This poll of 600 likely 2012 general election voters in North Carolina was conducted September 22-25, 2011 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of likely 2012 general election voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 600 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-4% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every person in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.
[civitas_poll id=”2011_09″]
you poll DOES NOT reflect the correct balance of what the folks really think in North Carolina and therefore is totally irrelevant, useless. Try getting REAL balance as they currently exist of men/women, black/white, Demcrat/Republican, city/rural, education and age group categories. Your poll doesn’t accurately reflect what really is going on in North Carolina.
No poll is correct balance unless you poll ALL people in the state. A poll of 1000 people in NC does little BUT it is something to look at.
Would like to see “retired” divided; private company/government.
Also, question(s) pertaining to NC representatives/senators having their own retirement plan.
Look forward to weekly report. Keep up the good work.
I found the answers to question 12 rather curious. 40% of the people think we need to have more ‘wealth redistribution’. The problem in this thinking has to do with HOW. If they believe government should address this issue then they don’t understand the nature of govenment, which indicates a need for better education – which too often depends on government teachers, who learned their economics in liberal colleges where wishful thinking passes as truth.
And thus the economy spirals down and we all become poorer for it.
40% of the polled think we should have MORE wealth redistribution? That’s shocking! My neighbor does not have a right to what I work to earn….period. That is theft and the government is an enabler. Those folks should read “The Law” by Frederic Bastiat…’s online for free and only about 70 pages. It completely explains what the parameters of government are and why redistribution is legalized theft.
Very interesting results … surprised at the % of undecided/refused on each question considering it was a purely optional survey and anonymous. The question that helped pull everything into perspective was the last one. It helped explain the results on many of the questions. The survey is what it is, and is encouraging from the standpoint that many were responding independent of stereotypical partisan politics. The best way to narrow any “innacurracies” would be to increase the sampling (if possible) and make the proportion of respondants by party affiliations to equal actual registered NC percentages. Am amazed at how many actually think that Obama is doing a good job. Just seems to prove that many still place their political party, race, personal identity above the good of our country … or are just simply blind to it.
I think the poll is very accurate – although I agree with the commenter that said a little more division would be helpful – say among those retired from government jobs vs. the private sector – given the largest majority of folks were retired. The largest majority of ages was between 41 and 55 – which is interesting. Seems pretty young to be retired from the private sector. I would have to conclude that we have an inordinate amount of retired state employees responding to this – which explains the huge “strongly oppose” numbers on the tea party question.
I’d like to see separate polls for black (minority) voters and white voters. North Carolina has one of the highest percentages of blacks who are predominantly liberal voters (more than 20% as in the poll). Additionally, most women are extremely liberal in their voting and by breaking it into several different polls you would truly understand why idiots like bho and perdue get elected, and why spreading the wealth is desired.
“The sweat of a man’s brow shall not be taxed!” – ???
ALL revenues should be raised through a FLAT or FAIR tax only. It is necessary that the amount of taxation MUST (by law and/or amendment) be completely transparent to the public at all times.
ALL increases in taxation may ONLY occur by the result of a public vote subject to veto only by the Congress or President, state legislature or governor, county commissioners, city council or mayor. This places taxation squarely in the hands of the people with the governmental bodies or the people having the ability to propose a tax increase but with the governmental bodies retaining oversight only.
No one person or group in employed by the government or the public sector should be allowed to determine their own recompense and all recompense of those who “feed at the public trough” must be a matter of public record.
The recompense of Congress should consist of a salary only devoid of all other perks and benefits such a health-care or pensions and the amount of recompense should be directly dependent upon the gross GNP. Their salary should drop immediately with the GNP losses but recover only over a period of 5 years with GNP gains.
The high percentage of people that think that wealth should be given to the less wealthy comes from our education system in NC. The system has been and is in most cases a promotion machine for socialistic ideas. Teachers in colleges should have to take a leave of absence and work in industry at least 1 year for every 5 they teach. They would learn more. Instead they live on campus where they are little kings.
I too was amazed at the percentage who feel the “working, earning, saving people” ought to share more with those unwilling to put forth the effort. That is not to take away Biblical teachings to take care of the widows and the poor…but it is not the government’s job. Putting it to school children: It’s like all those “A’s” you received on your report card? Well you need to give some to the C and D students to even things out. The kid’s reply….No way, I worked really hard for those A’s. How come kids get it but the socialist leaders in DC do not?
I am disturbed by the responses to questions 12 and 13. Our government should redistribute MORE income? We already have over 50 percent of the US population taking from our government than giving in. There is no real incentive to change the way things are if you are on the receiving end.
And then the results for question #14. Who, for heavens sake, do people think is making the money to be redistributed?
The Elois are among us to the tune of 40%. What will happen when all the non-Elois decide they have had enough and become Elois? We will all be ex[ploring our navels with flowers in our hair while drinking the nectar of the gods.
I am disturbed by the answers to # 12 and 13 too! Why should I work to provide income for those who will not work? The more that is redistributed, the fewer there will be who work! Also am disturbed by the large number, in most cases, of “don’t know/refused”. What is their problem? More could be said here!
While the results of this poll are a fun read… the demographics of the respondents are not representative of NC voters at large. Consider the demographics of most being white, born between 1941 and 1955, married and retired. Those participants were the most likely to be available to answer a phone survey…
Some see “redistribution” as if our economy were static. All of the money is constantly being redistributed as it is either spent or reinvested. Investing into what actually ‘creates’ income (please read; JOBS) Every new job created both adds to the income side AND removes someone from the ‘TAKE’ side of the ballance. Actually way more than that as one bread winner represents a family of takers. How much of the job production actually stays here in NC or even in the US is also a big factor in our economy. If we had to SPEND 20% more to keep 50% of the production here it would be a win/win thing. Note that I said ‘SPEND’, not ‘TAX’. At least 60% of every tax dollar is lost in burocracy. If more people out of work actually had to get hungry there would be a lot more people figuring a way to find some kind of work. You can’t work your way up in life if you are not first working at all. Are illegals taking up most of those entry level jobs? Enough said about that! You don’t have to argue about WHICH companys to give incentives to if you just stop taking the incintive from them in the form of higher taxes to begin with. Do you really think that ANY busines dosen’t want to GROW? Talk about killing the goose!!!
Redistribution will never work. You could give everyone in the state 100,000. and in a years time the ones who where broke before will be broke again standing with there hand out again. Wake up people, everyone is not going to be successfull.We as a people can not protect one from one’s bad choice.Law of nature, the strong will survive.
I too am absolutely shocked to read that 400 of 1000 North Carolinians (at least, these North Carolinians) believe that: “We [“we” is not defined in the question or answer] need to do more to transfer wealth from the people who have more to those who have less.” (Q12). -AND- that 520 of these same North Carolinians believe: “Our government SHOULD redistribute wealth by increasing taxes on wealthy earners.” (Q13)
Is it too far a leap to propose that these very sorry Americans, in their willingness (eagerness?) to replace Obama with Romney or Perry, isn’t a confidence vote in Conservative (i.e. American) values? (Not that Romney is Conservative, but he is, compared with the Communist.)
Rather, they betray themselves: people who depend on others know on which side their bread is buttered: they want to see OTHERS get wealthier so that THEY can steal it.
Hello, this weekend is pleasant in favor of me, since
this moment i am reading this enormous educational paragraph here at my home.