Feb. 1, 2013
CONTACT: Francis De Luca (919) 834-2099
Civitas Calls on NAACP’s McSurely to Retract Lie
Raleigh – The President of the Civitas Institute today called on attorney Al McSurely to retract a lie about Civitas he told at a press conference today.
State NAACP President William Barber held the conference to castigate efforts to require voter photo ID, and to denounce Rep. Michael Speciale, R-Craven, who had objected in a letter to comments from Barber.
Near the end of the conference, Al McSurely, legal redress chair of the state NAACP, took the podium. In his remarks, he assailed conservative groups, and said of Speciale’s letter, “I don’t think he really wrote this letter. I think he gave it to one of his Civitas people and said, ‘Let’s go after Reverend Barber.’”
“It is appalling that McSurely, an attorney and therefore an officer of the court, would make such an utterly false claim,” Civitas President Francis X. De Luca said. “He has no basis for making that charge: He made it up out of whole cloth. He should retract this lie immediately.”
Video of the whole press conference is available here. McSurely’s comments begin at roughly the 52-minute mark.
More information on the Civitas Institute is available at www.nccivitas.org, or contact Communications Director Jim Tynen at james.tynen@nccivitas.org or (919) 834-2099.
Are these people on drugs. Do they think the American People are stupid. Rev. Barber will push down women and small children to get in front of a camera. And the idiocy that usually follows looks more like something off Saturday Night Live. Look the left brought in the United Nations to keep the conservatives from denying voter rights. You know what the U.N. inspectors took away from it? Even when the liberals brought in their stooges, they talked about lack of requirement of ID for voting. You don’t even have that in third world dictatorships where everyone knows who will win. As William Shakespeare said “thou doth protest too much”. I think these folks count on voter fraud.
Well, Mark, I will suggest you remember the advice of the little- known 18th century author of the globalist and totalitarian agenda, Adam Weishaupt. “Target the women. Their men will follow. Then you will have their children.”