The following are verbatim responses to open ended questions from the January 2009 Poll.
What issue or problem should be Governor Perdue’s highest priority?
- Jobs
- Address the homeless and drug problem
- Jobs
- Economy
- Economy
- Taxes
- Economy
- Jobs
- Education
- Employment
- Property values need to be stable
- Health care
- Improve employment
- Take care of veterans
- Health care
- Education
- Taxes
- Road and traffic
- Child healthcare, public education, economy
- Provide funding for schools
- Fix the banking industry in N.C.
- More jobs in North Carolina area
- Job market
- Transportation
- Economy
- The economy and jobs
- Economy and creating jobs
- Transportation issues
- Stopping crime
- Get highways and roads in order
- Taxes
- Joblessness
- Education
- The economy
- Employment
- Economy
- Illegal immigration
- War in Iraq
- Jobs
- Employment
- Creating jobs
- Economy
- Create jobs
- Economy
- Gas tax
- Just do the best she can
- Lack of jobs
- Balancing the budget
- Economy
- Unemployment
- Education
- The economy
- Unemployment
- The economy
- The economy
- She has been too nice. Needs to stick up for people of N.C.
- Improve education
- Economy
- Less taxes on N.C., cut spending
- Illegal immigration
- Economy
- Improving the economy
- Economy and education
- Better education
- The economy
- Taxation
- Standardized testing
- Economy
- Economic development
- Jobs
- Better funding for education.
- The economy
- Corruption of the government
- Education
- Economy
- Economy first and illegal immigration
- Getting rid of illegals
- The economy
- Industry
- Economy
- Fix the taxes
- Employment
- We need more funding for public education and more aid for college students.
- More jobs that paid a living wage
- Economy issues.
- Economy
- Jobs and economy
- The budget
- Health care
- Economy
- Economy and safety
- Employment
- Get the economy on track.
- Industry jobs
- Jobs
- Controlling the spending
- Education
- Deficit and spending
- Getting jobs for people
- Economy
- Economy lowering taxes and business taxes
- Getting jobs
- Economy
- Economy
- Creating jobs
- Getting businesses back in N.C.
- Economy
- Job market
- Economy
- Economy
- The economy
- Handling the deficit
- The economy
- The economy
- Jobs
- New businesses
- Economy and jobs
- Juvenile system needs to be fixed upright
- Try to get more jobs here
- Cutting corporation taxes
- Jobs
- Education
- The economy and health care
- Stopping the corruption in government
- Better education
- Jobs
- Protect North Carolina from federal government
- The economy
- Improving the economy
- Economy
- Improve jobs
- Roads and highways
- Pollution
- Help create more jobs
- Create jobs
- Education
- Education
- Focus on the economy
- Schools, roads and economy
- Jobs
- Education and the economy
- Jobs
- Health care
- Jobs
- Economy
- Economy
- Economy getting people back to work
- Jobs
- Taxes
- Unemployment in N.C..
- More jobs
- Better education
- She needs to listen more
- More jobs
- The economy
- The economy
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Education
- Balance the budget
- Improving jobs
- Create jobs.
- Economy
- Economy
- Educational funding
- Employment /jobs
- Gas prices
- Economy in N.C., make sure there is something besides one industry supporting the
- Economy
- Getting North Carolina back to work
- Employment
- Economy
- Better education.
- She needs a better a writer for her speeches
- Unemployment
- Economy
- Jobs, the economy
- Jobs
- Illegal immigrants
- Economic and creating jobs
- Balance the budget cut spending
- Economy
- Economy and education
- More industry
- Creating jobs and the economy
- Dealing with the economy
- Promoting employment for N.C.
- Economy improving jobs
- Creating more jobs
- Education
- Jobs.
- Taxes/reduction and money management
- Jobs
- Clean up the gangs
- The economy
- Balance the budget
- Crime and gangs
- Jobs
- Economy
- Getting jobs in N.C.
