
just continue cleaning up the crap!
Maxine has it right,The Lonnie’s of this country need to pay for this.
That conservative email goes back at least to 2008 before President Obama was in office. I truly feel sorry for people like you who spend their days being resentful that children are being fed, the sick get medical attention and people who are different get treated with respect. What has right wing propaganda and “Good Christian” Evangelical radio done to the teaching of Christ? Why do you “Good Christians” no longer believe in the Golden Rule?
“Firstly.. (a) Immgrants are not birds. There should not exist the perception that, by contrast, legal citizens are on an intellectual level of homeowners while immigrants possess the limited capacity of air fowl. That’s just terrible. It might not have been what she meant, but it’s pushing the boundary on outrightly stating it. (b) Maxine fails to put herself in their shoes. Imagine if the country you came from became so stank that you decided to actually move your family out of it, and into an country that offered nice surroundings but in which existed a people that spoke a language different than yours. Would you not, at first at least, take kindly to offerings of quality and genuine support so that you could get on your feet? Would it not be a temptation, as a person (regardless of where you came from) to perhaps rely on that support longer than was presumed socially permissible? I’m not asking if you would, but wouldn’t the very idea at least occur in your mind that, hmm, perhaps I might be able to? Do you not know actual citizens of this country that would jump onto that if it were offered to them? I know dozens who would snatch it up if offered. Could some of this resentment toward immigrants who are offered this assistance actually be a bit of avarice you possess, that you yourself “deserve it more than someone else” in regard to those benefits?
Secondly, Maxine (the person putting out the birdfeeder) epic-failed on a few key aspects, in terms of the story itself and not drawing any particular metaphors: (a) She didn’t have any idea what birds actually were. Birds CAN get noisy and may very well fight, especially over limted resources. (b) She blamed her overt lack of research on the birds themselves, rather than herself for not knowing this would happen. Instead of being irritated with her own decision to put the birdfeeder out, she projected the irritation onto the birds themselves, who were just being what birds are and have always been since birdfeeders were even around. (c) The birds may not actually possess the capacity to realize that she is the person supplying the feed, whereas she may simply be a large competitor for the feed itself, much less knowing how out-of-pocket economics work to realize it is a sacrifice for you to do this. The anger here is a transition from a long-held belief aligning itself with the facts of reality, and isn’t at all a fault of the birds themselves. The biggest factor is her self-sustained deception that birds were not what they actually were. Instead of treating it as a learning experience, she has now over-encumbered herself with a severe distaste for birds, and sits pridefully on her porch in the self-reinforced notion that she had been right all along.
Pass the shovel, fellow citizen. I’ll do the groundwork of humanitarian aid if your butler says you’ve got other appointments for today!”
Posted on August 28, 2008 by ablestmage
O.k. Lonnie,
You tell me how we can take care of the whole world.How about we have a special assessment to take the money to pay for all these people from Gimmedats like you.That would be hard since 47% of you low life’s don’t pay one dime of federal income tax.If you and the Gimmedat Party were paying anything for these people,you might have a different outlook.It’s real easy to be a humanitarian when you don’t have skin in the game.The only reason you want those people to be here is so they will vote for your sickos that want in women’s bathrooms.That answer you gave was the most stupid thing I have ever read.
Leftards demonstrate how they are completely out of touch with reality:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
Blaise Pascal
Summary of how leftards are bigots and child-abusers for pandering to trannies’ mental illnesses:
Kids say the darnedest things.The reason for that is they are all in college and being brainwashed by morons like Lying Lonnie.Did you notice Lying Lonnie didn’t say he would pay for all the illegals he and the Gimmedats want to let in this country?
Reminder: leftard regimes love to starve children to death.
Reminder: leftard regimes love to deny medical care to the sick:
Ostupid and the lying Lonnie’s of the Gimmedat party came down on several bakers for not baking a cake for a queer wedding.Huge fines and made them go to queer awareness school.It was a hate crime according to our queer President.Then the queer Bruce Springsteen refused to play a concert because the pervert wanted to punish N.C.I couldn’t care less if he ever played anywhere,but how is it a queer can refuse service and a baker can’t?
Reminder: leftards hate people for being different from them.
Reminder: the leftards do unto others what they would not have done unto themselves.
“Communists worship Satan, Socialists think perdition is a good system run by bad men, and liberals want us all to go to Hell because it’s warm there in the winter.”
–P.J. O’Rourke
“If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s free.”
—P.J. O’Rourke
“I’m just a guy with a mutilated penis.”
“Basically, yes.”
Do you think the Germans of 1935 just woke up one morning and decided genocide on an industrial scale of Jews, LBGT citizens and people of the Roma decent would be a great idea?
No, they had to first dehumanize all of the marginal groups first using terms not that different from the words you’re using. Instead of Jews, today it’s Muslims, undocumented workers but still the LBGT citizens, right wing Fascism hasn’t changed all that much from 1936 to 2016.
“Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.”
—Blaise Pascal
How true, how true:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
How true, how true:
Lying Lonnie always slinks away with his tail between his legs when Pinto shows up.
The long and sordid history of fascism and perversion:
Hey Brain Dead,
Muslims were on the Nazi’s side in WW2.Mainly because they were for anyone that would kill Jews.Is that why you and Hillary want to bring 200,000 Muslims here so they will kill Jews.Fascists were the Democrat Socialists of the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Remember, the leftards want everyone’s little daughters to share bathrooms with this pervert:
Oh, the Communists and Nazis should be friends,
‘Cause the Communists and Nazis have been friends…
Pinto and Civitas Institute
“The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is not a legitimate medical organization; its name is designed to be mistaken for the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is a national organization with some 60,000 members. The ACP, by contrast, is estimated to have no more than 200 members, and it has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its anti-LGBT positions.”
