Dear Friend,
I am writing to reassure you that there is no connection whatsoever between the Civitas Institute and a newspaper chain that reportedly was planning to create a nationwide database of people with legal permits to carry concealed firearms.
The confusion cropped up because the name of this newspaper group is Civitas Media, and by coincidence it is headquartered in Davidson, NC.
The scheme was unearthed by an Ohio organization, the Buckeye Firearms Association:
According to an internal email provided to Buckeye Firearms Association by a confidential source, Civitas Media, which owns some 88 newspapers across the country, has discussed the use of “public records act requests” to “build state-by-state databases that list those who have the right to carry” firearm licenses.
We at Civitas have nothing to do with this newspaper chain, and as you probably know, we fully support the Second Amendment, and totally reject any notion that law-abiding citizens who have earned the right to concealed-carry should be singled out and stigmatized by such a database.
The newspaper chain has supposedly disavowed any idea of creating such a database. Please be assured that the Civitas Institute stands 100 percent behind the right to bear arms — including legal permits to carry concealed weapons.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Semper Fi,
Francis X. De Luca
Col. USMCR (Ret.)
P.S. — On Dec. 7, several Civitas Institute employees underwent training to qualify for their NC concealed firearms permits!
Not that facts or unnecessary death and injuries matter to the NRA or the folks at Civitas Institute but here’s some facts.
Stupid is as stupid does. Please leave the great state of NC for greener pastures. SC and TX are filled with hate mongering gunslingers, try there to find a home. Leave NC alone.
Stories of “Responsible Gun Owners” like this one fill the nightly news across America are made possible by insane groups like the NRA and Civitas Institute.