- Economy of the state
- Employment more jobs
- The economy
- The economy
- Improve the school system
- To create better jobs
- Lower taxes
- Improving the economy
- Employment
- The job market
- Take better care of charlotte
- The economy
- The economy, bringing jobs back to N.C. and immigration
- The economy
- Education
- Economy
- Health care
- The economy
- State employees
- Create more jobs.
- Education
- Jobs
- The economy
- Getting state health care under order
- Bring jobs here
- Education
- Needs more jobs
- Jobs
- Health issues
- Reducing state taxes
- The economy
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Economy and finding jobs
- Economy
- Bringing jobs to N.C. and lowering taxes
- Balancing the budget shortfall
- Bring more jobs to the area
- Access to off shore oil
- The economy
- Jobs
- Direct more money to the district attorney office
- Getting jobs and raising teacher pay
- Balance the N.C. budget
- Better education over all.
- The economy
- Rebuilding the roads
- The economy
- Education and the economy
- Budgeting the economics
- Getting people back to work
- Roads and highways
- Issues of the economy
- Roads
- Education
- Balance the budget
- The economy
- Employment
- Lowering taxes
- The economy
- Putting Americans to work
- Roads
- The economy
- Bring more jobs as well
- Farming issues
- Unemployment
- The economy
- Economy
- Jobs, recreation
- Education
- Did not visit new Hanover… Visit more areas
- Bring in new industry
- Crime
- Reduce North Carolina’s budget problems.
- Education
- Roads and jobs
- Helping with jobs in the economy
- Economy
- Taxes
- Helping N.C. improve itself
- The jobs and health care, economy
- Economy
- Jobs for the whole state
- Economy
- Employment
- Education
- The state economy
- Jobs
- Roads and highways
- Keeping jobs in North Carolina
- Education
- Improve the economy.
- Education-putting slower learners in one class and faster learners in higher
- Classes
- Highways and road improvement
- Jobs
- Economy
- Improving jobs
- High taxes
- Prescription costs for sr. Citizens
- The economy
- Economy
- Jobs and economy
- Employment
- Repealing the gasoline tax
- Ending the war in Iraq
- Economy and jobs
- The job rate
- Education
- Unemployment
- Getting jobs back to the working class
- School systems
- Help the economy.
- Economy
- Mental health system needs improvement
- Economics
- Economy
- Economy
- The economy
- Creating jobs
- The welfare of people in N.C.
- Education
- Lack of employment
- Job increase
- Employment go up
- Improve the economy
- Job increase
- Employment
- Economy
- Better education
- Illegal immigration
- Jobs
- Getting jobs back in N.C.
- Economy and employment
- Unemployment
- Job creation.
- Economy
- Create jobs and better the economy.
- Education
- The economy and schools
- The economy.
- Improve education funding
- Unemployment
- Improving the economy
- Economy
- Employment
- Education
- Jobs/economy
- Economy
- Creating jobs and keeping them in N.C.
- Getting people off welfare
- Creating jobs
- Improving the economy, including keeping businesses open
- Unemployment
- Get rid of government corruption.
- Jobs lost in North Carolina
- Economy
- The economy.
- The economy and the state budget and lower taxes
- Education
- Looking at sanctity of life and trying to assist business in retaining workers
- Cleaning up dept of transportation
- Controlling spending
- Government spending
- Needs more schools
- The state of N.C. To be a safe place to live
- Balance the budget
- The economy improve the standard of living
- Get the economy back on track.
- Education
- Fixing things in N.C…Such as jobs
- Public education
- Getting the economy straight
- The economy
- Bringing jobs to North Carolina
- Jobs
What is the biggest issue or problem facing North Carolina today?
- People being jobless
- Losing jobs
- High taxes
- Foreclosures
- Crime
- High taxes
- Drug addicts on the street. More homes for the homeless.
