Affiliation: Democratic 45% Republican 38% Unaffiliated 18% -
How likely are you to vote in the 2010 election for national and state offices: Definitely voting 62% Very Likely 28% Somewhat Likely 10% -
In general, would you say you are more or less interested in the upcoming 2010 elections than you were in the 2008 Presidential Election? More 25% Less 24% Same 49% Not Sure 1% -
Do you feel things in North Carolina are generally headed in the right direction or have gotten off on the wrong track? Right Direction 26% Wrong Track 57% Not sure 17% -
If the election for North Carolina State Legislature were held today, would you be voting: Democratic 37% Republican 38% Neither 6% Not sure 19% -
When you think about voting for a member of the State Legislature, what issue or problem should be their highest priority? The economy and jobs 39% Holding down taxes 14% Government corruption 9% Reducing health care costs 11% Illegal immigration 6% Improving public education 12% Moral issues 5% Other <1% Not sure 5% -
Opinion of Richard Burr: Favorable 33% Unfavorable 26% No opinion 29% Not aware 12% -
Opinion of Kay Hagan: Favorable 32% Unfavorable 27% No opinion 29% Not aware 12% -
Opinion of Barack Obama: Favorable 46% Unfavorable 42% No opinion 12% -
Which statement comes closest to describing your opinion of Barack Obama’s presidency: Exceeded my expectations 10% Met my expectations 41% Failed to meet my expectations 42% Not sure 7% -
Do you approve or disapprove of the manner in which President Obama is handling the oil spill in the Gulf? Strongly Approve 19% Somewhat Approve 30% Somewhat Disapprove 16% Strongly Disapprove 26% Not sure 8% -
Opinion of British Petroleum: Favorable 13% Unfavorable 54% No opinion 12% Not aware 11% -
Opinion of Bev Perdue: Favorable 37% Unfavorable 41% No opinion 20% Not aware 3% -
Which statement comes closest to describing your opinion of Bev Perdue’s governorship: Exceeded my expectations 4% Met my expectations 40% Failed to meet my expectations 44% Not sure 11% -
Opinion of Pat McCrory: Favorable 36% Unfavorable 13% No opinion 29% Not aware 22% -
If the election for Governor were held today and the candidates were: Republican Pat McCrory and Democrat Bev Perdue, who would you vote for? McCrory 34% Lean McCrory 12% Lean Perdue 7% Perdue 30% Not sure 17% -
Which party in North Carolina, the Democratic or Republican, do you trust more to handle the following issue: holding down taxes? Republican 42% Democrat 29% Both equally 59% Neither 17% Not sure 7% -
Which party in North Carolina, the Democratic or Republican, do you trust more to handle the following issue: creating jobs and growing the economy? Republican 34% Democrat 36% Both equally 7% Neither 15% Not sure 9% -
Which party in North Carolina, the Democratic or Republican, do you trust more to handle the following issue: fighting government corruption? Republican 28% Democrat 30% Both equally 6% Neither 28% Not sure 8% -
Which party in North Carolina, the Democratic or Republican, do you trust more to handle the following issue: improving public education? Republican 29% Democrat 38% Both equally 8% Neither 15% Not sure 9% -
Which party in North Carolina, the Democratic or Republican, do you trust more to handle the following issue: controlling illegal immigration? Republican 36% Democrat 28% Both equally 6% Neither 20% Not sure 9% -
The state’s spending plan for next year will be around $20 billion dollars, including about $1.6 billion from the federal stimulus package. Some say state legislators should refuse the federal money and only spend the same amount we spent in 2007. Others favor accepting the federal money and therefore increasing North Carolina’s spending level. Would you favor or oppose accepting the money and increasing spending? Support 39% Oppose 46% Not sure 15% -
Do you approve or disapprove of the proposal included in the state budget to increase funding for education of prisoners while not increasing K-12 funding? Approve 15% Disapprove 76% Not sure 9% -
Do you approve or disapprove of the North Carolina Senate voting to increase North Carolina’s debt by $500 Million to construct new buildings even though the State Treasurer said North Carolina was at its debt capacity? Approve 12% Disapprove 77% Not sure 11% -
When you hear that the state is receiving money from the federal government stimulus programs or other such spending, do you think there is a cost to you? Yes 83% No 10% Not sure 16% -
At a time when private employers are laying off workers, it is wrong for the number of government employees to grow. Agree 60% Disagree 31% Not sure 9% -
The Governor of North Carolina Makes $135,000 a year, and no state employee should be permitted to be paid more than that amount. Agree 61% Disagree 31% Not sure 8% -
The rate of growth of government jobs should not exceed the rate of growth of private sector jobs. Agree 64% Disagree 23% Not sure 13% -
Government hiring new employees helps offset the job losses suffered in the private sector and puts people back to work. Agree 56% Disagree 35% Not sure 10% -
How closely have you been following the news stories regarding the scandals involving former Governor Mike Easley? Very Closely 20% Somewhat Closely 51% Not at all 28% Not sure 1% -
Are you so dissatisfied with the direction North Carolina is headed that you believe all incumbents should be voted out of office, regardless of party? Yes 34% No 55% Not sure 11%
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