Civitas has been busy looking for ways to cut the budget, and last week we asked you for your suggestions. Here’s some of what we received.
2. If a teacher is absent then rather than paying another teacher to come in have the “rover” teach that class that day. In Wake County alone this is suppose to save $30 million per year.
3. Eliminate the cap on charter schools completely. Make a $350,000 per school “real property development” loan available to the incorporators to help on start up.
4. Cap the cost of new construction for public schools to encourage more use of bldgs. that already exist and can be adapted as Charters often do.
As an example in Wake Forest the renovation of Wake Forest Rolesville was $55,000,000 producing approximately 200+ new seats. Construction of Heritage High was $45,000,000 for about 1600 new seats. Total cost of Franklin Acad. charter school was $0 producing approx. 700 new seats.
The public purse can not continue to spend $100,000,000 in a 5 mile radius for 2 schools when charters which cost less to operate, cost nothing to tax payers for the construction. In total candor there should be some loan program to help charters overcome the initial cost of real property or upfit for becoming a school just to get them going.
Instead of a State Income Tax just have a State sales Tax that taxes consumption say at 15%
Zero based budget unless 2/3rds of Senate and House agree to increase budget.
Term limits to State Senators and Representatives. This will help stop corruption, back door deals, and cronyism
Stop plantings around overpasses
Contract out mowing of grass along highways
Raise admission standards in the UNC system so that more students do their first 2 years at a community colleges. This would take the pressure off the UNC system to expand campuses, buildings and dorms.
Reduce the salaries of Community College Presidents and Vice-Presidents across the board 15%.
Reduce the salaries of UNC professors across the board 10%.
Specify a minimum number of years that a state-owned PC, printers, and copiers must be used before it can be replaced.
Raise community college tuition rates 20%
Contract out maintenance of community college campuses via competitive bidding every 3 years.
Suspend state travel to meetings and conventions for state employees for 2 years.
Then no more hiring. Attrition will solve a lot.
Lower pay and retirement funding of govt staff to level of public workers.
Then drop all costs/spending by 10%
2. Cut Government Employee Headcount 33% across the board
3. Reduction in remaining government employee salaries by 33%
4. Increase number of students in public school classrooms (Every other country in the world has larger classrooms and better results)
2. Privatize the Alcoholic Beverage Control system, including the sale of all bricks-and-mortar and inventory assets. The State should no longer be in that business when private companies could do the job much better and OFF the State’s books. the legislature can still direct the rules of operation (though personally I do not agree with the need for “Blue Laws”).
3. Privatize EVERY part of the DOT possible, particularly by selling all state-owned construction vehicles and tools. There are plenty of contractors to ensure vigorous and responsive competition for jobs, large and small. We do NOT need the huge construction headcount the DOT maintains
2. Revise the retirement system for all new state employees to a defined benefit plan. Eliminate cost-of-living increases to the old plan.
3. Eliminate several layers of non-teaching positions in the bloated bureaucracy of the state college and university system.
Most of the residents on the Outer banks don’t want the bridge and neither do most of the tourists that I have talked to both this last summer and the summer before. The traffic problem that the bridge is suppose to relieve only occurs during the 100 day tourists season. During this 100 day period there is only a small percentage of rental homes that are not rented and thus the increase in rental income to the state and county would be very small, and this assumes that the changes in the community would not drive away long time return renters. This would come at a cost to the State Of $ 28 million for three years and $15 million for the next ten years. I doubt that the citizens or any of the North Carolina metropolitan areas would consider this money well spent. This bridge is only funded because of the political power of Senator Basnight and Rep Owens to bring home Pork for their district and I don’t think that we tax payers should pay.
2. Conduct a review of all state regulations to determine the purpose for which it was established and whether it is being effective. This review should include a cost/benefit analysis using empirical data. Allow the results of the cost/benefit analysis to determine whether the regulation should continue to exist.