- Jobs
- Lack of jobs
- Jobs
- Education
- Financial issues
- Lack of jobs
- Jobs, foreclosures, economy
- Taxes
- Unemployment
- Taxes and unemployment
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Servicemen get no respect
- Jobs
- The economy
- Economy
- War in Iraq
- Employment
- Jobs
- Unemployment
- Not enough jobs
- Need more jobs
- No jobs
- Healthcare
- Unemployment
- Job wages are too low
- Unemployment
- Economy/jobs
- Economy
- Economy
- Lack of jobs
- Employment
- Joblessness
- Healthcare for children
- The economy
- Needs more jobs
- The lack of employment
- Road conditions
- Jobs
- Housing values
- Lack of employment
- Give seniors more consideration
- The banking industry
- Lack of jobs
- Unemployment
- Roads, not enough jobs
- Gas tax
- The crime rate
- Illegal immigration
- Economy
- Lower health care
- Economy
- Economy
- Jobs and health care
- Crash of housing market and credit crunch
- Unemployment
- The economy
- Unemployment
- Unemployment and affordable homes
- The government corruption
- No jobs
- Joblessness
- Jobs
- Jobs
- Illegal immigrants
- Lack of jobs
- High taxes
- Economy
- Education
- Employment
- Economy
- Unemployment rate
- Standardized testing
- Economy
- Unemployment
- Social issues
- We need better pay for our teachers.
- The economy
- Unemployment
- Improvement of education
- Business insurance
- Education, employment
- Not enough money being issued in Brunswick county
- Our politicians are corrupt
- Health insurance
- Larger world view
- Jobs
- Taxes
- The economy
- Loss of jobs.
- Economy
- The economy and budget.
- Unemployment
- Economy
- Jobs
- The government
- Moral issues
- Economy
- Economy
- Lack of employment
- Loss of jobs.
- Employment
- Gas tax
- Jobs
- Job cuts
- Education
- No jobs
- Lack of industry employment education
- Economy
- Lack of leadership
- Jobs leaving North Carolina and going overseas
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Economy and loss of jobs
- Economy
- Jobs
- Taxes
- Economy
- The economy
- Making sure education interfaces with need for employment
- Loss of jobs
- Labor issues
- Medical care and treatments
- New industry
- Tax on gas
- Moving jobs overseas
- Unemployment
- The economy and not enough jobs and taxes
- Crime rate in certain cities
- Unemployment
- Economy
- Unemployment and health care issues
- Jobs,health care,insurance
- Government
- Property growth is too slow
- Jobs
- Government corruption
- Jobs
- Employment
- The economy..attracting larger corporations to generate jobs
- Jobs
- Economy
- Illegal immigration
- Pollution
- Not enough jobs
- Lack of jobs
- Taxes
- Economy
- Education
- Lack of employment
- Traffic
- Jobs
- Economy
- Economics and health care
- Unemployment
- Economy
- Job security
- Economy
- Lack of jobs
- Unemployment
- Unemployment for college grads
- Education
- Public education needs better funding.
- Not enough jobs for the people.
- The economy
- The economy
- Employment
- Jobs
- Jobs lost
- Economy
- Jobs
- Illegal immigration
- The economy and loss of jobs.
- Home sales
- Rate of unemployment
- Loss of jobs.
- The education system, and seniors
- Jobs and economy
- Diversity of the job base, economy
- Loss of jobs
- Unemployment
- Healthcare for seniors and education
- Better quality of education.
- Economy
- Illegal immigration
- Unemployment
- Economy
- The economy
- Jobs
- Economy
- Economics and education
- More jobs, spending money and education
- Economy
- Employment
- Job loss
- Creating more jobs because everything has been taken overseas
- Employment
- Economy we need more jobs
- Economy
- The economy
- Education funding
- Govt. does not know how to manage money.
