1. How likely are you to vote in the 2010 election for
National and State offices?
Definitely 72%
Very Likely 19%
Somewhat 10%
2. In general, would you say you are more or less
interested in the upcoming 2010 elections than you
were in the 2008 Presidential Election?
More 32%
Less 28%
Same 37%
Not Sure 2%
3. Do you feel things in North Carolina are generally
headed in the right direction or have gotten off on
the wrong track?
Right Direction 31%
Wrong Track 54%
Not Sure 15%
4. If the election for North Carolina State Legislature
were held today, would you be voting:
Democratic 39%
Republican 38%
Neither 7%
Not Sure 16%
Refused >1%
5. If the election for US Congress were held today,
would you be voting:
Democratic 39%
Republican 41%
Neither 5%
Not Sure 16%
Refused >1%
6. Besides the economy and unemployment, what
issue in North Carolina are you most concerned
None 3%
Health Care 29%
Taxes 10%
School/Education 22%
Illegal Immigration 3%
Roads/Highways 3%
Crime/Justice 2%
Environment 2%
Security/Terror 2%
Cost of Living 3%
Budget/Spending 2%
Government Corruption 2%
Only Jobs 2%
Not Sure 7%
1% or less 8%
7. Opinion of Barack Obama?
Favorable 52%
Unfavorable 37%
No Opinion 10%
8. Opinion of Bev Perdue?
Favorable 38%
Unfavorable 43%
No Opinion 18%
Not Aware 2%
9. Opinion of Richard Burr?
Favorable 33%
Unfavorable 20%
No Opinion 35%
Not Aware 12%
Refused >1%
10. If the Democratic Primary for US Senate were
held today, would you be voting for Elaine Marshall,
Cal Cunningham or Kenneth Lewis?
Marshall 14%
Cunningham 4%
Lewis 7%
Not Sure 75%
Refused >1%
11. Do you support or oppose the health care plan
being proposed by President Obama and the
Democratic-Controlled Congress?
Strongly Support 18%
Somewhat Support 25%
Somewhat Oppose 13%
Strongly Oppose 37%
Not Sure 7%
Refused >1%
12. Would you be more or less likely to support the
health care plan if you knew it would cost North
Carolina Taxpayers $600 Million per year to comply
with new Medicaid Mandates?
More 13%
Less 66%
No Difference 12%
Not Sure 9%
Refused >1%
13. Would you be more or less likely to support the
health care plan if you knew that those increased
Medicaid costs to be paid by North Carolinians were
waived for one state in order to secure the vote of
the US Senator from that state?
More 8%
Less 69%
No Difference 11%
Not Sure 13%
Refused >1%
14. There are many pieces to the Health Care Reform
Law that is being considered by Congress. One
Change, called the Individual Mandate, would
require every American to carry Health Insurance,
whether they want insurance or not. Do you think
this is a good idea or bad idea?
Good 41%
Bad 51%
Not Sure 8%
Refused >1%
15. Currently in North Carolina, bottles of hard liquor
are only available for purchase in state-owned ABC
Stores. Some have called for the system to be
changed to allow private businesses to sell liquor. Do
you believe the system should be kept the way it is
currently or should the system be changed to allow
private businesses to operate liquor stores?
Limit to ABC 47%
Private Businesses 44%
Not Sure 9%
Refused >1%
16. Governor Bev Perdue recently nicknamed herself
the “Jobs Governor.” Do you think this is an accurate
description of her first year in office?
Yes 12%
No 68%
Not Sure 19%
Refused >1%
17. Currently, North Carolina caps the number of
Charter Schools in the state at 100. Do you favor or
oppose lifting the cap?
Favor 56%
Oppose 24%
Not Sure 20%
Refused >1%
18. North Carolina’s teacher pay system is set up to
reward length of service and to ensure equal pay for
teachers. Other teachers’ pay systems have
competition tied to merit and allow administrators
greater flexibility in setting pay levels. Which system
do you think best serves the needs of North
Reward/Length Service 26%
Merit 61%
Not Sure 13%
Refused >1%
19. Do you favor or oppose the current policy which
allows community colleges to admit illegal
immigrants and charge out of state tuition?
Favor 28%
Oppose 64%
Not Sure 8%
Refused >1%
20. Do you support or oppose Congress passing a
second stimulus bill in an attempt to improve the
Support 31%
Oppose 59%
Not Sure 10%
Refused >1%
21. Do you support or oppose a tax credit for the
purchase of insurance to provide for long term
nursing care?
Support 68%
Oppose 16%
Not Sure 15%
Refused >1%
22. Do you think the average elected official in North
Carolina is ethical and honest or tends to be
unethical and dishonest?
Honest 34%
Dishonest 50%
Not Sure 16%
Refused >1%
23. Do you think it is ethical or unethical for
companies owned by members of the General
Assembly to receive contracts from the State for
Ethical 9%
Unethical 80%
Not Sure 11%
Refused >1%
24. Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for
a candidate who has ties to the group ACORN?
More 4%
Less 58%
No Difference 14%
Not Sure 25%
Refused >1%
25. Do you support or oppose legislation being
passed to place caps on the amount of money that
can be awarded in Medical Malpractice Suits?
Support 65%
Oppose 28%
Not Sure 7%
Refused >1%
26. Do you support or oppose legalizing video poker
in North Carolina?
Support 33%
Oppose 56%
Not Sure 11%
Refused >1%
27. Which of the following most reflects your beliefs
on taxes: Tax increases harm economic growth and
cause jobs to be lost or taxes increase have no real
effect on the economy and job creation?
Harm Growth 63%
No Impact 27%
Not Sure 10%
Refused >1%
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