Do you feel things in North Carolina are generally headed in the right direction or have gotten off on the wrong track? Right Direction 33% Wrong Track 55% Not sure 12% -
In the next election for statewide office in North Carolina, would you be more likely to vote for the: Republican 48% Democratic 35% Neither 7% Not sure 10% And if the election for US Congress were held today, would you be voting: Republican 50% Democratic 36% Neither 4% Not sure 10% -
When you think about voting for a member of the State Legislature, what issue or problem should be their highest priority? Economy and jobs 34% Improving public education 15% Holding down taxes 6% Reducing healthcare costs 7% Government Corruption 6% Moral Issues 5% Budget/Spending 13% Illegal Immigration 8% Other 2% Not sure 1% -
Opinion of Barack Obama: Favorable 42% Unfavorable 53% No Opinion 5% -
Opinion of Nancy Pelosi: Favorable 29% Unfavorable 57% No Opinion 10% Not aware 4% -
Opinion of Harry Reid: Favorable 18% Unfavorable 41% No Opinion 16% Not aware 24% -
Opinion of Bev Perdue: Favorable 41% Unfavorable 43% No Opinion 11% Not aware 5% -
Opinion of Richard Burr: Favorable 44% Unfavorable 30% No Opinion 18% Not aware 8% -
Opinion of Kay Hagan: Favorable 41% Unfavorable 40% No Opinion 14% Not aware 5% -
Opinion of Cal Cunningham: Favorable 17% Unfavorable 10% No Opinion 27% Not aware 47% -
Opinion of Elaine Marshall: Favorable 28% Unfavorable 14% No Opinion 20% Not aware 38% -
On fiscal issues, like taxes and government spending, do you generally consider yourself to be a liberal, moderate or a conservative? Liberal 13% Moderate 28% Conservative 58% Don’t Know 1% -
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Cutting taxes on small businesses and large corporations that operate in North Carolina creates a business friendly environment that allows those companies to stay here and create and maintain jobs here in North Carolina.” Strongly Agree 50% Somewhat Agree 28% Somewhat Disagree 10% Strongly Disagree 9% Don’t Know 4% -
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: "If we raise taxes on corporations, they will simply relocate to a state that won’t raise their taxes, and if they leave, they take those jobs with them." Strongly Agree 49% Somewhat Agree 22% Somewhat Disagree 14% Strongly Disagree 11% Don’t Know 4% -
Please tell me if you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Increased federal and state government spending will create and maintain good jobs in North Carolina.” Strongly Agree 15% Somewhat Agree 18% Somewhat Disagree 18% Strongly Disagree 45% Don’t Know 4% -
Which of the following comes closer to your opinion on taxes:
In order to create jobs, taxes should be cut on all businesses or targeted tax breaks and incentives should be given to a few businesses?All businesses 49% Targeted tax breaks 38% Other 1% Neither 5% Not sure 7% -
Which of the following is closer to your own opinion? My place of employment is hiring 29% My place of employment is letting people go 25% My place of employment is doing neither 24% Not sure 22% -
In order to improve North Carolina’s economy, which of the following actions do you think is most important? Reduce business taxes 15% Reduce personal income taxes 21% Increase state government spending 6% Reduce state government spending 41% Reform the pension system for public employees 9% Not sure 8% -
Do you feel that the enforcement of immigration laws should be a federal matter or a state matter? Federal 60% State 21% Both 17% Not sure 2% -
How would you rate the federal government of their enforcement of immigration laws; excellent, good fair or poor? Excellent 1% Good 6% Fair 23% Poor 68% Don’t Know 2% -
How closely have you followed the new law in Arizona, which tracks federal law, and allows local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants for being in the state illegally? Followed it very closely 34% Followed it somewhat closely 48% Haven’t followed it very closely 10% Haven’t followed it at all 8% -
Do you favor or oppose that new law in Arizona regarding illegal immigration. Strongly favor 48% Somewhat favor 17% Somewhat oppose 8% Strongly oppose 17% Not sure 11% -
Do you think North Carolina should enact a similar law? Yes 58% No 32% Not sure 9% -
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a member of the state legislature who sponsors a similar law? Much more 37% Somewhat more 23% Somewhat less 8% Much less 21% No difference 4% Not sure 6% -
Do you support or oppose drilling for oil and natural gas off the coast of North Carolina? Strongly support 32% Somewhat support 23% Somewhat oppose 11% Strongly oppose 26% Not sure 7% -
And which of the following best describes your opinion on offshore drilling: I supported offshore drilling before the spill in the gulf and I still support it today 57% I opposed offshore drilling before the spill in the gulf but I support it today 2% I supported offshore drilling before the spill in the gulf but I oppose it today 12% I opposed offshore drilling before the spill in the gulf and I still oppose it today 24% Not sure 4% -
