Raleigh, N.C. – While not having formally announced his candidacy for governor, Republican Pat McCrory leads Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue by 20 percent among North Carolina voters, according to a new poll released by the Civitas Institute. The poll also found voters in both parties divided on who they would pick if their respective primaries for governor were today.
Fifty-five percent of North Carolina voters said they are leaning or would vote for McCrory if the election for governor was today and the candidates were Pat McCrory, the Republican, or Bev Perdue, the Democrat. Thirty-five percent said they are leaning or would vote for Perdue, and 8 percent said they are undecided.
These numbers have remained largely stagnant since a December 2010 Civitas poll when McCrory lead Perdue 52 percent to 36 percent in a potential gubernatorial matchup. McCrory leads among 89 percent of Republicans and garners the key Unaffiliated vote by a 61 percent – 27 percent margin. Democrats support Perdue by 61 percent to 27 percent.
“Gov. Perdue’s numbers have not improved much despite the overwhelming media attention she received this legislative session,” said Civitas Institute President Francis De Luca.
Potential voters in both primaries are still not settled on who they would vote for if the gubernatorial primaries were today. Among Republican and Unaffiliated voters, 43 percent said they are leaning or would vote for McCrory, 32 percent are undecided, and 21 percent said they are leaning or would vote for someone else.
Among Democratic and Unaffiliated voters, 40 percent said they are leaning or would vote for someone else if the Democratic primary for governor was today. Forty-one percent said they are leaning or would vote for Perdue, and 17 percent are undecided.
“While McCrory may have a lead on Perdue overall, voters in both parties have not solidified on a gubernatorial nominee if there is a primary battle,” added De Luca.
The Civitas Poll is the only regular live-caller poll of critical issues facing North Carolina. For more information on Civitas polling see http://www.nccivitas.org/category/poll/.
Full Text of Questions:
“If the election for governor was held today and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote if the candidates were: Pat McCrory, the Republican, or Bev Perdue, the Democrat?”
Total McCrory – 55%
Total Perdue – 35%
Undecided – 8%
Definitely McCrory – 36%
Probably McCrory – 17%
Lean McCrory – 2%
Undecided – 8%
Lean Perdue – 1%
Probably Perdue – 9%
Definitely Perdue – 25%
Refused – 1%
“If the Republican primary for governor was being held today to determine the Republican nominee for Governor, would you vote for Pat McCrory or someone else?” (among Republican and unaffiliated voters only)
Total McCrory – 43%
Total Someone Else – 21%
Undecided – 32%
Definitely McCrory – 19%
Probably McCrory – 19%
Lean McCrory – 5%
Undecided – 32%
Lean Someone Else – 3%
Probably Someone Else – 12%
Definitely Someone Else – 6%
Refused – 4%
“If the Democratic primary for governor was being held today to determine the Democratic nominee for Governor, would you vote for Bev Perdue or someone else?” (among Democratic and unaffiliated voters only)
Total Perdue – 41%
Total Someone Else – 40%
Undecided – 17%
Definitely Perdue – 23%
Probably Perdue – 13%
Lean Perdue – 5%
Undecided – 17%
Lean Someone Else – 2%
Probably Someone Else – 12%
Definitely Someone Else – 26%
Refused – 1%
Click here for full results and crosstabs.
This poll of 600 registered general election voters in North Carolina was conducted July 12-13, 2011 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of registered voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 600 interviews (registered voters) will be within +-4% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every person in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.
The only drawback I have with Pat is his light rail agenda. Its a money losing system, with monies our state and federal governments don’t have and I don’t want to pay for in any way.
Bev Perdue has not been an effective governor. She follows in the mold of past Democrat governors. North Carolina, being one of the highest taxes states, is suffering under her administration. She been bad for North Carolina and does not support the wishes of the people regarding taxes.
Perry would be great. With Rick Perry we would have the true merging of government and religion much like Iran and several other mid-eastern countries. We could have mandatory church attendance tied to voting for church selected candidates. Over time all the laws could come from the bible with church elected officials enforcing them. Yes I support Rick Perry.
Michael – Christianity is not akin to Islam. Islam demands that religion be spread by force, at the tip of a sword. Those who will not comply must be destroyed. Christianity demands that one love his enemy. There is no spread by force doctrine in Christianity. Any person or faction in history that has done such has not abided by Christ’s teaching. On the contrary, doing so in Islam is consistent with Muslim doctrine. Study history with an open mind – when we were a Christian nation, we were much more free, enjoyed much more liberty, did not have the economic, crime, and corruption problems of today; and were a much more solvent nation altogether. However, Christianity was never legislated and forced on anyone. Freedom of worship is a precious and sacred tenet of our Constitution. Perry and others like him are Constitutionalists, and believe in individual liberty. Stating otherwise is nothing but a regurgitation of the far left progressive script; based on nothing but the intention to fear monger and control the masses. We are much more enslaved and subject to the chains of government under Obama and the new progressives infesting our nation. They essentially believe that the state is god, provides all, and demands all. Subjugation to the state is mandated, and citizens must comply. This is a far more realistic scenario, as it is occurring at this very moment – not the falsely perceived agenda of Christians like Rick Perry.
I woudl vote for McCrory any day , Lets pray he will win this time around.I caqn’t stand the idea of Bev. for another term.
Betty Parker
Yancey County