Do you approve or do you disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve | 44% |
Disapprove | 53% |
Not Sure | 3% |
Do you approve or do you disapprove of the job Bev Perdue is doing as Governor?
Approve | 29% |
Disapprove | 63% |
Not Sure | 8% |
If the election for the United States Congress were held today, would you be more likely to vote for the Republican? Or more likely to vote for the Democrat?
The Republican | 52% |
The Democrat | 39% |
Not Sure | 9% |
Congress may change health care. Do you strongly favor? Somewhat favor? Somewhat oppose? Or strongly oppose the proposals to change health care that are being discussed in Congress?
Strongly favor | 25% |
Somewhat favor | 19% |
Somewhat oppose | 12% |
Stronly oppose | 41% |
Not sure | 3% |
If a health care reform plan passes, do you think the quality of your health care will get better, worse or stay the same?
Get Better | 21% |
Get Worse | 50% |
Stay the same | 25% |
Not sure | 4% |
If a health care reform plan passes, do you think the cost of your health care will go up? Go down? Or stay about the same?
Go up | 56% |
Go down | 15% |
Stay about the same | 26% |
Not sure | 3% |
If a health care reform plan passes, do you think your taxes will go up? Go down? Or stay about the same?
Go up | 68% |
Go down | 3% |
Stay about the same | 26% |
Not sure | 2% |
Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a member of Congress who votes to pass a health care reform plan?
More Likely | 34% |
Less Likely | 51% |
No difference | 10% |
Not sure | 5% |
Thinking about what the phrase "The American Dream" means to you. Would you say the American Dream is still achievable? It is much harder now to achieve the American dream? Or that the American dream is now out of reach?
Still Achievable | 30% |
Much Harder Now | 50% |
Out of reach | 18% |
Not sure | 2% |
Which of these two statements do you agree with more? One: The North Carolina Legislature did not cut the state budget enough and raised taxes too much. Or, two: The Legislature made enough cuts and had to raise taxes.
Did Not Cut Enough | 60% |
Had To Raise Taxes | 28% |
Not sure | 12% |
Based on what you know, will the state government spend more money this year than last year? Spend less money this year? Or will the state spend about the same amount as it did last year?
Spend More Money This Year | 55% |
Spend Less Money This Year | 15% |
Stay about the same | 25% |
Not sure | 5% |
Has media coverage of people attending tea parties and town hall health care meetings been mostly fair? Or mostly unfair?
Fair | 25% |
Unfair | 57% |
Not sure | 18% |
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