This poll of 600 registered 2012 general election voters in North Carolina was conducted July 16-18, 2012 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of registered 2012 general election voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 600 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-4% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every person in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.
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Your questions were well phrased. I was concerned that 80 percent of the respondents were white with 14% African American and a little over 1% were Hispanics. Let’s find out how the African Americans and Hispanics feel about family life, killing children in the womb when it is the adult’s responsibility to protect against unwanted births, improving our education system, having more money in hand to expand our economy, lower taxes, increasing employment and having a president who repsects the office and we can trust to tell the whole truth.
I have come to believe that we are not of different races. The only race we have is the human race. Let’s bring back our country to where we can live our lives with less govenment interference and more personal responsibility. Educate …Educate …Educate
At this point, many people just want peace.. The country is so divided right now because of the socialist news media stirring hate between the rich and poor.., black and white.. and male and female.. This is how socialist dictators take over .. Our once small differences have become monsters..We must restore sanity to the leadership of this country..I recently read a comment on a news blog.. she said ” I never worked for a poor man.. Poor people have no money to pay you..” How ignorant are people who critize bosses with money? It is the American way for people who are able to earn money to share it through hiring of others.. I am shocked when I hear the number of people who are willing to live on the dole instead of earning their own way..We must give Mitt Romney a chance to restore our country to its rightful position as a Godly country going by our constitution..
Barbara, I agree it is a problem that so few African-Americans and Latinos answered the survey, but to be honest, the reason tends to be that minorities are less likely to answer a poll than Whites are. It’s unfortunate because not only does it often skew poll results because many of those who are likely voters do not voice their opinion in polls, but also because it shows that fewer minorities are interested (and informed) about politics. I know that I will be voting for Mitt Romney because I have done my research and have learned as much as I could about both candidates, and I hope everyone does the same as I did.