Lying Lonnie,
According to you and Southern Poverty Law Center if you are not a pervert you are a hater.I know you won’t answer,but I’ll ask anyway.Why can a queer musician refuse service but a baker can’t.You can’t answer that can you hater.Queers hate anything normal.
Were you aware that the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) is not a legitimate medical organization? Were you aware its name is designed to be mistaken for the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is a national organization with some 60,000 members.
Were you aware that the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) by contrast, is estimated to have no more than 200 members, and it has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its anti-LGBT positions?
Were you fooled by this information or were you part of the group trying to deceive the public?
Lying Lonnie,
Knew you wouldn’t answer.You already said all that crap.Its that stroke again.
Lying Lonnie,
Whoever they are,they have more sense than you,Southern Poverty,and the ACLU.All three are defenders of every sick POS in the country.
Lying Lonnie,
337,000 signers on the boycott of Target.
Going Monday to cancel my card and account at Bank of America.I have been with them 20 years.I suggest everybody but Lying Lonnie do the same.
Hard to believe the energy you’re willing to invest for a world of injustice, based in fear of non existing problems?
How will your world be improved or safer with recent NCGA restroom law, reduction of local community political power and reduction of worker’s rights?
Who will be standing at public restroom checking for compliance?
You are being played for a fool by con artist.
Republians are great at fixing problems that never exsisted.
Bless your heart, I have no idea what you’re trying to communicate in your rants but I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the Golden Rule or human rights.
Thanks for telling me all that,prevert.Non existing problem.I was sure you were too stupid to look at the crimes your sicko buddies committed on the links sent by Pinto.Either that or you don’t give a damn about the woman and kids harmed by those freaks.A sick prevert like you knows nothing about the Golden Rule.
How will your world be improved or safer with recent NCGA restroom law, reduction of local community political power and reduction of worker’s rights?
Who will be standing at public restroom checking for compliance?
You are being played for a fool by con artist.
Lying Lonnie,
You don’t have to be played a fool,you are one.
Lying Lonnie,
How will my world be safer with this law?My granddaughters won’t be in a bathroom with the likes of you.
The SPLC is a violent hate group:
That you would cite those gaystapo goose-stepper bigots shows that you have no moral credibility at all, you lying hateful misogynist bigot.
When are you going to apologize for your hate group’s violent eliminationist rhetoric, Lyin’ Lonnie?
Too bad you obviously can’t read, goose-stepper.
Glad to hear about your boycotting those hypocritical hate-mongering totalitarian gaystapo goose-steppers, though I have to wonder how you’re involved with Bank of America in the first place, considering that it’s one of the TARP-sucking banks that helped wreck our country’s economy back in 2008. I’ve already canceled my account with RapePal. As for Target… as I say, a boycott is almost redundant at this point, considering its continuing losses in the retail wars and how it’s been circling the drain ever since the lunatics in charge of it stopped allowing any “gender labeling” back in 2015. Even before that, though, no one in my family had shopped there for several years.
“Below is a working list of those who have spoken against and those in favor of the LGBT measure. Others, including McCrory’s former employer, Duke Energy, and his alma mater, Catawba College, haven’t directly opposed new measure but instead emphasize their own nondiscrimination policies. THE (RALEIGH) NEWS & OBSERVER CONTRIBUTED.
Against HB2:
Among the companies, groups and individuals that have publicly stated their opposition to the new law:
A+E network
The Dow Chemical Company
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Smiles by Payet Family Dentistry
Northrop Grumman
Barnes and Noble
Sivan Capri Agency
Ralph Lauren
American Apparel
Albemarle Corp.
Choice Hotels International
Pandora Media
EMC Corporation
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
American Airlines
Lowe’s Cos.
Levi Strauss
Encore Music Publishers
Red Hat
Mountain Khakis
Pfizer Inc.
TD Bank
Replacements, Ltd.
Matrix Partners
Cisco Systems
The PNC Financial Services Group
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Whole Foods Market
InterContinental Hotels Group
Kimpton Hotels Restaurants
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
Dr. Bronner’s
Marriott International
Saturday Brand Communications
The Common Market (Charlotte)
Smash Communications
Singley + Mackie
Singley Content Studios
Adam Shankman, director and producer
Rob Reiner, director
Duke University
Wake Forest University
Davidson College
State of New York
State of Vermont
State of Washington
State of Minnesota
State of Connecticut
City of Atlanta
City of San Francisco
City of Boston
City of Seattle
City of West Palm Beach, Fla.
City of Santa Fe, N.M.
American Society of Interior Designers
ACPA-College Student Educators International
NC League of Municipalities
The American Kennel Club
Human Rights Campaign
Equality NC
Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network
American Society of Association Executives
Computer & Communications Industry Association
Consumer Technology Association
Software & Information Industry Association
Motion Picture Association of America
The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority
Alex Dimitrief, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, GE
Ric Elias, CEO of Red Ventures
Casey Wasserman, President and CEO of the Wasserman Foundation
Steven R. Boal, CEO, Quotient Technology Inc.
Brandee Barker, Cofounder, The Pramana Collective
Michael Birch, Founder, Blab
Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, co-CEOs, Atlassian
Lorna Borenstein, CEO, Grokker
Vice Forlenza, Chairman, CEO and President, BD
Paul T. Dacier, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, EMC Corporation
Brad Brinegar, Chairman and CEO, McKinney
Lloyd Carney, CEO, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
Ron Conway, Founder and Co-Managing Partner, SV Angel
Dean Debnam, Chairman and CEO, Workplace Options
David Ebersman, Cofounder and CEO, Lyra Health
Jared Fliesler, General Partner, Matrix Partners
Jason Goldberg, CEO, Pepo
Mike Gregoire, CEO, CA Technologies
Alan King, President and COO, Workplace Options
Kristen Koh Goldstein, CEO, BackOps
Mitchell Gold, co-founder and chair-man, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Paul Graham, Founder, Y Combinator
David Hassell, CEO, 15Five
Dave Imre, Partner and CEO, IMRE
Dev Ittycheria, President &CEO, MongoDB
Laurene Powell Jobs, President, Emerson Collective
Cecily Joseph, VP Corporate Responsibility and Chief Diversity Officer, Symantec Corporation
Joshua Kushner, Managing Partner, Thrive Capital
Max Levchin, CEO, Affirm
Dion Lim, CEO, NextLesson
Shan-lyn Ma, CEO, Zola
Bill Maris, CEO, Google Ventures
Melody McCloskey, CEO, StyleSeat
Douglas Merrill, CEO, Zestfinance
Dyke Messinger, President and CEO, Power Curbers Inc.
