May 8, 2013
CONTACT: Brian Balfour (919) 834-2099
RALEIGH – A new poll by the Civitas Institute reveals strong support for tax reform like the new Senate plan for revamping North Carolina’s tax code.
“There is strong support for tax reform that lowers and flattens the personal income tax while expanding the sales tax base,” said Civitas Policy Director Brian Balfour. “In fact, that support grows noticeably stronger if taxpayers are assured the reform plan would mean a major tax cut for our economy.”
The Civitas Institute has advocated for bold state tax reform measures, including complete income tax elimination. The April poll results also suggest most North Carolinians would pose little opposition if lawmakers decide to eliminate state income taxes in the future.
“Indeed, when asked about complete personal income tax elimination to be offset by an expansion of the sales tax to services, three-fourths of respondents believe they will be either better off or about the same, with only one in five thinking they will be worse off,” Balfour said.
The poll of 600 registered voters was taken April 20-22, and had a margin of error of plus-minus 4 percent.
Text of questions*:
[civitas_poll id=”2013_04″ question=”tax2″]
If you knew this tax reform plan would be the biggest tax cut in state history for North Carolina families would you support or oppose the proposal?
38.1% Strongly Support
28.8% Somewhat Support
5.6% Somewhat Oppose
15.9% Strongly Oppose
10.9% Undecided/don’t know
0.7% Don’t Know/Refused
[civitas_poll id=”2013_04″ question=”income1″]
*Because of rounding, subtotals may not equal overall totals.
About the Poll:
This poll of 600 registered voters, of which 25% (150) were cell phone respondents, in North Carolina was conducted April 20-22, 2013 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of registered general election voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past two general elections (2010, 2012) or be newly registered to vote since November 3, 2012.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 600 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-4% of the “True Values.”
For more information on Civitas polling, see
More information on the Civitas Institute is available at, or contact Jim Tynen at or (919) 834-2099.
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The Republicans have become rich by sending their investments — along with most of our jobs and our means of production — to a Communist enemy nation.
NOW they resent having to pay their fair share of taxes on those profits, so they have schemed to tax the working (or formerly working) people whom they have betrayed via a “fair” consumption tax?!? Not on your life! I’ll fight it with everything I’ve got.
Jeff Dreibus,
“Recovering Republican”