Civitas hopes you have been enjoying the holidays and that this little polling Christmas present from us will give you something to think about between Christmas and New Years.
Our December poll included 36 questions. Below we are providing an advanced look at 17 of those questions. We will be releasing the rest of the results in January. Civitas conducts polling as a public service to help educate North Carolina residents on the viewpoints of other North Carolinians , and to inform elected officials on their constituents’ opinions concerning important policies and issues.
This polling is made possible by the generosity of donors. I would like to encourage you to make a donation now to take advantage of a tax deduction in 2010. As a supporter you will be added to the list of Civitas supporters who receive our information before the general public.
Donate $100 or more before December 31, 2010 and receive a special analysis of this poll including a look at questions dealing with budget cuts, education and requiring voters to have a photo ID to vote.
If you have followed our polling and work, you know we are the one source for information concerning policy and politics in North Carolina – take a second and support our work.
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Generally speaking, would you say that things in North Carolina are going in the right direction, or have they gotten off on the wrong track? Right direction 33% Wrong track 57% Not sure 10% -
Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as president? Strongly approve 25% Somewhat approve 21% Somewhat disapprove 11% Strongly disapprove 41% Not sure 1% -
As you may know, President Obama and Congressional Republicans reached an agreement on a plan to extend the tax cuts for all Americans that were scheduled to expire at the end of the year. The compromise plan also includes an extension of unemployment aid for unemployed Americans, a cut in payroll taxes for 2011 and tax breaks for small businesses. Do you think Congress should or should not pass this compromise plan? Should pass it 69% Should not pass it 25% Not sure 6% -
Which one of the following is the most important issue facing North Carolina? Jobs & the Economy 36% Education 17% State Budget & Govt. Spending 16% Illegal immigration 9% Health Care 8% Taxes 4% Crime & Drugs 4% Goverment Corruption 4% Environment 1% Not sure 1% -
Would you support cutting taxes to encourage job creation even if it might require additional cuts in government spending in the short run? Yes 77% No 19% Not sure 4% -
Do you personally have an official photo ID, such as a driver’s license, an ID card from the DMV, a military ID or a U.S. passport? Yes 99% No 1% -
Do you favor or oppose an amendment to the North Carolina constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman? Strongly Favor 58% Somewhat Favor 7% Somewhat Oppose 9% Strongly Oppose 23% Not sure 2% -
As you know, there was an election for state and federal offices in November. Many people we have spoken to did not happen to vote. How about you? Did you happen to vote in this year’s election, or were you unable, like many others, to make it to the polls? Yes, I Voted 80% No, I did not vote 20% -
Some people decide early in a campaign how they will vote. Others make their decisions just before the election. When would you say you made your final decision on which candidate you were going to vote for? Election Day 7% During the last few days before the election 16% During the last two weeks in October 22% During the last two weeks in October 12% In September 17% Before September 25% Not sure 1% -
Although the next election isn’t until 2012… If the election for GOVERNOR were being held today, for whom would you vote if the candidates were Republican, Pat McCrory, or Democrat, Bev Perdue? Defintely McCrory 35% Probably McCrory 17% Probably Perdue 14% Definitely Perdue 22% Not sure 12% -
Despite how you may feel now, are you registered to vote as a Republican, a Democrat, or something else? Strong Republican 21% Not-so-strong Republican 11% Lean Republican 8% Something Else/Independent/Unaffiliated 11% Lean Democrat 4% Not-so-strong Democrat 18% Strong Democrat 27% -
Generally speaking, do you consider yourself to be conservative, moderate or liberal on most issues? Very Conservative 26% Somewhat Conservative 26% Moderate 34% Somewhat Liberal 7% Very Liberal 5% Not sure 2% -
Do you consider yourself a supporter of the Tea Party Movement? Yes 34% No 56% Depends 3% Not sure 7% -
Regardless of how you may feel today…for which of the following candidates did you vote for President… John McCain 48% Barack Obama 45% Someone Else 1% Did not vote 3% Refused/Not sure 3% -
What is your main racial or ethnic heritage? White 73% Black 21% Hispanic 1% Asian 1% Other 2% Refused 1% -
Your Age: 18-34 18% 35-44 22% 45-54 18% 55-64 20 65 and above 21% Refused 1% -
Are you employed outside the home, are you a homemaker, or are you retired? Employed 51% Homemaker 10% Retired 32% Not in labor force/student 6% Refused/Not Sure 1%
If you find our polling and other work valuable, I would urge you to make a donation today!
If you donate $100 or more before December 31, 2010 you will receive the special analysis of this poll including a look at questions not included above.
If you care about policy and politics, you know we are the source for information in North Carolina – take a second and support our work.
Thank you,
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