Public Policy Guides and Blueprints
The purpose of the Civitas Institute Public Policy Series is to equip the legislator, as well as the layman, with the tools necessary to understand public policy in North Carolina.
A Blueprint for North Carolina Series
The vision of the John W. Pope Civitas Institute is of a North Carolina whose citizens enjoy liberty and prosperity derived from limited government, personal responsibility and civic engagement. Given that vision, what should our plan be? The Blueprint for North Carolina Series outlines a set of policy perspectives for change in five areas, as well as how citizens and lawmakers can bring about this change.
Toward this end, each guide does three things: defines basic terms, answers essential questions, and provides a legislative and political history regarding a particular policy area. Thus each guide consists of three distinct sections – Key Terms, Q&A, and a year-by-year Timeline – that can be used to easily find specific information on a particular issue or time period. Detailed charts and graphs provide additional data for those readers interested in learning more about select topics. Overall, the guides provide a roadmap for the citizen legislator – and perhaps more important, the average citizen – interested in learning more about essential policy ideas and long-term trends.
State Budget
2008 Guide Updates
Justice & Public Safety
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