Michael Natenshon, CEO, Marine Layer
Alexi G. Nazem, Cofounder and CEO, Nomad Health
Laurie J. Olson, EVP, Strategy, Portfolio and Commercial Operations, Pfizer Inc.
Evan Reece, CEO, Liftopia
Stan Reiss, General Partner, Matrix Partners
John Replogle, CEO, Seventh Generation
Dan Rosensweig, CEO, Chegg
Kevin P. Ryan, Founder and Chairman, Alleycorp
Bijan Sabet, General Partner, Spark Capital
Julie Samuels, President, Engine
David A. Shaywitz, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, DNAnexus
Behshad Sheldon, President and CEO, Braeburn Pharmaceuticals
Mark Trudeau, President and CEO, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
David Spector, Cofounder, ThirdLove
Bret Taylor, CEO, Quip
Todd Thibodeaux, CEO, CompTIA
David Tisch, Managing Partner, BoxGroup
Kevin A. Trapani, President and CEO, The Redwood Groups
Bob &Harvey Weinstein, Co-Founders and Co-Chairmen, The Weinstein Company
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/business/article69251877.html#storylink=cpy
That’s probably the best thing Lying Lonnie has ever done has sent us a list of companies to boycott.I already knew them but like minded people can use this list.
My wife worked at banks for over 30 years and the corrupt press blamed them for the crash when it was mostly the Clintons.
1.Jimmy Carter signed into law the community reinvestment act which forced banks to lower their standards so mostly unqualified minorities could get a mortgage.
2.Clinton doubled down on the CRA and greatly lowered mortgage standards to allow more unqualified borrowers to get loans.
3.Clinton’s Attorney General,Janet Reno,then threatened banks with legal action if they didn’t give loans to unqualified people.4.Clinton’s Lacky,Franklin Raines was then put in charge of Fannie Mae.Fannie Mae then bought most of the bad loans.Franklin Raines then falsified records and over 5 years collected 90 million dollars.(You can do a google search on Raines and see all this on Raines.)
5.Senator Chris Dodds(D) head of the house finance committee stopped efforts by Bush to reign in the crooks at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.Dodd got a very favorable loan and large campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie.
6.Barney Frank,the pervert from Mass.was head of the Banking Committee and he also stopped Bush’s efforts to investigate Fannie and Freddie.
7.Ostupid,while he was an attorney filed lawsuits against banks for ACORN in order to force banks to loan money to people who couldn’t afford to pay them back.Ostupid also suppressed efforts by Bush to investigate Fannie and Freddie.To this day the corrupt press blames this on Wall Street and the banks.They were not totally innocent but the crooked Gimmedats were far more to blame.
To Lonnie and all fellow gaystapo goose-stepper bigots he has named,
Feel free to move out to a poverty-stricken child-abusing starvation-riddled Commie fascist hellhole that better suits your hateful and hypocritical ideology, you misogynistic hate-mongers. If Chicago, Seattle, Detroit, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Flint, or any other American graveyard is not leftarded enough for you, there’s a whole country that’s as far left as you Stalinists are:
Nobody worries much about bathroom access there, since everyone’s too busy dodging small-time socialists (a.k.a. muggers) and standing in line for toilet paper. It’s the very embodiment of what you treasonous thugs want for our country as well. That’s why you’re not welcome in our state.
Perfect link about Venezuela.You would think this would get across to Lying Lonnie and his transgenderriods,but they can’t get their minds off the little girls.
All young people aren’t as stupid as Lonnie and Some companies.
HILLSBORO, Mo. (CBS St. Louis) – Over 150 Missouri high school students voiced their displeasure about a transgender teen using the girls’ locker room by walking out of class.
Students at Hillsboro High School staged a two-hour walkout Monday over 17-year-old Lila Perry, a student who has identified as a female since she was 13, using the girls’ locker room during gym class.
The school offered Perry a gender-neutral bathroom, which she turned down. St. Louis attorney Timm Schowalter says, “All students have a right, under Title 9, to access the bathroom of their choice.”
Family members of high school students were also holding a protest.
“Boys need to have their own locker room. Girls need to have their own locker room, and if somebody has mixed feelings where they are, they need to have their own also,” protester Jeff Childs told KMOV. Childs was holding a “Girls Rights Matter” sign.
Tammy Sorden, whose son goes to Hillsboro High School, believes it’s not right to give Lila special treatment “while the girls just have to suck it up.”
“The girls have rights, and they shouldn’t have to share a bathroom with a boy,” she told the Post-Dispatch.
Schowalter has worked with many corporations in gender equality and transgender issues. On KMOX Wednesday morning, the attorney was asked where he thought the situation would end up.
“It’s going to end up in court. And that’s where most of these issues are decided,” Schowalter says. “You have the administrative agencies – OSHA, EEOC, and the Department of Education clashing with the courts. Most of the times … the court, when the issue gets there, will not enforce those guidelines.”
Lila has dropped out of gym class for safety concerns, but she still plans on using the girl’s bathroom.
Normal people are starting to get involved with Lying Lonnie and his deranged freaks,and are not go to take this anymore.
Even in the article you post only 15% of the student turned out in the protest. This is change and people resist change but the world is changing fast. Your story was at the start of school last fall. What’s the attitude of student their today?