3. Conduct a cost/benefit analysis of all state fees using empirical data. Allow the results of the analysis to determine whether the fees should continue to exist or be reduced.
4. Pass legislation to discontinue allowing the state and local governments to provide industrial incentives to companies.
Sell state aircraft and hangars
Tort reform: Enable lawsuits against nuisance and frivolous litigants. Allow state to sue litigants for recovery of legal costs as well as damages
Raise out of state tuition in all NC universities and colleges by 30 to 50%
Consider sale leasebacks on properties that have limited life cycles remaining
Refinance debt that exceeds currently available interest rates and terms
Cut off all funding for any program that supports social engineering or the political Left, ie Planned Parenthood, Legal Aid, and so on
Consolidate NC Agencies that have redundancies
Shut down the DEHNR Environmental Enhancement Program and outsource its work
Cut the work week to four days for all state employees that are not involved in health or safety of citizens. Cut their pay by 20% as well.
Cut ALL state employee salaries by 5%
Make state employees contribute $30 per month to their healthcare coverage
Make state employees contribute 8% of their pay to their pension plans.
Force all government agencies to make 10% cuts in the expenditures/budgets
Cut environmental regulations and the staff that enforce them
Review all state property leases for reasonableness and cancel them if not reasonable
Review all state property contracts for reasonableness and cancel them if not reasonable. Re-bid all contracts
Freeze new hiring
Sell surplus lands
2. More at Four is a great name, but a failed-expensive baby sitting service. X this out of the budget.
3. Across the board reduce all governmental employees by 5%. No one will be missed as far as work produced. The offices are a pitiful sham.
4. Pay and insurance for government employees brought in line with private business.
5. Our failing school system must be fixed last week. Easy to do, but no one has the muster for it. There is nothing wrong with our teachers. by the way. Teachers who should not be in the system must be removed. These few teachers hurt the student in a way that they may never recover after exposure to a failing classroom for one hear. It creates and ‘educational void’.
6. College is a bad joke with 52% graduating in 6 years. Paying a full salary to a professor teaching 3-6 hours a week is past absurd-with no responsibility or liability when his students are a failure.
7. When the education problem is corrected America will once again be at the top of the heap- the result will crank up both jobs and production again. Give Americans a chance.
Failure to do so should be removal.
I do NOT agree in cutting prisoner education programs. I feel in financial crises such as these prisoners are regarded as second-hand citizens even though it is the right of the state to rehabilitate prisoners to prevent readmission. Evidence would be useful to determine which programs are most useful, but studies require more funding – wait for another session.
only one DMV/county (encourage on-line services in many cases)
2. Reduce the overall number of state employees by 10%-allowing department heads to determine from where these cuts will be made.
3. Reduce all other expenditures by 10 and freeze them for three years, or until unemployment gets below 5%.
Cut per diem to legislators. Only pay them the actual cost. So the same for all state employees.
Cut down on the number of state vehicles.
Instead of passing laws, the legislature should start REPEALING laws and regulations that cause the budget to go up and that infringe on our freedom!!
– freeze on all hiring for (3) years.
– 5% annual reduction in the budget for (4) consecutive years
Zero based budgets. The legislature should refuse all budgets based on previous year’s spending.
Allow no more special breaks for companies to come to North Carolina. And reduce business income taxes.
Slowly reduce the amount of government pensions that are untaxed.
Get rid of exemptions in special areas that allow for the collection of unemployment benefits without seeking work.
cut all departments 10%–making sure that the worst gets the axe first
no more borrowing
Have a real review of public projects that involves a cost/benefit phase.
2. Stop taxpayer money that is spent on trying to get business into NC.
3. Freeze all state employees’ salaries.
4. Reduce taxes and freeze taxes hikes.
Eliminate state dept’s all together.
Eliminate early childhood education, smart start etc…
Eliminate all subsides for child care let the parents take care of their kids.