- Government corruption
- The economy
- Budget issues
- Crime and gangs
- Jobs
- Economy and taxes
- Unemployment
- Financial problems
- Employment wants to see more jobs
- Loss of jobs
- Unemployment
- The economy
- Economy
- The economy
- The welfare program should be revised
- Jobs
- The economy
- Unemployment
- The economy
- Taxes
- The job market
- Unemployment
- Energy taxes, people need to start doing the right thing hope tomorrow brings a change
- The economy
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Economy and job loss
- The economy
- High prices and mortgages
- Jobs and economy
- The economy is very bad.
- Education and highways
- Immigration issue
- Not enough jobs
- Health issues..North Carolina people are overweight and tobacco usage in public places
- Lack of jobs
- Employment
- Morality/teasing in school
- Not enough jobs
- Jobs
- Economy
- High taxes
- Banking industries going down hill
- Jobs
- Burglary
- The economy
- Lost jobs
- The budget shortfall
- The unemployment rate
- Economic situation, bank issues
- Financial issues
- Jobs
- Lack of money for the criminal justice system in charlotte
- Jobs
- Need to balance budget, roads need to be fixed
- Better education.
- Unemployment
- Rebuilding the roads
- The economy
- Jobs education and economy
- The economy
- Jobs
- Jobs and crime
- Quality education
- Abortion issue
- The high taxes
- Unemployment
- All the taxes are too high
- Illegal immigration
- Spending
- Economy
- Economy and lack of jobs
- Loss of jobs
- Health insurance issues
- The economy
- Economy
- Unemployment
- The economy and education
- Taxes
- Drug dealers, robbery
- The economy
- Better education
- Roads
- Too many immigrants taking jobs
- Budgetary constraints
- Taxes
- Immigration
- Health care and jobs
- Education
- Job loss
- Employment
- Quality of education
- Mental health issue
- The economy
- Job loss
- Education, better
- The bad economy.
- Too many people out of work..needs better paying jobs in the area, gangs more
- Police patrol to keep the violence under control.
- Not enough paid holidays
- Highways
- Financial.. Jobs
- Economy
- The economy
- Taxes
- Health care – prescription drug costs
- Lack of employment
- People losing jobs
- Economy
- NC residents are content to be ignorant to important issues
- Job losses
- Economy and jobs
- Money issues nobody has enough
- High taxes
- Lack of management of the state
- Unemployment
- Jobs
- They over tax everything
- Unemployment
- School systems
- Crime and public safety.
- Jobs
- Misappropriated money
- Economics
- Economy
- Sickness and not enough health care
- Job loss economics
- Jobs
- The recession
- The economy
- Need jobs to have insurance
- Loss of jobs
- Unemployment
- Economics issues
- Unemployment
- Increasing the growth of new business
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Better education for students.
- Illegal immigration
- Lack of jobs
- People losing jobs and an increase in crime
- Economy and jobs
- Jobs
- Unemployment
- The weak economy.
- The economy
- The bad economy.
- Economy
- The schools and the roads are in bad conditions
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Lack of jobs
- Government corruption
- Unemployment
- Environmental issues/wetlands/acid rain in mountains
- Economy
- Bad roads and not enough roads
- The environment
- Job market, losing industry
- Unemployment
- Lost of textile jobs
- Economy
- The economy.
- Taxes, jobs
- Snow removal
- Moral breakdown in the family
- Economy
- Jobs
- Taxes
- Lack of jobs
- Needs better schools
- Jobs
- Jobs
- The economy
- No jobs.
- Affordable child care
- Not enough money
- Economy
- The farming industry
- More jobs everyone is losing them
- Urban sprawl
- Unemployment
- Unemployment
- Government waste and spending
- Loss of jobs
- Businesses going overseas
- Misuse of tax dollars
What issue or problem should be President Obama’s biggest priority?
- The economy
- Taking care of everyone’s needs
- Increasing jobs
- Economy
- Creating jobs and returning them to USA.