Would you be more or less likely to support offshore drilling off the coast of North Carolina if you knew that the deposits off the coast of North Carolina were mainly cleaner, safer natural gas which does not cause the environmental or safety problems of oil if there is a leak or spill? Much more 42% Somewhat more 33% Somewhat less 5% Much less 11% No difference 4% Not sure 5% -
North Carolina makes available to the public approximately 100 specialized license plates which allow citizens with common interests to promote themselves and their causes, a plate saying “Choose Life” indicating that person is pro-life when it comes to abortion, has been blocked from consideration from the General Assembly. Do you support or oppose those who wish to have “Choose Life” as a specialty license plate to be able to do so? Strongly support 47% Somewhat support 21% Somewhat oppose 5% Strongly oppose 18% Not sure 8% -
Do you support of oppose:
Allowing 16 and 17 year olds to register to vote and posting their names and address online where anyone can access the information.Strongly support 2% Somewhat support 2% Somewhat oppose 10% Strongly oppose 84% Not sure 1% -
Do you support of oppose:
Giving tax breaks to Hollywood producers to film movies in North Carolina.Strongly support 19% Somewhat support 31% Somewhat oppose 16% Strongly oppose 29% Not sure 5% -
Do you support of oppose:
Spending $25 million to build a fishing pier in Nags Head.Strongly support 5% Somewhat support 9% Somewhat oppose 18% Strongly oppose 61% Not sure 8% -
Do you support of oppose:
Cutting the sentences of repeat felons, including rapists and murderers, in order to reduce the prison population.Strongly support 3% Somewhat support 2% Somewhat oppose 7% Strongly oppose 87% Not sure 2% -
Do you support of oppose:
Requiring government-issued photo identification to be shown in order to voteStrongly support 62% Somewhat support 19% Somewhat oppose 7% Strongly oppose 9% Not sure 3% -
Do you support of oppose:
Using taxpayer dollars to finance the campaigns of politicians.Strongly support 9% Somewhat support 11% Somewhat oppose 8% Strongly oppose 70% Not sure 3% -
Do you support of oppose:
Allowing people convicted of drunk driving 4 times to get their drivers’ license back if they avoid trouble for ten yearsStrongly support 18% Somewhat support 33% Somewhat oppose 12% Strongly oppose 36% Not sure 1% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Republican candidate who was supportive of George W. Bush when Bush was President.Much more 23% Somewhat more 21% Somewhat less 14% Much less 30% No difference 11% Not sure 2% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Republican who would refuse federal bailout money because he doesn’t want to put our country further into debt, and feels the bailout is a short term fix that doesn’t address long term spending issues.Much more 42% Somewhat more 22% Somewhat less 14% Much less 17% No difference 2% Not sure 2% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Republican candidate who wants to reduce state spending, even if it means some programs and services might be cut back.Much more 31% Somewhat more 28% Somewhat less 15% Much less 19% No difference 3% Not sure 4% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Republican candidate who is opposed to new taxes, because he or she believes that spending cuts are a better long term solution to a balanced budget.Much more 38% Somewhat more 28% Somewhat less 13% Much less 15% No difference 3% Not sure 3% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Republican candidate who votes against large tax incentive packages like were given to Dell and Google.Much more 21% Somewhat more 23% Somewhat less 24% Much less 20% No difference 5% Not sure 6% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Democratic candidate who is supportive of President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s policies in Washington.Much more 22% Somewhat more 13% Somewhat less 9% Much less 50% No difference 3% Not sure 3% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Democratic candidate who would accept federal bailout money to help pay for state programs for a year, and allow North Carolina to close its budget gap for a year.Much more 22% Somewhat more 21% Somewhat less 20% Much less 31% No difference 3% Not sure 3% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Democratic candidate who wants to increase spending on education and other services, even when the state is experiencing budget shortfalls.Much more 19% Somewhat more 17% Somewhat less 25% Much less 35% No difference 1% Not sure 2% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Democratic candidate who wants to raise taxes so that North Carolina can still provide services to residents without making any cuts.Much more 13% Somewhat more 19% Somewhat less 22% Much less 41% No difference 1% Not sure 3% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
A Democratic candidate that gives target tax breaks to small businesses but not across-the-board tax relief for all businesses.Much more 18% Somewhat more 28% Somewhat less 21% Much less 28% No difference 3% Not sure 2% -
Would you be more or less likely to support:
In the next election for statewide office in North Carolina, would you be more likely to vote for the:Republican 49% Democratic 37% Neither 3% Not sure 11%
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