Here’s what the future looks only a few miles from the Hillsboro High School.
“A transgender teen in Missouri was crowned Homecoming queen of her high school this weekend, signifying acceptance in one part of the state even while students held a walk-out in another part of the state to protest their trans classmate.
Wearing a floor length peach gown, senior Landon Patterson appeared shocked when her name was read as the winner. “To have students and friends vote for me makes me feel loved for who I am,” Patterson said in an interview with Fox 4.”
Lying Lonnie,
Where do you see(it) was in the girls locker room.15% huh.Look at the nationwide polls.Target boycott is over 400 thousands and will go viral.And you think I should be worried about 100 companies that have queer CEO’S.I was going to New Mexico this spring,but I Emailed their tourist board and told them I’am going around them.I also told him after Target,New Mexico was next.The wussy said,”I hope not.These decisions are hard.”He doesn’t have a clue how hard it’s going to get.
Here is the article Lying Lonnie,where does it say 15%.Habitual Liar.
Students at Hillsboro High School staged a two-hour walkout Monday over 17-year-old Lila Perry, a student who has identified as a female since she was 13, using the girls’ locker room during gym class.
The school offered Perry a gender-neutral bathroom, which she turned down. St. Louis attorney Timm Schowalter says, “All students have a right, under Title 9, to access the bathroom of their choice.”
Family members of high school students were also holding a protest.
“Boys need to have their own locker room. Girls need to have their own locker room, and if somebody has mixed feelings where they are, they need to have their own also,” protester Jeff Childs told KMOV. Childs was holding a “Girls Rights Matter” sign.
Tammy Sorden, whose son goes to Hillsboro High School, believes it’s not right to give Lila special treatment “while the girls just have to suck it up.”
“The girls have rights, and they shouldn’t have to share a bathroom with a boy,” she told the Post-Dispatch.
Schowalter has worked with many corporations in gender equality and transgender issues. On KMOX Wednesday morning, the attorney was asked where he thought the situation would end up.
“It’s going to end up in court. And that’s where most of these issues are decided,” Schowalter says. “You have the administrative agencies – OSHA, EEOC, and the Department of Education clashing with the courts. Most of the times … the court, when the issue gets there, will not enforce those guidelines.”
Lila has dropped out of gym class for safety concerns, but she still plans on using the girl’s b
Indeed. This further excerpt from Orson Scott Card’s article, methinks, says it all about what people really think of the violence-loving intolerant cruel hate groups from which leftards like Lyin’ Lonnie were spawned:
America is a country of freedom, freedom to say what you think, freedom to believe any religion you want, freedom to marry a person of any race or gender, freedom to use birth control.
The Authorterians want to dictate away personal freedom.
If left to the mind set above, the majority in Authorterian states ( most former slave states ) would still require separate schools, separate water fountains, poll tax, voter supression for people of color and interracial marriage would still be illegal.
The US Constitution gives each citizen individual rights which the majority can not vote away. LBGT citizen, Muslim citizens, women and people of color have the same constitutional rights as a wealthy, white male.
You do not have a constitutional right to discriminate if you’re a public business.
Public schools are required by the US Constitution to protect the rights of Transgender students, sometimes against an angry, poorly informed, public who could be the majority. Mobs of angry whites in the Authorterian states in the 1960s did not remove the constitutional rights of children of color to an equal education and in the miniority.
The political incorrectness is so excepted now that people don’t want to speak up because somebody might not like them.I am not built that way nor it seems are you.I will not stand by and take it when someone is peeing on my foot and telling me it’s raining.I have long since gotten over giving a care what somebody thinks of me,just to go with the herd.As long as there is a breath in me,I will be fighting the likes of Lying Lonnie.
Lying Lonnie,
America was a place where you had freedom of speech.Now conservatives are not allowed in colleges.The media is 95% left wing.Idiots like you go to any conservative rallies and shout them down.The only free speech you people want is your own.Someone in the Trump rally said Trump was already making jobs because a lot of the protesters were being paid.It looks to me you queers would love Trump because he said he is for killing the unborn and is O.K. With you queers going in woman’s bathrooms.
Hey Lying Lonnie,
Why don’t you leave this slave state and go to California?Most everybody there is a just like you.Queers,welfare Queens,drug dealers,and gangs.You would fit right in in that hell hole.But,that is not your mission is it,you are determined to change the whole country into a preverted hell hole.
Lying Lonnie,
Don’t lecture me about blacks in the 1960’s.The Gimmedat Party were the ones in the KKK,and the ones that voted against civil rights.The only reason they starting loving blacks was their votes.So,they started giving them things to buy their votes.Then they started building High rise apartment buildings so they could keep them on the reservations and so they wouldn’t be in their neighborhoods.So,don’t lecture me on what the Gimmedats have done for the blacks.51% of 17 to 20 year old blacks don’t have a job,but they have a free phone.You race baiters are turning this country into a cross between Cuba and Ancient Rome.
TUPELO, Miss.—Since late last week, nearly a half million concerned citizens have signed American Family Association’s (AFA, http://www.afa.net) #BoycottTarget pledge after the retail giant recently publicized its policy to allow transgender individuals access to store bathrooms and fitting rooms of the opposite-sex.
Yep. Lyin’ Lonnie obviously can’t read, can’t think, can’t reason, and is a criminal enemy of liberty and the rule of law. When he and his fellow leftards die, they go down to stew in their lust and hatred and gnash their teeth and shake their fists at God for all eternity for sending them to the most “inclusive” place of all: the Lake of Fire.
Lying Lonnie must be down in Queerville(Asheville) taking pictures of all the perverts and will be telling us tomorrow that there was 10,000 of them when there was only a hundred or so.
Civitas Institute and Art Pope must be real proud of how well you represent Conservative Family Values.
This is Hillary.