- Economy
- Economy
- Economy
- Economy
- End the war
- Financial conditions, war in Middle East
- Employment
- Economy
- The economy
- Bring more jobs to area
- Improving education
- Economy
- Bringing in more jobs
- Getting more jobs
- The economy
- The economy
- Economy
- Economy
- Economy
- The war in Iraq
- Domestic issues
- Getting Americans back to work
- Ending the war
- Economy
- Economy
- Economy
- The economy
- Economy
- The economy
- Welfare of the elderly and disabled
- Getting jobs back into the economy
- Economy
- See about the economy first
- The war in Iraq
- Employment
- Foreclosures
- Economy
- Employment
- Economy
- Job creation
- The economy
- The recession
- Get the economy straightened out
- Job creation
- Economy
- The economy
- Employment and affordable housing
- Increasing employment
- The economy
- The economy
- The economy
- Economy
- The economy
- Get economy started
- The economy
- The economy
- Economy
- The economy
- The economy and getting rid of the war
- Economy and getting us back to work, keeping politics honest
- Getting the economy back in order
- Economy
- The economy and jobs
- Deal with illegals
- Stabilize the economy
- The war in Iraq
- Economy-lowering unemployment rate
- Taking care of American citizens first
- Economy
- Getting the economy on track
- The war
- Economy
- Getting jobs
- Our economy.
- Employment
- The economy
- The economy
- Health care cost
- The economy
- National security
- Getting out of Iraq
- The economy
- Economy
- Economy and war
- Economy
- The economy
- Get the economy back up and create jobs.
- Economy
- National security.
- The foreign policy
- Economy
- Economy
- Homeland security
- Economy
- Economy
- Fixing the stock market
- The economy
- The economy
- Economy
- Stopping the war
- Getting jobs back to America
- Economy
- The economy
- The war
- War on terrorism
- Bringing jobs back to the country
- Lack of jobs
- Economy
- Economy. Jobs
- Economy
- Creating jobs
- Economy stabilized
- Safety of the USA
- National security
- Taking profitability out of health care
- The economy
- Homeland security and health care
- Getting the US back into a working force
- Economic issues
- The war the economy back where it need to be.
- Economy
- Economy
- Economy
- Getting the economy back on track
- Employment people can’t pay their taxes
- Government spending
- More done for senior citizens
- Jobs
- Corruption
- Economy
- The economy
- Improving the economy
- Economy
- The economy
- Health care and economy
- Affordable health care for the elderly
- Employment, lack of
- How to fix the economy
- Economy specifically mortgages
- Healthcare
- Home security
- Economy finding more jobs
- Economy
- The economy
- The economy and jobs and education
- Creating jobs
- Needs to take care of the economy
- Taxes jobs and the economy
- Job increase
- Economy
- Economy
- Need to get people back to work
- The economy and bringing in jobs
- Get the country together
- The economy
- Unemployment in America
- Economy
- The economy.
- Improve the economy
- Stop the war!
- Getting us out of the recession
- Illegal immigration
- The economy
- Bring troops home
- Jobs
- Economy
- Social issues
- Stopping illegal immigration
- The economy.
- Stopping the war
- Economy
- He needs to create jobs.
- Ditch Guantanamo, and deal with the war
- Job opportunities
- Financial meltdown, energy policy extracting from war in middle east
- Economy
- Employment
- The economy
- Our economy.
- Economy
- The economy
- Economy and war
- Economy
- Stop handing money out to the big corporations and start handing it to low
- Income people
- Jobs
- The economy
- Economy and the war
- The war keeping the country safe and more jobs for the people
- Employment problems.. Iraq.. Economy
- Economy
- Terrorism and what is going on overseas as far at the war..the economy
- The economy
- Economy finding jobs is critical
- Economy
- The economy, the war in Iraq
- Economy
- Jobs and money
- Economy
- Jobs
- Economy
- The economy and the safety of this country
- Economy
- The economy.