Reduce the size of the staffs working for the Governors office as well as the state legislature. ….Implement a NC State Fair Tax eliminate all other taxes; everybody pays tax.
2) I don’t recommend the insurance premium increase. If employees opt for a family plan they have to contribute 1000 per month which is not affordable. It needs to be studied to see how much uninsured state employee family members are costing the system. Would it be beneficial to lower the contribution amount to 100 to 200 dollars to get them in the system? Most of the family members would be children so they would not be likely to add much to the cost of the program. The extra premiums would probably be a net benefit to the system.
3) Eliminate baseline budgeting. Make all requests above the base salaries and utilities happen by request. My wife is a state employee and it shocks her each year when her department goes on a spending spree to use all their funds so they can get the same funding next year.
4) Implement a taxpayer’s bill of rights. Our state government should not have been allowed to grow more than the population plus inflation. The spending increases have to be constrained permanently.
Close Elizabeth City State University, transfer all students to East Carolina University, and re-assign all buildings to the Community College (which is using the buildings more than ECSU are using them.)
Allow individuals as well as companies to donate higher taxes voluntarily and to designate where these funds will be allocated much as some charities do. Even publish a list of donors for which these individuals or companies may be recognized.
When I ride down some of the major highways, I see the “.5” that has been added to the mileage markers along the road. These markers are a reference. The “.5” signs were a total waste of money.
I have read the comments so far. There are lots of good suggestions.
Add my vote to the privatizing of the ABS stores. The state should not be in any for profit businesses. In addition to all the ABC stores, the fishing pier should be sold. It competes with other private fishing piers unfairly by not being required to operate in an efficient way and getting state funds.
I am in favor or eliminating the tax credits for the movie industry. I see no reason to give millions of dollars to some actors who come in from California, make a movie, and leave. Let the movie industry compete without special tax treatment like every other business.
Eliminate the bribes to businesses to relocate here. States like Texas are attracting businesses because their tax structure makes it a good place to do business. We need to make NC a favorable environment for business without bribes.
Eliminate the insurance coverage for abortions and Viagra from the state employees health plan. In one Nevada school district, this change alone resulted in a savings of more than $750,000. I am sure the savings to NC will be significant and I, and many others, object to paying for the murder of fetuses. Abortion is a legal medical procedure but so are cosmetic breast implants and face lifts. These procedures are optional and optional procedures to improve life style should not be paid for with taxpayer funds. Let the employees pay for their optional life style choices from their own money.
A survey of what portion of employee medical insurance is paid by employees in businesses operating in the state should be done. State employees should pay the same contribution as employees in private industry do.
The state pension plan benefits should be reviewed and reduced to match the average defined benefit pension plans in private industry in the state.
I agree with the need to cut the administrative staff in all state agencies. All unfilled positions should be eliminated from the budget first. Then, target a cut of 10% of all administrative positions. Police, teachers, and fireman should be exempt from the cuts. They are always used as if they should be the first cut. They need to be exempt from the start. Stop using them as a political tool to save the administrative jobs. Everyone in an administrative position should be potential for budget cuts. The legislature should review the function of state departments and, in some cases; these functions should be completely eliminated. A 10% cut should be the target for the whole state. If some complete departments are eliminated, others whose services are more critical should have lower cuts but nobody should be exempt.
All Green programs should be eliminated.
We should change any laws that stop counties from verifying that people applying for public assistance like food stamps, medicade, or subsidized housing from verifying that the applicant is in this country legally. If a person applying for any public assistance is suspected of being in the country illegally, the state and county agencies should pass the information on to ICE for investigation.
We should require the DMV to stop issuing drivers licensees to people in the country illegally. Mexican Mitraculata cards should not be taken as an ID for a NCDL. The same standards used by immigration to determine legal status should be written into the state law. If a person is in the county legally on a visitor or H1 visa or other temporary visa, the NCDL should expire when the visa is due to expire.