Now you can learn the school of economic thought that politicians, mainstream economic professors and Paul Krugman don’t want you to know about – right in the palm of your hand.
The Civitas Institute’s Austrian Economics app is now available for free download in Google Play and the iTunes store, just click the appropriate logo below:
Those being drawn to the liberty movement, and the “Austrian School” of economics specifically, will now be able to access the foundations of Austrian theory in the palm of their hand. This is the next logical step in utilizing the latest technology to spread the ideas so many of us hold dear.
In addition to laying out logically the core economic principles that serve as the foundation of economic theory, the app also explores Austrian analysis of common economic fallacies and public policy. And of course what Austrian economics app would be complete without sections explaining business cycle theory, money and the Fed?
In addition to the content provided, the app also includes links to dozens of articles, essays and even video lectures exploring Austrian economic concepts in greater detail.
A special thanks must be extended to Dr. Paul Cwik, Professor of Economics and Finance at the University of Mount Olive and associate scholar at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, for his role serving as academic advisor for the app.
I enjoy reading your web page even though I’m not from NC. I’m glad that you follow the Austrian School of Economics, as I think it is better than most. However, I don’t believe that the “one size fits all” mentality is sound reasoning-not in economics,medicine ,politics, or any other subject area. Since this is your economics page,I”m addressing that subject. In my opinion, solutions to complex economic situations could be addressed in the same manner that an engineer formulates a plan to solve a complex building situation or a physician addresses a complex medical situation. Each solution must based on its individual merits. I believe that in order your organization to be more effective in economics solutions that you present, you need to expand your economic horizons. I’ve found three books that you may find helpful that I think you will enjoy. 1. ” Butterfly Economics” by Paul Ormerod. 2. “The Wealth and Poverty of Nations…” by David Landes, and 3. ” Bad Samaritans: The myth of free trade..” by Ha Chang.
thank you very nice website
I can’t find it on Google Play any longer. Im trying to steer an interested friend towards it.
Is it gone?