- Jobs
- Homeland security
- The economy
- Improve the economy
- Creating more jobs
- Security of our nation
- The economy
- Economy
- The war in Iraq
- Health care, and the war situation
- To get people off welfare and back to work
- The economy
- Job creation
- The economy
- Economy
- Employment and stop sending jobs overseas
- The economy
- Keeping America safe , the economy, tax lower for the middle class
- The war
- The economy
- Provide jobs and improve the economy
- Economy and job creation
- Economy
- Economy
- The war in Iraq.
- The economy and keeping the country safe
- Create more jobs
- Create new jobs
- Economy
- The economy
- Jobs
- Needs jobs
- Creating jobs
- Economy
- Revive the economy
- The economy
- Economy
- Economy
- War and economy
- Economy protecting our nation building alliances being specific about what he
- Want Americans to do
- Restoring our reputation in the world
- The war in Iraq
- War in Iraq
- The economy
- Jobs
- Keeping fuel prices low
- Restoring middle class of America
- Restore confidence in the people on money issues
- The economy. We need change.
- Social issues
- Economy
- Taxes
- The economy
- The economy, the war
- Find jobs
- Economy issues
- The economy
- Economic development
- Getting jobs
- The war
- The war
- The economy
- The economy
- Illegal immigration
- Economy
- The us economy
- Bringing jobs back to the United States
- The economy
- Help for the elderly
- The economy
- Economy
- Jobs
- Terrorism
- Economy
- Privacy rights
- Economy
- Getting more jobs
- Improve the economy
- Unify the nation
- Economy
- Helping the small minorities like low income families
- Financial situation
- Economy
- The war
- Health care and the jobs, the war and the economy
- Economy
- The war and the jobs
- Whatever he thinks he should do first
- Employment
- Balanced budget
- Economy
- The economy
- The debt
- The economy
- Getting jobs back on track
- Economy
- The economy.
- Thinks he should not pull out of the war or we’re going to have a war here on
- U.S. Soil
- Economy
- Racial issues
- Economy… Big spenders
- Economy
- The economy
- The economy
- To be fair to all people and just do the best in his ability.
- Putting god back in schools
- Economy
- National security
- The economy
- Getting Americans to believe in one another
- To get things straightened out
- Economy
- Straighten the economy
- Economy
- Unemployment
- Getting jobs back to the working class people
- Economic plan
- Economy
- End the war in Iraq.
- Stop abortion
- National safety/terrorism
- Economics
- Terrorism
- Economy
- The economy fixed
- Economy
- The war and recession
- The welfare of the citizens
- Economy
- Health care cost
- Unemployment and health care
- Take care of the people in the rural areas
- Improve political corruption
- The economy
- Unemployment
- To support alternative fuel projects.
- Increase employment
- Turn the economy around
- Is getting jobs back in the US
- Economy
- Jobs
- To better the economy
- Healthcare… War… Economy
- Economy
- Jobs and the economy.
- Education
- He needs to more conservative
- The economy.
- The economy
- The recession
- The economy and jobs
- The economy
- National security
- The economy
- Getting the country out of debt
- Health care/affordable
- Economy
- The economy
- The economy
- War, economy, health care
- Ending the war
- Healthcare providing affordable healthcare for everyone
- Economy and off dependency for foreign fuel
- The economy.
- The war and the economy let the free market work
- Health care
- Economy
- The war and more jobs
- Job stimulation and health care
- The war, jobs for the people
- Economy
- The economy making sure we are safe
- Bring jobs back to America
- The economy, stop the war
- Create jobs
- Education
- Keep the country safe
- Economy
- The farming industry and gas prices
- Issues here at home…economy
- Infrastructure of the US
- Getting a handle on taxes for the middle class
- Improving the economy
- Economy
- The economy on its feet
- Economy trying to improve living for the middle class… And education
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