Sponsored by Reps. Pricey Harrison (D-Guilford), Alice Graham Underhill (D-Craven) and Winkie Wilkins (D-Person), HB1807 is a resolution entitled “Support Federal Climate Change Legislation.” The resolution is full of claims perpetuated by the same false science that fuels the insanity of global warming alarmists everywhere.
The resolution calls for federal legislation that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, most likely in the form of carbon taxes or some form of cap and trade, which will cause energy prices to skyrocket. Furthermore, the resolution requests that federal climate change legislation – endorsed publicly by Climate Change (aka Global Warming) advocate and former Democratic Presidential nominee Al Gore – not interfere with state legislative efforts to control carbon emissions. Such language provides a glimpse into the future of the state as Gore groupies Harrison, Underhill and Wilkins reveal their desire to control individuals through carbon taxes on the state level. It is as though these three do not see that North Carolina is taxed enough already.
HB1807 would exacerbate our states’ unfriendly business environment thereby slowing economic growth and inhibiting job creation. Gore groupies Harrison, Underhill and Wilkins support climate change legislation while the National Federation of Independent Business, which represents the interests of small business, has spoken out about the negative effects of such legislation.
This bill requests legislation that is antithetical to free-market and limited-government principles; it requests wealth redistribution, increased energy costs resulting from market manipulation, higher taxes and suggests that North Carolina may take action to “control carbon emissions.” For all of these reasons, HB1807 is this week’s “Bad Bill of the Week.”
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