I am white,Filthy rich,nominally Christian.I get huge donations from big corporations.I am everything Liberals hate and yet I am the one they want.If that’s not mental illness,what is it?What is it ,Lonnie?
Flattery will get you nowhere, Lonnie.
“You can’t legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.
What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
The government can’t give to anybody anything that the government doesn’t first take from somebody else.
When half of the people get the idea that they don’t have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
What in the Hell are you talking about?? You don’t think the workers at Walmart, McDonalds or KFC work? Now on the other hand, wealthy Congressional politicians have it petty easy with huge salaries, vacation packages and retirement and they don’t have to do anything but say no.
Children of the wealthy don ever have to worry about working for a living.
Art Pope’s greatest decision way to pick rich parents, likely you did the same.
Remember, George Soros, Tom Steyer, and Nick Hanauer are supposed to be “grassroots” while we the people are not:
Not all criminals and parasites are leftards, but all leftards are criminals and parasites.
Bless you heart, I have no idea what point you’re trying to make.
Lying Lonnie,
You have no idea about anything,bless you heart as you put it.
Lying Lonnie,
I would explain it to you but I’ve heard you just can’t understand anything after you have had a stroke.That must be the case with you because you keep leaving letters off your words.Like bless you heart, instead of bless your heart.
Lying Lonnie,
What about the 94 million that aren’t working.We have more people disabled with bad backs because they know you can’t prove that their back doesn’t hurt.Unlike you,picture taker,my parents had very little until late in life.I would guess my 60 to 80 hours a week for years was a heck of a lot more than you worked.When half of the people get the idea that they don’t have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.What is it about you cannot multiply wealth by dividing it that you can’t understand?My 5year old granddaughter can understand that.
What is it about workers being paid a wage, which allows them to modestly support a small family and live in dignity that you don’t understand?
Why do you support wealthy, politically powerful individuals exploiting the poor with low wages and payday loans? I suppose you also defend major corporations with call centers targeting the elderly?
Stop being so Damn lazy! Within that 94 million are children, older teens, students, stay at home moms, retirees, people with injures or short term illness and demographic areas like NC where political decisions and changing technology saw the exodus of major industries ( textiles, furniture and tobacco).
Why are conservatives such lazy thinkers? There are no simple solutions to complex problems and no gays, atheist and undocumented residents are not to blame.
Lying Lonnie,
Why don’t you get on Target’s case?They don’t pay a living wage either,but they pacify you Gimmedats by letting your base stroll into the wrong bathrooms.Your base is every weirdo in the country.You keep talking about underpaid and I’am talking about people that won’t work,period.You know, the biggest number of Gimmedats.
What makes you think Target gets a pass on wages? The same law or union which protects workers at Walmart or KFC would also protect workers at Target. Think!
No, you’re too lazy to seperate the majority of working poor, disabled, demographic depressed communities from the small miniority of actual lazy working age individuals who by the way also have hungry children who desperately need education and positive role models.
Lying Lonnie,
Why can’t you understand if you don’t make a living wage you have to get more education or experience and go somewhere that can afford to pay you more.Fast Food is never going to pay a living wage to teenagers.You say stop being lazy and I say quit being so stupid.Morons like you can scream until you are blue in the face and some jobs are never going to pay a living wage.So, get over it,it’s not going to happen.I paid my employees a living wage but some businesses don’t have the profit margin.Untill you have hired some people and paid them a living wage and all the entitlements you have to pay for on top of that you need to sit down and shut up.
Why do you support taxpayers supporting the basic necessities of Walmart, Target and KFC employees when all of these are major multinational corporation with CEOs making as much $10,000.00 per hour?
Why should 35% of workers live in poverty so you can buy a burger for $0. 35 less?
Lying Lonnie,
Like I said when you start hiring people and paying all their state and federal unemployment , healthcare, Social Security, and Medicare you can run your lip.Until then,shut up!
Unions will accomplish that goal but it’s also good for business and for meeting the needs of society, increased revenue,for infrastructure, transportation, schools, healthcare, police, courts and research.
People with business need customers with income and local, state and federal government with revenue to purchase what business is selling.
The only things Unions have accomplished is sending millions of jobs overseas.Along with stupid Gimmedats giving us the highest corporate taxes in the world.We cannot compete with anybody anymore.Not only are we not going to have living wage jobs we aren’t going to have any jobs.
I must disagree, Unions gave us the 40 hour work week, overtime pay, weekends, holidays, the middle class, vacation time off, the tourist industry, pensions, paid sick leave and safe working conditions.
Like I said,their demands sent their jobs out of the country.Anybody that can’t see that is just not in the real world.Why do you think all those jobs are gone?They also had fireman on trains and after they went to diesel the unions would not let them do away with fireman.The fireman just rode along and read magazines.That kind of stupidity is why jobs and unions are disappearing. If you did go to college,it’s plain to see you majored in activism and not economics.
Hey, “living wage” morons, congratulations! You’re fired:
By the way, McDonald’s isn’t the only fast food restaurant preparing to lay off greedy “living wage” morons:
“Carl’s Junior: f*** you! I’m eating!”
“Isolated incident!”
Number of people pledging to boycott target rapidly headed for a million:
(It has 979,123 signers as of this posting.)
Richard Cranium is Lonnie’s new name.You can use the shorter version.He and economics are like oil and water, he doesn’t have a clue.
The number of signers of the AFA’s boycott pledge now stands at 1,044,420 as of this writing.
The idiots at Target are still a bunch of preverts, so I hope we get 10 million signers and put them out of business.Then start on Lowe’s and the Bank of America.
Hey Pinto,
Just for fun check out theboeskool.com
This has the Lonnie’s really mad.The left’s absolutely furious after Supreme Court crushes hopes of putting end to Texas law.
Makes it harder for illegals and dead to vote.
The Supreme Court allowed a contentious voter identification law in Texas to stay in effect, denying an emergency request by leftist groups.
