600 adults from the entire state of North Carolina were interviewed by SurveyUSA 06/29/12 through 07/01/12, exclusively for the JW Pope Civitas Institute of Raleigh. Of the adults, 558 were identified by SurveyUSA as being registered to vote and were asked about the elections for President and North Carolina governor. Of the adults, 509 were identified by SurveyUSA as following news stories about the Supreme Court decision on health care, and were asked questions about that ruling.
If the election for President were today, would you vote for … Republican Mitt Romney? Or Democrat Barack Obama? 50% Mitt Romney 45% Barack Obama 3% Other 2% Undecided -
North Carolina will also elect a Governor. If the election for Governor were today, would you vote for … (choices rotated) Republican Pat McCrory? Democrat Walter Dalton? Or Libertarian Barbara Howe? 46% Pat McCrory 44% Walter Dalton 7% Barbara Howe 3% Undecided -
All in all, do you feel things in the nation are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are off on the wrong track? 34% Right direction 60% Wrong track 7% Not sure -
Are you following news stories about the Supreme Court decision on health care? 85% Yes 14% No -
The Supreme Court has ruled that the key provisions of the health care reform law are constitutional. Do you agree with the Supreme Court decision? Disagree with the decision? Or do you not know enough to say? 35% Agree 50% Disagree 15% Don’t know enough to say -
As a result of this Supreme Court ruling, will the health care you personally receive, get better, get worse, or stay the same? 19% Get better 45% Get worse 30% Stay about the same 6% Not sure -
As a result of this Supreme Court ruling, will the health care you personally receive, become more expensive, become less expensive, or stay the same? 53% More expensive 16% Less expensive 26% Stay the same 6% Not sure -
Regardless of how you may feel about the Supreme Court decision, should everyone in the United States be required to have health insurance? Or should every individual be allowed to choose whether to have health insurance? 33% Everyone required 61% Allowed to choose 6% Not sure -
Regardless of how you may feel about the Supreme Court decision, should insurance companies be able to deny health insurance to those who have pre-existing medical conditions? Or should insurance companies be required to cover everyone who wants to buy insurance? 12% Able to deny 82% Required to cover 6% Not sure -
If insurance companies have to cover everyone, even if they have preexisting conditions, should insurance companies be able to charge people different rates based on the expense experience of the insurance company, similar to the way they charge smokers more than non-smokers? Or not? 41% Should be able to charge people different rates 51% Should not 8% Not sure -
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 means the U.S. Supreme Court has complete integrity and 1 means the court has no integrity, how much integrity does the U.S. Supreme Court have? 16% 1 10% 2 7% 3 6% 4 22% 5 8% 6 8% 7 14% 8 4% 9 5% 10 -
Do you have health insurance? 88% Yes 11% No
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