To read more of Civitas’ January polls, click here.
January 27, 2016
CONTACT: Demi Dowdy (919) 834-2099
RALEIGH – A new Civitas poll shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton maintains a strong lead in the Democratic primary race in North Carolina.
The poll asked likely Democratic primary election voters who their current choice is among the Democratic presidential hopefuls. 53 percent said Clinton, while 28 percent said they favored Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Fifteen percent said they did not know who they would vote for.
Clinton and Sanders polled far ahead of others on the ballot, including former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, who received 2 percent in our poll.
The exact text of the relevant question follows. (Totals may not equal 100 percent due to rounding.)
If the Democratic Primary for President were being held today and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote between? (READ IN ORDER)
2% Martin O’Malley
28% Bernie Sanders
53% Hillary Clinton
— Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente
1% Someone else (Specify)
15% Don’t Know
— Refused
The poll surveyed 500 likely Democratic voters, 30 percent on cell phones. The margin of error was plus/minus 4.38 percent. The survey was taken January 13-14 & 16, 2016. Cross tabs can be found here.
Civitas President Francis De Luca will be available for interviews to discuss the poll and issues of the day. To arrange an interview, email Demi Dowdy at or call 919.834.2099.
Founded in 2005, the Civitas Institute is a Raleigh, NC-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit policy organization committed to creating a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. Civitas conducts the only regular live-caller polling of North Carolina voters.
I guess this shows most Democrats would rather have a liar and a crook than a Socialist.
Either of these candidates will live in a world of reality and make decisions based on facts, science and needs of the America living breathing citizens.
Citizens are pissed at the rigged political system you poll is already outdated.
God help us. What happened to the Democratic Party? I’m voting for Cruz. Glad I’m an independent.