Democratic lawmakers and a coalition of Latino advocacy groups had challenged the Texas law as discriminatory, Fox News reported. The Supreme Court order on Friday, unsigned by the justices, is a temporary decision but could impact other states’ enforcement of voter ID laws, and make it harder for progressives to overturn similar laws nationwide.
The Texas law is one of the strictest voter identification laws in the country, according to Fox. More than 600,000 eligible Texas voters lack one of the required government-issued photo ID’s needed to cast a vote, according to state officials and the U.S. Justice Department.
Those opposing the law claim that many of the ineligible are poor Hispanic and black voters, but state officials say they have not seen large numbers of voters turned away, according to Fox.
The Court’s order is a temporary move but may extend into the November elections, as the lawsuit that challenged the Texas law is pending in federal court. And while the Supreme Court may address the issue later this year, a hearing by a federal appeals court is set for next month.
Conservatives are great at fixing non existing problems but do nothing about problems which exsist in reality.
Campaigns based in fear, bigotry, scapegoats and greed offer no solution to real problems but do bring injustice and suffering to those on the margins.
Conservatives like Larry are just lazy when it comes to thinking.
Old stupid is back.Talk about lazy,look it up,it has your picture.Why don’t you go over to the boeskool.com.They don’t believe in the first amendment like Civitas. If Civitas didn’t believe in the first amendment you would have been locked out a long time ago.That queer site would love you except they all believe like you and you wouldn’t have anyone to make you look stupid.You should quit having fear,bigotry,and scapegoats.We conservatives are going to fix an existing problem in November.We are go to send Hillary to the trash pile of history and to prison where she belongs.
While America has way too many angry, old, bigoted, white guys like you who will vote for a Fascist, most Americans are not going to put Trump in the Whitehouse. Moderate Republicans will be voting for the Democratic Candidate or stay at home.
Who you calling old, you old idiot? You are no kid, just because you are as stupid as one of Bernie’s millenniums, doesn’t make you one.The majority of Americans know she will be or should be in prison for letting God knows who , read her Emails and also letting our people die in Lebanon.No one has ever run for President who is so mistrusted.I don’t trust Trump but I would vote for the devil over that woman and so would the majority.She wants to keep doing what Ostupid did.He is the only President in history that never had a year of 3% economic growth.The only one ever.
SIMPLY THE WORST=> Obama is First President Ever to Not See Single Year of 3% GDP Growth
Obama’s just like Reagan… Except when he isn’t.
The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of both America’s strength as a nation and the well-being of the American people.
On Thursday the Commerce Department announced that the US economy expanded at the slowest pace in two years. GDP growth rose at an anemic 0.5% rate after a paltry 1.4% fourth quarter advance.
Ronald Reagan brought forth an annual real GDP growth of 3.5%.
Barack Obama will be lucky to average a 1.55% GDP growth rate.
This ranks Obama as the fourth worst presidency on record.
Barack Obama will be the only U.S. president in history who did not deliver a single year of 3.0%+ economic growth.
According to Louis Woodhill, if the economy continues to perform below 2.67% GDP growth rate this year, President Barack Obama will leave office with the fourth worst economic record in US history.
Assuming 2.67% RGDP growth for 2016, Obama will leave office having produced an average of 1.55% growth. This would place his presidency fourth from the bottom of the list of 39*, above only those of Herbert Hoover (-5.65%), Andrew Johnson (-0.70%) and Theodore Roosevelt (1.41%)
Definition of fascism for Students
: a political system headed by a dictator in which the government controls business and labor and opposition is not permitted.Since you don’t know what a Fascist is,this sounds just like Democrats to me. That want no private business,they want to control all business like they do the banks.
, They Want
Professor Jack Chambless of Valencia College in Orange County, Florida has his first year economics students write an essay detailing the support they think should be provided to them by the government. Chambless says 80 percent have the notion that government should pay for their education, assure their retirement, provide for their housing, and the list goes on. Oh, they also say that if necessary it would be okay to take money from the rich to help pay for such entitlement.
Millennials are dealing with the world as it was left to them by the Boomers, who were not exactly a shining example of good financial or environmental stewardship. Awash in student loans, 80 percent will at some time live with their parents after leaving college.
Old Lonnie is probably still living with,Mommy.This are the idiots he votes with.
Time and knowledge are on the side of the millennials, you false narrative and misinformed comments will assure they never vote for the Republican candidate.
Your misinformed political opinions are not an asset to your political desires.
What kind of time do they have.They owe a fortune for a so called education.All they are taught is how to scream at conservatives to leave their campus.You said us old angry men would lose the last election and we threw you Commies out for the first time in 112 years.I know you are too lazy to educate yourself.I know you are too lazy to read that Ostupid is the first President to never have a year with 3% GDP growth.That’s even worst than Jimmy Carter.You are not misinformed,you are just too stupid to look at facts.
Here is a Gimmedat that sees what is coming.
Top Dem Predicts: Trump Will Trample Hillary
04/28/2016 AAN
It’s starting. The grim reality that this election will come down to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has set in. The Bernie kids are going back to their parent’s basements, and the Washington establishment is probably headed to the bar, wondering where they went wrong.
So here we are; Trump vs. Hillary. So far, polls suggest that the former First Lady has the significant edge, with Trump significantly underwater with women and minorities. Some are predicting a landslide.
But one high level Democratic strategist thinks they’re wrong. Here’s why:
Democratic strategist Dave “Mudcat” Saunders believes Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton like a “baby seal,” and that working class whites who haven’t already left the Democratic Party for cultural reasons will due so now for economic ones.
“I know a ton of Democrats — male, female, black and white — here [in southern Virginia] who are going to vote for Trump. It’s all because of economic reasons. It’s because of his populist message,” Mudcat told The Daily Caller Wednesday.
