The education quiz was nice. Why is it that for all the problems with the schools and their funding, firing teachers, etc., do we never hear anything about eliminating unnecessary classes, or at least revealing the complete list of classes and putting them up for discussion?
C. Daniel McCleansays
Education is over funded. Throwing money at the problem of educating the “chillens” has not done anything to improve the quality of education and the standing of our students in national rankings. The problem is not student teacher ratio either. The problem starts with tenure and ends up in the state’s DOE. The DOE designs the programs and they only think that they know what they are doing. Of course, the federal department of education is a major contributor to the over all problem. That makes the NEA and other teacher’s unions part of the problem. It seems that best way to go is to privatize education too. Private industry is results oriented which appears to be the opposite of what government owned business is concerned with.
I was suprised I knew as much as I did (6-10) It was eye opening. I am sharing this.
Craig T.says
I am going to post a link to an E-BOOK that ALL parents and tax payers alike NEED to read. It will answer ALL of your questions about why and how our kids keep getting “dumber”….
…forgot to let you know, the E-BOOK is FREE. And this is who wrote it.
From her website:
Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America’s Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.
K Godridgesays
On the last question I’m surprised the percentage isn’t even lower. I just ended my volunteering in a third grade classroom and everyday I left that class sickened. Children are NOT being taught. Teaching is all geared to those darned tests. And who makes them up??? There were questions on those tests that many adults would not have been able to answer….ESPECIALLY when you consider the children are NOT learning. Multiplication tables NOT being taught and emphasized. They depend on the “chart” which so many of them took the time to make up before they even began their math tests. And if that chart isn’t correct??? Spelling? Don’t bother with that either. Classes having to do with geography, in particular NC and the surrounding states. Seems like there should be a MAP on display and some full classroom discussion going on. No that didn’t happen either. Very little actual classroom instruction going on. The children are “on their own”…in third grade! My heart wept for these children.
Martha Cablesays
this is the disgusting result of years of liberal indoctrination in the school system. No wonder more and more folks are homeschooling. I was shocked at the last question and by the time I got there, and I only was correct on 3 total, I laughed and picked the lowest number possible, and geez whiz,. I was right! Slightly over half of the employees are actually teachers,.. and what do they teach? How to behave ina PC way?
No one fails,. they come in “second”. Oh, certain groups can’t pass a test? No problem, we’ll make the test so easy, everyone can pass. We won’t teach anything challenging in case there are those who don’t understand. And we need to wonder why our country is becoming third world? Keep your children home folks and teach them yourselves and they don’t get indoctrinated to be good socialists.
North Carolina’s graduation rate has improved tremendously over the years we are now ranked 25th in our graduation rate, the highest in the southeast and we spend less per pupil than 49 other states only mississippi spends less- As a native of this state all I can say is the GOP offers no serious solutions only smoke and mirrors and charters have never ever been proven to perform better than public schools-the majority do worse- but privitizing schools will help Art Pope’s buddies line their pockets-do some research and by the way teachers only have to be TOLD why they are being fired if they want to fire them it is very easy.
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The education quiz was nice. Why is it that for all the problems with the schools and their funding, firing teachers, etc., do we never hear anything about eliminating unnecessary classes, or at least revealing the complete list of classes and putting them up for discussion?
Education is over funded. Throwing money at the problem of educating the “chillens” has not done anything to improve the quality of education and the standing of our students in national rankings. The problem is not student teacher ratio either. The problem starts with tenure and ends up in the state’s DOE. The DOE designs the programs and they only think that they know what they are doing. Of course, the federal department of education is a major contributor to the over all problem. That makes the NEA and other teacher’s unions part of the problem. It seems that best way to go is to privatize education too. Private industry is results oriented which appears to be the opposite of what government owned business is concerned with.
I was suprised I knew as much as I did (6-10) It was eye opening. I am sharing this.
I am going to post a link to an E-BOOK that ALL parents and tax payers alike NEED to read. It will answer ALL of your questions about why and how our kids keep getting “dumber”….
…forgot to let you know, the E-BOOK is FREE. And this is who wrote it.
From her website:
Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America’s classrooms. Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa. Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America’s Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.
On the last question I’m surprised the percentage isn’t even lower. I just ended my volunteering in a third grade classroom and everyday I left that class sickened. Children are NOT being taught. Teaching is all geared to those darned tests. And who makes them up??? There were questions on those tests that many adults would not have been able to answer….ESPECIALLY when you consider the children are NOT learning. Multiplication tables NOT being taught and emphasized. They depend on the “chart” which so many of them took the time to make up before they even began their math tests. And if that chart isn’t correct??? Spelling? Don’t bother with that either. Classes having to do with geography, in particular NC and the surrounding states. Seems like there should be a MAP on display and some full classroom discussion going on. No that didn’t happen either. Very little actual classroom instruction going on. The children are “on their own”…in third grade! My heart wept for these children.
this is the disgusting result of years of liberal indoctrination in the school system. No wonder more and more folks are homeschooling. I was shocked at the last question and by the time I got there, and I only was correct on 3 total, I laughed and picked the lowest number possible, and geez whiz,. I was right! Slightly over half of the employees are actually teachers,.. and what do they teach? How to behave ina PC way?
No one fails,. they come in “second”. Oh, certain groups can’t pass a test? No problem, we’ll make the test so easy, everyone can pass. We won’t teach anything challenging in case there are those who don’t understand. And we need to wonder why our country is becoming third world? Keep your children home folks and teach them yourselves and they don’t get indoctrinated to be good socialists.
North Carolina’s graduation rate has improved tremendously over the years we are now ranked 25th in our graduation rate, the highest in the southeast and we spend less per pupil than 49 other states only mississippi spends less- As a native of this state all I can say is the GOP offers no serious solutions only smoke and mirrors and charters have never ever been proven to perform better than public schools-the majority do worse- but privitizing schools will help Art Pope’s buddies line their pockets-do some research and by the way teachers only have to be TOLD why they are being fired if they want to fire them it is very easy.