March 23, 2016
CONTACT: Demi Dowdy (919) 834-2099
69 Percent of Voters Believe the Recently Passed Charlotte Ordinance is “Unreasonable and Unsafe”
RALEIGH – A new Civitas poll finds that a majority of North Carolina voters believe the recently passed Charlotte “anti-discrimination” bathroom ordinance is “unreasonable and unsafe.”
“With the special session happening today, this is important information about what registered voters think about this issue,” said Civitas President Francis De Luca.
The actual questions asked of respondents are as follows:
As you may know, the Charlotte City Council passed a new bathroom ordinance for transgender people that allows biological men and biological women, who identify as the opposite sex, to use the bathroom or locker room of their choosing. Now I am going to read you two viewpoints on this topic; please tell me which one you agree with more? (options rotated) Supporters of the ordinance say this is a reasonable and inclusive policy that allows transgender people to use the bathroom or locker room of the opposite sex if it makes them more comfortable. Opponents of the ordinance say this is an unreasonable and unsafe policy because it allows men to use the women’s bathroom and locker rooms in front of women and girls.
24% Reasonable And Inclusive
69% Unreasonable And Unsafe
8% Not Sure
Should Attorney General Roy Cooper use his authority to go get a Court Order stopping the Charlotte Bathroom Ordinance from going into effect on April 1st?
62% Yes
26% No
12% Not Sure
Should small business owners have the right to refuse to participate in activities such as hosting same sex weddings or providing cakes or flowers for events that violate the religious beliefs of the businesses owners? Or do small business owners not have the right to refuse to participate in these activities?
67% Should Have The Right To Refuse
26% Should Not Have The Right
6% Not Sure
Follow up release will be out shortly to include a link to cross tabs.
About this poll: SurveyUSA interviewed 400 registered voters from the entire state of North Carolina 03/22/16 through 03/23/16 using blended sample, mixed mode with a margin of error of approximately plus/minus 5 percent. Respondents reachable on a home telephone were interviewed on their home telephone in the recorded voice of a professional announcer, using Registration-list Based Sample (RBS) from Aristotle of Washington, DC. 21 percent of respondents were reached on their smartphone, tablet or other electronic device.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to creating a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. To that end, Civitas develops and advocates for conservative policy solutions to improve the lives of all North Carolinians.
Only 4% of Americans supported interracial marriage in 1958.
I want to be very clear. I’m REALLY against the states actions. It’s a joke. It’s a waste of my tax dollars. It’s case in point why Asheville, CLT and Raleigh voters REALLY need to step up in November and overpower these po dunk repub areas of the state and vote these morons out.
The people of North Carolina support common sense and value based legislation. The ordinance passed by the the Charlotte City Council is neither common sense or value based. It is a perverse, illegal and despicable act passed to give special privileges to a perverse class of people under the guise of equality. The only thing this ordinance does is give special privileges to a small group of people while taking the rights of everyone else. The NC Attorney General had the means to stop this heinous act but he abrogated his responsibility to his oath of office and supported decadence and debauchery.
Authortiarians do not care about representives government, civil rights, justice, truth or human rights. Political power is the only thing today’s NC conservatives worry about and will use bigotry, racism and fear mongering to hold such power.
I am trully against the bathroom change, I belive exposing our children to this would be totally wrong on so many levels. We must stand against this type of thinking. Our children are in need of care, and i belive this our responsibility.
Any person (or group) who deliberately choose to live in direct disobedience to God’s Biblical laws for the optimal life of an individual, family or society will suffer to loss of His blessings and protections. Unfortunately, those who love and remain obedient to God will also suffer for not providing the Gospel and discipleship to the others as commanded in Matt 28:28ff.
This is what happens when you have these sick laws.Thanks to Pinto for this link.
First, Charlotte should have let their citizens vote on this measure instead of ramming in through. Second, genders are assigned biologically at birth. I think the easiest solution is just to stick with the bathroom you grew up using. I’m all for transgenders enjoying whichever bathroom they feel comfortable with, but not when innocent children are put at risk. this law opens a loophole for predators and their simply must be a betters solution. Verdict: Good call NC.
Hey Michael,
If you are confused about your gender,check your underwear.