Saunders has experience working with Jim Webb, helping getting him elected to the U.S Senate in 2006 and advised his failed bid for the presidency in 2016. Saunders was also an advisor to John Edwards in his 2008 presidential bid. The Democrat strategist is renowned for connecting politicians to “Bubbas” — white, working class Southerners.
“Working class whites in the South have already departed the Democratic Party for cultural reasons. Well the working class whites in the North are now deserting the Democrats because of economic reasons,” Mudcat told TheDC. He added, “this is the new age of economic populism, man. This is about survival for a lot of people.”
Saunders is likely right. Add to the equation the fact that many of the young voters who propelled Barack Obama to victory are incredibly unenthusiastic about Hillary Clinton, who they view as a moderate and a sell out. When you pair that with Hillary’s total inability to make a human connection with a single solitary voter, and Trump’s showmanship, it’s easy to see the New York billionaire pulling a complete 180 in the polls and putting Clinton away.
– See more at: http://www.stophillarypac.org/articles/top-dem-predicts-trump-will-trample-hillary#sthash.UUcKx5Nh.dpuf
Can you do basic math? How old are you? How old are the millennials?
Millennials have seen the worst of Capitalism, coming of age or growing up during the collapse of Wall Street, banks and auto industry which required a socialist bail out of Capitalism. They are straddled with unnecessary student loan debt (some by unethical and worthless for profit schools) owned by the same banks their government bailed out. Millennials watched their parents or friend parents loose jobs, homes and hope while the rich got richer.
Millennials watched their older siblings, peers or parents go fight a war based in lies, which made the world less safe.
Bernie is the only politician coming close to telling the truth to them.
If Trump were to be elected he would likely come down on the Millennials with excessive force and repressive police action fueling a real revolt.
The world has had to deal with Fascist right wing governments in the past. Trump’s brand of fascism will not last but it will do a great deal of damage, as it did to Germany and Italy.
You are the fascist.Its a funny thing capitalism is what we had under Regan when we were doing 3.5% growth and after 7 years under Socialism we are doing 1.7 % Talk about basic math.I explained to you and any other idiot the Clintons forced the banks to make loans to people that couldn’t pay them back.You are too lazy to read it and too dumb to understand it if you did read it.
You always want to blame the poor for what they have neither the political power or wealth to achieve.
Put your glasses on.I said the Clintons forced the banks to loan to people that couldn’t pay the loan back.When I was young I was a lot poorer than these people now.The difference was I did not have my hand out saying Gimmedat.I saved my money until I had a down payment.Unlike you I don’t think somebody owes me a living.So many of these people didn’t pay their loans back,the banks were going broke and had to be bailed out.One of Clinton’s appointments,Franklin Raines took 90 million in bonus after cooking the books.Then the Gimmedats and their corrupt press blamed it on wall street.You Gimmedats are as crooked as a barrel of fish hooks.I’am sure you think the middle class should pay the loans for all these people that couldn’t pay for a loan they shouldn’t have had in the first place.
It’s difficult to understand what conservatives would consider a sucessful president? America leads the world as the most stable economy. America leads the world in GDP.
President Obama has make sound economic decisions all of which Conservatives opposed.
We have the world’s best economy but not the best economic justice, not the best healthcare system nor the world’s best system of justice.
See this link.
On December 21, 2004, Raines accepted what he called “early retirement”[3] from his position as CEO while U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission investigators continued to investigate alleged accounting irregularities. He was accused by The Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO), the regulating body of Fannie Mae, of abetting widespread accounting errors, which included the shifting of losses so senior executives, such as himself, could earn large bonuses.[4]
In 2006, the OFHEO announced a suit against Raines in order to recover some or all of the $90 million in payments made to Raines based on the overstated earnings,[5] initially estimated to be $9 billion but have been announced as $6.3 billion.[6]
Civil charges were filed against Raines and two other former executives by the OFHEO in which the OFHEO sought $110 million in penalties and $115 million in returned bonuses from the three accused.[7] On April 18, 2008, the government announced a settlement with Raines together with J. Timothy Howard, Fannie’s former chief financial officer, and Leanne G. Spencer, Fannie’s former controller dismissing its charges. The three executives maintained their denial of the charges but agreed to the payment of fines totaling about $3 million, which were paid by Fannie’s insurance policies. Raines also agreed to donate to charity the proceeds from the sale of $1.8 million of his Fannie stock newly issued to him by the company and to give up stock options, which were valued at $15.6 million when issued. The stock options however had no value.[citation needed] The OFHEO press release said Raines also gave up an estimated $5.3 million of “other benefits” said to be related to his pension and forgone bonuses. Raines denied that he gave up any such benefits or paid any money out of pocket for the settlement.[8]
I saw your last ignorant post.So,you are proud of Ostupid being the only President to have never,never,having a single year of 3% growth. I would never have the nerve to brag about that.
Hey Lonnie,
Name one sound economic decisions that commie POS has made?
A good test of your logic, intelligence and ability to apply such information is in the following questions only you know the answers. I don’t expect actual answers but you know the answers.
What was your net worth on March 9, 2009 after the American enonomy began a free fall under Republican George W Bush in 2007?
What is your net worth today?
If you were smart your net worth today should be at least near double, thanks to President Obama and over the objections of conservatives.
Just what has that idiot done that would have doubled my net worth?I knew you couldn’t name one sound economic decision. Not one,Lonnie. Are you that lazy?Let’s hear it ,Lonnie,surely you can come up with one thing that moron has done.
We chose three measurements for comparing the five presidents. The most important statistic is the broadest one: the average annual increase in inflation-adjusted gross domestic product. Here’s a rundown of how the past five presidents have done on that score:
Average annual GDP increase, inflation-adjusted. Notice where your commie boy is.
George H.W. Bush
George W. Bush
President Obama bailed out the banks, the auto industry, Wall Street, appointed highly qualified cabinet members and administration. President Obama’s stimulus got the economy moving dispite GOP objections and demands for more ineffective tax cuts for the rich.
Most troops are out of war zones.
World leaders respect President Obama and he is welcome in n
Early every country with citizens of those countries having great affection for President Obama. Bush was nearly unable to travel because world opinion against him and his war policy.
President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.
President has a great sense of humor.
You really are arguing George W Bush was a better president than President Obama?????
Lying Lonnie,
There are the facts,Lonnie.Couldn’t come up with one thing could you? That’s the one thing that just kills Gimmedats,facts. All the Presidents are better than that moron.He gas taken our military back to WW1, all the while running the debt double of Bush’s.Bush had a great economy until all those Clinton loans to people that couldn’t pay for them came due.Then the foreclosures sank the economy and Ostupid has made it a lot worse.Can you not read the stats on the last 5 Presidents?If you are proud of those figures you are more stupid than O stupid.Ostupid won the Nobel Peace Prize.That’s hilarious.
He got the economy moving alright.Straight down. Unemployment is a joke.There are so many people that have been taken off the unemployment roles that aren’t even counted.The corrupt press talk about the jobs this idiot has created and never a word about the ones that have disappeared.There are a lot more of those than than ones that have been created.Hillary the felon is finding out how she and Ostupid destroyed all the coal jobs is not going over so well in W.Viriginia.This is going to cost her votes in Ky,,Illinois,Indiana,and other coal states.Fidel said a year or so ago that Socialism didn’t work so well for Cuba.Here is a news flash,it has never worked anywhere.Don’t give me that crap about Canada and all those countries that are the size of Asheville,they are all going broke with their communist medicine.Why do you keep talking about Bernie,that old commie is history.Ask Belgium if he is welcome after he was at a commie ballgame when his Muslims blew up a lot of their citizens.
Here’s more on President Obama’s sucess in turning around the America economy after conservative George W Bush ran it into the ditch.
You do know there is a difference in the deficit and the debt.The debt has gone from 10.6 trillion to close to 20 trillion under Ostupid.The deficit has gone down because Ostupid has gutted the military.Russia,China,North Korea,and Iran have all gotten more aggressive since.We are at the same shape when the Japanese decided we were weak enough to attack.You certainly know nothing about history.That queer Maddow and Chris(tingle up my leg) are bigger liars than you ,if that’s possible.
Which is it do you want a military more than 7 times larger than the world’s five largest militaries combined after the USA, or a decrease in Federal spending?
What do Conservatives like you think should be done differently military?
Think about all of the insane Conservative BS, “We gona build a great big beautiful wall”, “Death panels”, “Birth certificate” , “Obama’s going to take our guns away”, “The First lady is a man”.
Conservative propagandist think you to be a fool.
What decrease in federal spending?Doubling the national debt is not a decrease in federal spending,brain.He should have finished them off instead of leaving a handful of soldiers to be slaughtered.Do you say you Gimmedats have not been trying to take the guns for years? No,we don’t want a wall,we won’t millions more on welfare and free everything.Old Bernie says he is not for free everything he just wants money spent on public services instead of wasting Billions on Wall Street.One of your earlier posts about one of the best things Ostupid did was bail out the banks and Wall Street.You seem to be confused on which idiotic plan you are for.Back to what this was all about. Since I have proved you don’t know your butt from a hole in the ground about economics,the good news is Targets stock has lost over 2 Billion dollars.Next up is Wells Fargo.You queers have been trying to shut us up for years,it’s your turn.
Lying Lonnie,
Why are you Commies so violent? Tea Party rallies pick up all the trash and don’t set police cars on fire or break out windows,like your anti Trump thugs do.Mainly because when you watch those idiots destroying things on TV you can tell by looking at them they are just trash.You don’t even know this is happening because the corrupt networks you watch don’t even show this stuff.
Democrat Convention Schedule
Monday, July 25, 2016
11:15 AM
Free lunch, medical marijuana, and bus ride to the Convention
Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
1:30 PM
Group Voter Registration for Illegal Immigrants.
3:15 PM
Address on “Being the Real You”
Rachel Dolezal, former Head of the Seattle NAACP and
Caitlyn Jenner
4:30 PM
“How to Bank $200 Million as a
Public Servant and claim to be broke”
Hillary Clinton
4:45 PM
How to have a successful career
Without ever having a job, and
Still avoid paying taxes!
A Seminar Moderated by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
5:00 PM
Medals of Freedom presentation to
Army deserter Bo Bergdahl
For serving with Honor and Distinction
National Security Advisor Susan Rice
5:30 PM
Invitation-only Autograph Session
Souvenir photographs of Hillary and
Chelsea dodging Sniper Fire in Bosnia
6:30 PM
General vote on praising Baltimore rioters,
And on using the terminology
“Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”
7:30 PM
Breakout session with Bill Clinton
For women on avoiding the upcoming draft
8:30 PM
The White House “Semantics Committee” Meeting
General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as
“Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exuberance”
9:00 PM
“Liberal Bias in Media“ How we can make it work for you!
Tutorial sponsored by CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS,
The Washington Post and the New York Times
With Guest Speaker, Brian Williams
9:15 PM
Tribute Film to the Brave Freedom Fighters
Still incarcerated at GITMO
Michael Moore
9:45 PM
Personal Finance Seminar –
“Businesses Don’t Create Jobs”
Hillary Clinton
11:00 PM
Short film, “Setting Up Your Own Illegal
Email Server While Serving in A
Cabinet Post and How to Pretend
It’s No Big Deal”
Hosted by Hillary Clinton
11:30 PM
Official Nomination of Hillary
Bill Maher and Chris Matthews
Here’s a “good Christian” conservative like yourself who resents the $0.0000001 that went to buy groceries for this low income family and their children who were witnessing her rants.
Don’t she make you proud?
Link for the above post.
Lying Lonnie,
If your useless Ostupid hadn’t made this the worst economy since the Depression this guy would not need food stamps.Record number of people on food stamps.